Homegrown food produces more carbon?

How STUPID does someone have to be to believe that?

What are they going to do? Stomp out home-grown gardens? Come and dig up our garden.

Come and spray some defoliant shit on my garden.

You'll become fertilizer IN my garden. Bet on it. I'll put a "CARBON FOOTPRINT" on your ass.

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Growing your own food “study” - anymore, when I see the word “study” in this context, about 80% of credibility is lost. Maybe more. Similar to “researchers have found that ______.” 😉😏🥱

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The first salvo in making your back garden illegal.

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Or…T R Y to make them illegal. A lot of what they say is to make “the peasants” squirm. Thye luuuuuv doing that. Don’t give them that pleasure.

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Is there any hope for me? What I mean to say is, could I possibly muster some hope for this world in these days after reading something like Governor Abbott's accusations of the Biden administration? How can I believe anything "they" say?

The Texas governor's public rebuttal and truthful claims of the Biden administration's unconstitutional actions of allowing illegal immigrants into the US APPEARS to be a glimmer of hope to those whose indignation has been raging about this (and every other) topic, but is it really?

Greg Abbott was "elected" to the highest office in the state of Texas but harking back to the very shady "election" that put the puppet Bidin in the office of POTUS, who allegedly got more votes than any other US president in history, (?!) does anyone really believe that Abbott earned that office by a majority "vote" of the people of the state of Texas?

I cannot drag myself to a position of hope by this proclamation of action or any other made against the deep state by what is so obviously declared by one of their own! My mind and logic won't accept that. And it's not as if my doubts about all of this are unsubstantiated; we have all seen the secret activities of the controllers very clearly.

I'd like to believe that we have a Congress that has within its sacrosanct halls persons of integrity which look out for the welfare of the people, but which of them has done ANYTHING (but talk) to stop the government mandated, "emergency" vaccine which is and has been proven to be killing innocent people by the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS if not millions? (which they claim are Covid deaths)

I'm no longer a Stew Peters fan but he (allegedly) produced a compelling video a year ago (or two?) which showed the truth about the clot shot called "Died Suddenly". Stew Peters has shown himself to be a very powerful source of controlled opposition and he tells very much truth however, he steers the people AWAY from the most critical truths, two of the most important being his ignorance of the pre-tribulation Rapture of the born again Christians AND he is also blaming the Nation Israel on ALL of the deep state's wickedness, even denying they are God's chosen people (although the Bible declares this throughout the Old and New Testaments. Go check this video out for yourself if you've never seen it.


Also check out his interview with the BBC in which he puts two of their most popular "journalists" to shame.


To any who think I'm all gloom and doom, I'd like to say that I really do want to trust that there are some in high public office that are sincerely trying to stop the criminals in our gov't (and the world) but in light of what we all know about the push toward a global government, and all the pernicious activities done by those in power to achieve this, I just CAN'T! I would have to forget everything I've been learning for the last 4 years!

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Never forget the 1986 act by Ronald Reagan. For anyone for still beleieves that 'lesser evil' politicians will somehow provide 'peace, protection and safety' to us, let alone our children. All these U.S. states, in my eyes, are drooling over and offering praise (verbal, even physical praise, such as in the "Trump Store" in Virginia, a political idol altar) to all kinds of 'lesser evil', 'common sense' politicians without a second thought or any critical thinking skills.

All these "battleground states" are "Revolution states", as in a Mao Zedong-style nationalistic communist revolution. One that'll resurrect child labor and mass starvation, lynchings of civilian political opponents, poverty and riots from isolationist policies, etc, and various literal songs of praise to Donald Trump/Ron Desantis/other 'common sense' idols called politicians. The American Trump/Desantis 'paradise' will be limited to electronic screens and artwork, as with Mao Zedong's 'utopian China'.

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You are very correct in your summary. You'll please pardon my rant but these communists have been working against God from the very beginning; they are the Luciferians and they just change names and nationalities but all belong to the same club. Reagan was most assuredly one of them - a wolf in sheeps clothing.

Without the signing of that act, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) freeing all big pharma from liability for any harm to the people, we wouldn't have the problems we have today. But if Reagan didn't sign it, some other wicked person would have. They are following a script which has been created over hundreds of years. I voted for Reagan in 1980, the very first time I voted. I voted for his second term also. How much has changed since then???!!

I almost might prefer those "good old" days, having been ignorant myself. Ignorance is bliss or so they say. The knowledge I have now causes me great sorrow but that is written in Scripture, "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow." Ecclesiastes 1:18 I can only maintain my sanity in these days by knowing what ELSE the Bible says! The Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the prophecy of His very soon coming in the clouds of Heaven to call us (the saved) out of here! I can hardly wait!

I can't figure out how "the people" have kept their faith in Trump after his boasting of the "warp speed" rollout of an experimental, global clot shot whose uber fine print information packets, necessary in all "vaccine" boxes containing the little bottles (called Valor vials) was entirely BLANK, as if to TAUNT those who are awake and to be ignored by those rolling up their sleeves and which injection killed everyone whom they claim had died from the Covid virus!

And Trump STILL wants to take credit for all those murders ACTUALLY GAINING SUPPORTERS by bragging "warp speed this and warp speed that" yet the sleepers rally around him as if he isn't the massively wicked, deep state, high up cabal elite, muckety muck that he is!

Desantis is also an INSTALLATION of "hope" for the sleepers who can't seem to remember the lies of these liars from one day to the next! Now they're presenting this Vivek Ramaslammabamaswami medicine man. An "Americanized" guy who came from literally out of nowhere (perhaps from some Hindu temple in the deepest, darkest, highest, remotest mountains of the Himalayas where he was being blessed by a Hindi medicine man for all we know) mouthing the same promises (lies) with feigned, forked tongue for every fool who still has hope in MAGA.

Anyone who believes anything that ANY politician, now "serving" (serving who? obviously not us) or running for any office anywhere needs their head examined because they are ignorantly and legitimately insane!

Please forgive my rant against the Indian guy, I may come off as prejudiced (I've had many Indian friends over the years) but I know that ANYONE involved in any political office, especially one running for the main puppet POTUS is wicked, deceitful, and MURDEROUS (yes, murderous!) in their hearts.

We are in the very, very, very last days of this age and those in "office" are currently serving the antichrist, who I believe has been setting up this world for his own dictatorship, directing these wicked elite (Trump included) from behind the scenes for at LEAST the last decade, perhaps longer. I'm not certain whether his identity is known by the elite yet but no matter, he will soon emerge to inform the world that the millions of people who suddenly disappeared had been abducted by intelligent beings from another galaxy!

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Very true and sad truths, but most people aren't willing to accept such facts about their political "saviors/common sense people".

They still see Biblical history through the Vatican's "White Jesus"/post-1800's reset-approved "middle eastern Biblical history" while archaeologists are discovering actual Biblical artifacts in the Americas (via great YT channel "Kurimeo Ahau") such as the Tower of Babel in Mexico, Jerusalem in Cuzco Peru, Yuttah/land of Judah is "Utah", etc.

The "great fire of Chicago" (and related big cities) looks like a Hiroshima-style nuclear explosion, not a "fire", made by non-human entities/Nephilim to render the new species of humans (our post-1800's species) helpless, depressed, starving, and lacking any knowledge of the pre-1800's world - for the sake of societal "peace and safety". "Their" plan worked exactly as planned since then, and so many people think "lesser evil" politicians will turn their Fallout-like cities into Paradise. The Chinese Communists thought the same with Mao, the Soviets thought the same with Stalin.

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Most eggs in Japan come from CAFO/batteries just as other 'first world' countries' eggs and animal products do: https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20160322/p2a/00m/0na/025000c (Veteran farmer dedicated to reviving 'delicious' eggs of yesteryear)

Rare exception is this great farm in Tanba, Hyogo: "Kannan became very particular about what he fed his chickens, making feed with ingredients edible to humans as well. His mixture of about 20 ingredients includes 70 percent non-GMO whole corn kernels, 10 percent powdered fish from fish caught in the waters off Hokkaido, rice bran, and locally grown raw garlic pickled in salt -- believed to promote vitamin absorption. He grinds the corn kernels everyday using a special grinder to make sure none of them are oxidized or contaminated with bacteria. It's a homemade mixture that Kannan came up with himself after much trial and error."

Ron Desantis: "Savior of America" or a monster in lamb's clothing? https://healthimpactnews.com/2023/over-500-killed-in-attack-on-christian-hospital-in-gaza-florida-governor-supports-genocide-of-palestinians/ (Over 500 Killed in Attack on Christian Hospital in Gaza – Florida Governor Supports Genocide of Palestinians)

Do not forget how Desantis supports the kidnapping of children - by Florida state guards and cops - from families that may disagree with his 'common sense' laws. Florida does not have nearly enough foster 'homes' for abducted children, so these abduction victims are being sexually trafficked and forced into horrid acts beyond words, r--pe and forced birth (including giving up the babies for more sex trafficking and not being allowed to keep the babies), etc. This happens in all U.S. states, red or blue, in likely under-reported numbers.

Florida might be the biggest child trafficking state in America: https://healthimpactnews.com/2022/has-florida-become-the-top-state-in-the-u-s-for-medical-kidnapping-and-child-trafficking/

All these 'common sense' politicians, just like the Democrats, are nothing more than pawns of Columbia, the fallen angel goddess of the U.S. that has an entire district (Washington DC) dedicated to her.

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LOL, you keep calling Israel's self-defense "genocide".

"Joo keep useen that wor', i don' theen it means what you theen it means" - Inigo Montoya

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Watch TimTruth's Odysee videos about the IDF and Palestine, including where the IDF is pumping saltwater into the once-fertile crescent. Pumping saltwater into a region (to make it unsuitable for farming) is definitely 'self-defense' by your standards. And 'Israel' (corporate, middle eastern, post-1900s Israel corporation) LOVES Donald Trump. The 'savior of America' has his face engraved on coins, including Israeli coins (Off Grid Desert Farming with Paul and Addrienne, via Odysee).





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Israel only wants to live in peace. Muslims will only accept the annihilation of Israel. Where is the compromise? Muslims started the war, launch their attacks from schools and hospitals, and hide behind their women and children. They won't allow Israel to live, yet they themselves have earned death. Israel is justified in anything they choose to do. And it sounds like TimTruth needs a new name because he's a liar.

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Do you have any solid evidence that T.T. is a "liar"? Straight from the horse's mouth. Remember that Donald Trump, Ron Desantis, Joe Biden, all the politicians on both parties, they all support corporate Israel and the IDF. I think it's mandatory (if you want to be a politician - a false prophet in a necktie and tuxedo) to worship Moloch and goddess Columbia, primarily via Reagan's 1986 liability protections act. You're just spouting out IDF 'evidence' and demonizing anyone who exposes it. So much for 'free speech'.

2024 America is following the footsteps of Mao Zedong's "cultural revolution", with M.Z. being replaced by Donald Trump - if you think America will be 'paradise' with Trump back in office, the Chinese communists believed the same with Mao. Both Mao AND Trump supporters appear to have a vehement hatred of anyone who even slightly speaks against their politicians or their 'common sense' Jesuit/Vatican agendas. The Chinese communists took out the intellectuals, destroyed cultural relics, forced non-Mao supporters to be slaughtered or sent to rural farms away from society, etc. Same will happen to America, with Trump replacing Mao. https://odysee.com/@antichrist45:6/trump-fans-discover-one-of-my-videos:2 (Antichrist 45 - "Trump Fans Discover One of My Videos (and they're not happy about it) | Antichrist 45")

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If TT says Israel is doing anything other than protecting herself from enemies who seek her annihilation, he would be a liar. You might want to look up the music festival that abruptly ended on October 7 of last year. There is no reaction to that event that could be described as "too extreme".

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Very good newsletter today. Thank you Manuel.

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Ok, where do we think the 22 tons of cocaine wound up, burning up the chimney as they would have the world believe? Yeah. Right. As soon as they burn their own homes to the ground! It ended up profiting many powerful men and women in important and key gov't positions and then onto the streets of the world. It's a known fact that the CIA has been the biggest drug cartel in the world. Follow the money. Oh, and being unable to unteach AI which had been trained to be "evil", that was an exercise in futility. Just like we don't have to teach children to lie or be "bad", AI is NATURALLY bad and I believe can be "indwelt" by evil spirits. It's a truly wicked world out there and getting more so by the day!

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GREAT selection of CNN style news!! Thank You! Amazing about the borders! RFK GREAT!

Is it about genetically modifying HUMANS now seen as 'Minimal Risk Clinical Investigations'???

Just wonder if that from Stew today is true:


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mr o bama publicly stated the united stated would be brown, I heard him say it. t rump declared it would be white. ~ To the best of my awareness the only laws of the usa, are to protect and defend our boarders. ~ TN Gov sent national guards people to help TX (for the 2nd time) months ago.

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How Grounding Heals EMF damage

How to treat EMF Radiation - Part 3

ROMAN S SHAPOVAL https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/grounding

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Patrick Humprhey (YouTube) says these migrants have to be here - to fulfill the chronic recruitment shortages in U.S. military positions. I'm not joking, or I wouldn't even mention it (if I was). Where's that article that says "only 2% of U.S. youth would quality for the military"? Meaning 98% of our own populace can't do it. And 'neurodiversity' is a mere '1 in 36' just like it was in the 90's, if you believe what the CDC says. All these 'battleground states' will lose, we don't have enough healthy youth for our own militaries.

But we have plenty of "Autism Inclusion" expos now and in the future, nationwide: https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/post/texarkana-parks-and-recreation-to-host-autism-inclusion-expo-tons-of-information (Jan 24, 2024, Mena Star, Polk Co (AR) Autism Inclusion Expo set for Friday in Texarkana)

"There will be tons of information you can get and find resources, from families, from non-profit organizations and we also have Texarkana Therapy who will be here," said Tendra Washington, Texarkana Parks and Recreation assistant."

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As always ♥️♥️♥️ Your shares! Thank you so much!

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that's serious, that border issue:


that open border might be not only for child trafficking, smuggling, but bring in real terror in the country! How can the people who come in, be apparently so poor, when they are holding their IPhones in their hands???

Also these stories about being literally threatened to stay in one own place, must be a really wonderfully organized CRIME, global CIA terrorr, AGAIN???

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As much as i distrust Texas' RINO governor Abbott, he's finally doing the right thing at the border.

Have no idea what the boy chips taste like, but the girl chips smell like stale canned tuna.

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