Do you reallly think Hulk is going to examine each person who paid $$$ and waited in line to spend a few seconds with him for a photo? It's a nothing burger.

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For more information on chemical ice nucleation please see the documentary The Dimming at geoengineeringwatch dot org. https://pin.it/754UhLYPS

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OK, Do please show a pitcure of your garden! …”If you are wondering who they are”… Harpo must feel Slighted?

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Today, I got some tomatoes, patatoes and carrots. Awesome!

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Potatoes! The very best are fresh ones like that!

It’s exciting!

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Carbon dioxide is great for the planet. Always has been. Makes one wonder why people are bent on hurting the earth by limiting carbon anything 🤔

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Nice to have you back, Manuel!! Thanks!! Head's Up for anyone wanting to see a Wider Cosmic View & where we are in it, check out THE URANTIA BOOK!!! ;-)

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That .04% carbon sure is real thick like!

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Manuel, I like how you are highlighting the content of your articles! Makes it much more readable. Thanks. Good work on selecting your subjects. I share your interests! Jim in Oregon

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