So much today....

First the so-called bird flu will turn up to be gain of function nastiness again. They are still using the PCR for testing. Fraudulent as heck. The fact that it is killing cats now is the evil minions way to get into the plebs personal pets. They will come for our house cats now.

Riddle me this: other than keeping a cat indoors, how do you stop a cat from killing/eating wild birds? Yeah, right.

BTW, it's not a pandemic at this point, that is fear porn IMO.

The pork thing is on the same lines but much more nefarious because it has been going on for several years now. Shame on the producers using such crap in their animals destined for human consumption.

Pretty certain the rover is fake as was the "moon landing". Study Van Allen radiation belts for some serious insight there.

Can't wait to exit the WHO. Hope it comes to pass.

You know, the whole chicken/bird flu thing is hincky as hell. It is meant to be part of the food famine coming soon. Eggs are a pretty common and much used food. To screw up the supply and create such fear is heinous. The powers that ought not be learned from convid that fear is a mind killer and allows the criminals to manipulate the massed. I hope enough people can see that this is simply round #2 of the same BS. The awful part is that people will again die.

The weather has been manipulated for so long now that I, at 60, am not certain that I have seen much normal weather. They have things so screwed up-see geoengineeringwatch.org for more on it.

Hope you had a lovely family Christmas!

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Wow. Not only have you watched the movie The Fugitive, you also know who Dane Wigington is! And I, being just 2 years older than you am likewise unsure if I have seen any "normal" or natural weather in my lifetime. I know one thing, it was a lot better when I was a kid! Want to see how bad it has gotten? Look at old pictures of your yard perhaps or pics of old trees. I recently looked at 10 year old pictures of my yard and was STUNNED. Everything was so GREEN. Today, everything is dead or dying. Look at any tree which has broken and fallen down. Look at the inside of that tree. 99% of the trees are either dead or dying from aluminum poisoning! 20 years ago I had two green apple trees on my property which yielded MASSIVE amounts of fruit. Over the years the apples got smaller, the leaves got yellow and blotchy and the branches started dropping - dead. I cut both down in 2017. I have 12 Leyland pine trees on the border of my property which I planted in 2001 to provide privacy. They grew up so nice and full and green, now they're all dead and dying. It's really quite sad. Please see my longer comment on this page.

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Thank you Dawn. You said basically everything I was going to say.

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We need to seriously get rid of the UN too! All these globalist organizations are straight up Evil and All need to be eliminated.

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So many bad news...., thank you for the truth.

The disappeared $41 bln, must be the black ops for the illegal geoengineering efforts, the sprayings they do not want to admit, yet every day the skies are full of it, poisoning everything and everyone!

Oh and all the white males looking for jobs in AI sector, please fight for your food first, before you get any job. The plan: kill off own population (alone with the pork..) in order to fill the country with foreigners who will work for less money, and be even better servants with limited rights, or who knows. India is one of the poorest countries, yet because of that it contributed most to the development of AI, by cheaply 'teaching it how to be a human, react like one, think like one.' Those who did that job, can easy transfer it here, and the point is, again, to completely annihilate humanity in long run and replace it with nonliving AI programmable devices... Just my Op-in-I-on.

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Is 2025 The Year of The Reckoning??? Thanks for all the updates, Manuel!!


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Nice finish, Manuel. That is literally what it takes to escape the matrix.

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How sick and tired are we of their constant gain of function research and fear porn about bird flu and their mass murdering and wasting of food (hundreds of millions of chickens and their eggs) while people starve to death?

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"But a new report found that up to $41 billion of the bank’s spending on climate finance is impossible to track." That's because it's underground...literally. They keep pumping billions and even trillions into their underground world with opulent cities and infrastructure with luxury and technology that would stagger the imagination!

Here is the new rule for those who rule over us. If you can imagine it; they're doing it. But only in the negative sense. That is, if it suits their malevolent agenda of destroying God's creation including mankind, it's being done. And is it betters their own situation at the expense of the people of the world, it's happening, again, at a rate and advanced technological achievement unheard of by most of the world.

They will release this technology on the people to DECEIVE them at the proper time and most will believe it all. In other words, they can say and do whatever they want and the people will go along with it. Those who do not go along with their lies and mandates will be detained in FEMA camps now in every state and every country of the world. Here is the latest on what they will probably do.

We need a little background info first. These drones aren't the only thing being seen in the sky but there are strange orbs, flashing and sparkling with color and light and I have no idea what they are. These were first seen circa 2011 and I got some (poor quality) footage of one that year. Nobody will tell me what they were. I sent this video to every source I could find and crickets. Not even a word about what they WEREN'T. See my video;


I recorded this 14 years ago when I first noticed these in the night sky (I have been "looking up" for a long time!) They can now be seen MUCH closer and with much better definition. They will use these and other hidden technology to foment an alien attack on this world very soon after millions of people disappear.

Is what I have been warning about these last 3 years looking more or less probable as these end days click by? It's all happening and it will happen exactly as the Bible tells us it will. They will probably stage an alien attack which will devastate cities with hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of REAL casualties but it won't be aliens, it will be THEM; the rulers of the darkness of this world, (including TRUMP and the rest of the visible puppets) using the hidden technology which they have been storing up for just this time, staging the biggest false flag attack on we the people in the history of the world.

There are no aliens from other galaxies, they are the FALLEN ANGELS of antiquity! To believe in aliens one must reject the Creation account in Genesis and Darwinism took care of that. Naturally those left alive will be so terrified they will do ANYTHING including taking their mandated MARK in their right hands or foreheads. They'll BEG for it! This will be the biggest terrorist attack ever seen and will make 9/11 seem like a Christmas pageant.

With the passing of time it seems more and more likely that the Rapture will be THE event which kicks off this whole fake alien attack. It will happen so fast that the people's heads will spin. Jesus has been tarrying for those who are sitting on the fence, afraid to commit to Him but that tarrying is nearly over now and He will appear in the clouds of Heaven anytime and call up every person (the dead in Christ first) then all who love Him and are born again will rise to meet Him in the air. To the world it will just seem as though we vanished. This is all true, folks. Don't wait any longer. See 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

Some day in the very near future, you won't hear from me anymore. (hopefully you'll all be with me and every other person who loves Him) You can escape all of this! Just call on the Name which is above every name, Jesus Christ. If you desire to know Him in your heart, He will come into your very being, the eternal part of you and He will CLEANSE you of every sin you have ever committed or ever will commit. When you finally admit that you NEED Him, He will take over for you. You will be sorry for your sins including (especially) the sin of rejecting Him up to the point of your conversion. But you will be given a NEW spirit which will replace the dead spirit in you and He will give you also, a NEW BODY at His coming, which as I have been warning on this thread, will be at ANY MINUTE NOW! What could be more important than being saved from what is coming and from eternity in a lake of fire?

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Thanks for sharing this

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