Please be kind to each others. Please accept views of others and please do not put everybody in the same shitbag.. Thank you, Manuel

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Lots of loving people these days.

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Great picture by Mr. Rojas of the comet and volcano was really good!

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Love the meme at the beginning.

Page 2 could have man in suit saying told you so with picture of the 3 butthurt at the bottom of the falls.

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Is Switzerland a great place to live?

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For now...

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Candace is awesome and inspiring and that’s why I watch her so much. Her analysis of Zionists is spot on. That Australia won’t let her in shows that the Australian government is on an Israeli leash just like the leash that controls the US Congress. #Israeldid911. Israel is not our ally.

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Agree with the part about the leash. Ms. Owens is of no interest to me, though.

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Whether or not your assertion about Israeli zionists is accurate or not is irrelevant because criticizing a specific ethnicity or “race” in such an oversimplified manner is generally inconsistent with reality. Since such statements ignore the uniqueness of each individual they are bigotry, by definition. I respect your opinion and defend your right to voice it but the growing antisemitism from across the political spectrum still concerns me greatly…..

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I am deeply concerned about the pervasiveness of antisemitism on both sides of the political spectrum. While there are some truths used to perpetuate audacious falsities, I fundamentally disagree with the justifications used.

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It has nothing to do with race. It has to do with doctrine.

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Inconsistent with reality? Not a student of history are you? All behavior is genetic and racial. The jews, even by their own admission are the greatest murderers of all time.

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It’s astonishingly simplistic to argue that all behavior is genetically or racially determined. Such outdated views ignore the complexities of individual choices, cultural influences, and historical context. Modern science, sociology, and history overwhelmingly reject the notion that behavior can be reduced to genetic or racial factors. Attributing sweeping labels to entire groups based on misinformation or prejudice is inaccurate and wildly misinformed. Historical, scientific, and ethical education goes a long way in challenging such reductionist and erroneous ideas. In reality, Judaism tells of a remarkable human history and underpins the foundation of Western Morality.

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Judaism is flat out Satanism with all their mass murders (60 million Christian Russians, uncounted [as the number of the sea] blacks during the semitic slave trade in Africa, uncounted millions if not hundreds of millions in Asia due to 'communism', hundreds of millions of White Western Europeans). It does nothing but lie about history and the people of history. The jews live to slaughter. In all that time, the parasites behavior never once changed (look at the Fed Res sucking dry the USA)...not once did they cease their mass murders, their lies, their torture (every aspect of the COVID bioweapon was jewish). How about how HALF OF ISREAL took to the streets to protest the arrest of the soldiers who tortured and raped a Palestinian prisoner to death (he finally died of his injury by being gang raped by both men and dogs). Jesus was 100% correct about jews when he said they were demons in John 8:44.

John 8:44 [Jesus speaking to the Jews]

"You are of your father, the devil (meaning they are his demonic offspring), and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him.

"The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They have developed no science, have produced no art, have built no great cities, and alone have no talent for the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim to be the torchbearers of civilization, but thorough their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed every nation in which they have existed in large numbers." ~ Charles A. Weisman (Jew)

"In per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murders of the 20th century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonished alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest murderers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe." Ron Unz (Jew) American Pravda: Holocaust Denial - 27 August 2018.

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The statement you presented contains several falsehoods and harmful, prejudiced claims. Let’s break down and correct these assertions in a way that emphasizes historical accuracy, ethical clarity, and respect for all people.

Judaism is one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions, founded on a rich history of ethical principles, reverence for God, and dedication to justice and compassion. Equating it with “Satanism” is not only incorrect but also reflects a misunderstanding of both Judaism and Satanism, which are entirely separate belief systems with no basis for comparison. Furthermore, equating any religion with “evil” based on such stereotypes is deeply unfair.

Communism and its impacts, particularly in the Soviet Union, cannot be simplistically attributed to “the Jews.” The Soviet regime was ideologically driven by Marxist-Leninist ideas, with diverse participation by individuals of many backgrounds. Blaming entire ethnic or religious groups for political actions taken by some individuals is both misleading and unjust. Likewise, the transatlantic slave trade involved numerous European powers and cannot be attributed solely to Jewish people. These assertions erase the complexity of history and ignore the roles of many nations and individuals.

The Federal Reserve is an institution operated by a diverse group of professionals from various backgrounds, not as part of any ethnic agenda. Claims about “Jewish control” of financial systems are long-standing anti-Semitic tropes rooted in conspiracy theories. Such beliefs are entirely unfounded and have been debunked repeatedly.

The quote from John 8:44 has often been misused to promote anti-Semitic interpretations. Jesus’s words were directed at specific individuals in a particular context and were never meant to condemn an entire group. Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox Christian traditions have long repudiated anti-Semitic interpretations of these verses.

Jewish people have made numerous contributions to civilization across fields, including science, medicine, art, and social justice. Figures such as Albert Einstein in physics, Jonas Salk in medicine, Emma Lazarus in literature, and numerous others have contributed enormously to human progress.

There is no credible evidence to support the allegations of widespread atrocities as described. Accusations of inherent violence or malice within a particular group are fundamentally discriminatory. They are based on harmful stereotypes that have led to persecution, suffering, and even genocide, as seen in the Holocaust, where millions of Jews and others were targeted specifically because of such hateful rhetoric.

Your statement perpetuates dangerous stereotypes and contributes to divisive, false narratives. It would be more productive to promote mutual understanding, respect, and factual knowledge about history and religion as this can help foster peace and prevent the repetition of tragic mistakes fueled by prejudice.

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I suppose history is 'incredible' to jews when they are the mass murderers being rightfully accused by those they are trying and have murdered. History does not care about your 'feelings'.

White Armies found in Kiev after they temporarily pushed the (jewish) Bolsheviks back in late August 1919:

“The place had formerly been a garage, and then the provincial Che-Ka’s main slaughter-house. And the whole of it was coated with blood—blood ankle deep, coagulated with the heat of the atmosphere, and horribly mixed with human brains, chips of skullbone, wisps of hair, and the like. Even the walls were bespattered with blood and similar fragments of brain and scalp, as well as riddled with thousands of bullet holes. In the centre was a drain about a quarter of a metre deep and wide, and about ten metres long. This led to the sanitary system of the neighbouring house, but was choked to the brim with blood. The horrible den contained 127 corpses, but the victims of the previous massacre had been hurriedly buried in the adjacent garden. What struck us most about the corpses was the shattering of their skulls, or the complete flattening out of those skulls, as though the victims had been brained with some such instrument as a heavy block. … And in every case the corpses were naked … [a grave in the courtyard] contained eighty bodies which in every instance bore almost unimaginably horrible wounds and mutilations. In this grave we found corpses with, variously, entrails ripped out, no limbs remaining (as though the bodies had literally been chopped up), eyes gouged out, and heads and necks and faces and trunks all studded with stab wounds. Again, we found a body which had had a pointed stake driven through its chest, whilst in several cases the tongue was missing.“

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The idea of the Jewish people as God’s “chosen people” is rooted in the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh), specifically in several passages that express a unique covenantal relationship between God and the people of Israel.

In Christianity, the concept of chosenness evolves, and some believe that all followers of Christ become “chosen” through faith, reflecting a spiritual continuation of the covenant. Different faith traditions offer varied perspectives on what it means to be “chosen,” with a shared focus on commitment to divine principles and compassion for others.

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Lets stick with verifiable facts please...your primitive middle eastern Satanism has little to no meaning to me and is not relevant to any other race on the planet.

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AU is the jews new hangout. They are all over the place in the AU. They are protecting their island that was not built by them or for them but hording it like a parasites hordes the blood and flesh of its host.

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I trapped a roof rat today... it was wearing a yamaka. My demon neighbor's home is infested with rats 🐀

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When you are done we have an infestation in the USA. You must be from NYC where they tunnel dig underground so that they have 'access' to little children and trepan them to see if they can get a demon to inhabit its body as 'their messiah'.

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It’s quite telling that such perspectives ignore the basic principles of cultural anthropology and history. Modern Australia, like all societies, is shaped by diverse contributions over time instead of simplistic, unfounded narratives. This type of thinking reflects a failure to engage with nuanced views of global migration, human rights, and the collaborative nature of societies. Ignoring reality in favor of stereotypes not only lacks intellectual depth but also diminishes the richness of human diversity and cultural progress.

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Nope. 'Judaism' (aka Satanism) undermines morality. There is no 'cultural progress'. That is what parasites say to keep themselves attached to the host. It is a lie.

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What you speak of is encouraged in Talmudic doctrine. The Talmud is filled with the most disgusting, Satanic practices.

None of these are in the Torah. What we know as Modern Day Zionism is not in the Torah. Evangelical Zionists support the doctrine because 1. “My people perish for lack of understanding”. 2. They have made Israel into an idol.

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There are many things in the Torah that are precursors to the Talmud that are immoral and demonic tbh. This is why so many people were murdered during the council of Nicaea when they did not want ANY part of Judaism attached to Christianity. Rome already had a jewish problem at that time.

For example, 'god' ordering the Israelites to slaughter entire peoples but 'save their little daughters 'who hadn't known a man for themselves'. So...lets lay out that scenario in greater detail. You lived an amazing life with your family and you loved them. One day a group of degenerate filthy lice infested roving bandits come and slaughter your mother, father, aunts and uncles, brothers, sisters and friends right in front of you. Before the blood of your family is even dry on your body, the bandits rape you and take you as a sex slave because their 'god' told them to do that. Think that is moral? The OT is FULL of things that are totally amoral and ngl, disgusting and anti-human...it is the literal mental model of what it is like inside a jewish mind.

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I respect your opinion and even agree with it in some instances, but only on an individual basis. Where I disagree has already been made clear. Best Regards,

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Just curious about your opinion of October 7, 2023, Richard.

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It could very well be a false flag event. That is, Israel allowed it to happen (after warnings from Egypt and others) so that a major effort at genocide of Palestinians could begin. Maybe Bibi calls it in private Nakba 2.0

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Manuel: Your question "Since when is asking for evidence (source) a bad thing? Why reject critical thinking?"

How is asking for a source critical thinking?

When asked for a "source," I ignore these lazy people who cannot do their own research. You want a "source"??? Go do your own research!

Then, if you've found something FACTUAL which does not match what I've written let's have an intelligent discussion where you provide your source. I find that when someone asks for a source to be insulting... 1) they doubt my info and 2) they're too lazy to find their own info.

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I would go further, based on experience, and say that the request for a source is usually insincere because the postmodernist religion openly practices contempt prior to investigation and as such, your source will be rejected using illegitimate reasoning / logical fallacies, such as personal attacks instead of assessing the merits of the claim. Lack of merit was predetermined due to emotional instability.

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You’re right about that. I don’t think I’ve ever had. Anyone asked me for a quote “source” who wasn’t being rude and sarcastic.. You know dang well that even if you provided them with 20 sources, they would reject them all.

Or they would suddenly vanish. Cognitive Dissonance.

We all have it to some degree. It’s very tough to do a complete 180 on something that you have held as a strong belief your entire life.

But the people that I’ve come across who yell “where’s your source” they really have no interest in having a meaningful conversation that critically explore. I just finished a college degree and out of all the professors I had…there was one who I would say was completely opposite of me Spiritually and philosophically. Quite liberal. But out of 40 different professors, I had he was the only ONE that would actually spend time with all of us as students to explore and question our own beliefs. Including his own. He was more than willing to discuss and read anything we brought to him and vice versa. Well respected and what I would say is truly someone That you could have a real conversation with . Not a Christian and not a conservative and yet… He was so willing to do the research that he found out about the shots, and so much more. I thank God for him because the students really respected him and listened. It was actually the first time I’d even heard about the Nuremberg code. He presented it so well to the students in such an understanding way at how this was a violation of our human rights that I would say easily 2/3 of the class was convinced.

But yeah, going back to what you were saying… 95% of the time it feels like it’s not worth trying to have that discussion. I think most people bring up a subject only because they want to convince you of what they believe. Or Mock you.

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Be thankful that you had that very rare experience with your open-minded professor. That's the way it used to be and that's the way it should be.

I honestly do not understand the immediate response of "attack mode" when questioned about their thoughts on a subject matter. I've found that when they are faced with facts, they stoop immediately to personal attacks.

I no longer waste my time with proving my stance... they will never accept any facts.

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When watching any news, local or otherwise: nearly 90% of all news anchors, spin doctors, even a famous Dr. on TV are CIA or CIA asset. All news folks initiated are trained to lie on air convincingly. They are at the least vetted script readers. Real scoop news seekers went out on the 40s. Watch with new eyes

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Without stepping into the conversation which is plainly about hatred toward an entire ethnic group I will simply state my own amazement that modern so called Christians actually use the BIBLE to substantiate their own supernatural (satanic) hatred.

The Jews have been the most hated group of people in world history, climaxed by the Holocaust that the world (the UN) could not deny and actually took pity on them and voted to give them their own homeland to which they all flocked in 1948. Most countries rejected the tens of thousands of Jewish refugees after WW2 and this was part of the decision to give them their own homeland I'm sure. Even the US rejected them. The WORLD rejected them yet they continued as a people through all of this rejection beginning at the destruction of the Jewish Temple in 70 AD.

No ethnic group in HISTORY has kept its nationality through 1900 years of NOT being a nation PROVING that their very existence as a people is SUPERNATURAL. All who hate Israel also hate God Almighty, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God of all creation. It is SATAN that is the power behind the hatred in this world and its the hatred of the JEWS upon which he is most hell bent and this cannot be denied. How can anyone hating an entire nation deny any of this?

They were immediately attacked in the first modern war against Israel known as the Arab/Israeli war in 1948. They were outnumbered drastically yet they won in SIX MONTHS with little casualties. The most striking war was in 1967 in the Six Days War in which all Arab countries including Egypt, Jordan and Syria with help from most neighboring countries including Saudi Arabia Kuwait and Algeria. Israel DEFEATED SEVEN countries which were attacking them in SIX DAYS.

Anyone who knows this much about the nation Israel must admit that God has ALWAYS chosen Israel, to this very day, as His Own Chosen People! Yet people calling themselves Christians, many MILLIONS of them in this age, yet choose to hate them. It's so plain to see that this hatred is supernatural!!!

Such hatred would be akin to hating the nation Italy and all Italians because some of them are wicked and engage in organized crime. It is also PROPHECY, that ALL countries will come up against Israel (Zechariah 12) and surround it in the end days which, thankfully, we are headlong into RIGHT NOW. We are watching not only history but PROPHECY unfold in Israel and the entire Middle East even as I write!

Keep your eyes on Israel folks, they are the prophetic timepiece which God uses to show us and in

which He counts down the events on His prophetic calendar, showing us clearly that we are at the very end of this age, the Age of Grace. God will once again step into the events of this world sending Jesus, coming in the clouds of Heaven like when He ascended into Heaven, (Acts 1:9-11), His feet not touching the ground (they will seven years later) and REMOVING those who love Him in the long awaited Rapture of the Church. This is real. This is happening in our day. This WILL come to pass and some of us are very excited about it and WANT to go. Are YOU excited? Do you want to go? If not you had better start studying the Bible and learn as much as you can.

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Look at all the complicit nations in “Antarctica” guarding the ice wall which circles flat earth…. Shame on them from preventing our exploration of the vast territories beyond….. 🤗

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I criticize the entire human race for murderous behavior, and there is plenty to see. I accepted in 1970 while in Vietnam that murderous behavior is very much part of the human condition.

As to the Zionist Jews have convinced the Goyim that they are not chosen by God, and that sophistry eventually causes problems. Somehow it seems the Zionists do murderous behavior in a more organized fashion than others, according to world events going back decades

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If we are not chosen by God, then there is no reason not to kill them. We are 'damned' anyway. So, it isn't a super clever thing they have chose to believe.

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If race determines our outcome, there is no such thing as free will.

This takes us right back to survival of the fittest, Darwinianism and Eugenics (as a solution).

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Culture is an expression of genetics. This is why it is so important not to race mix because what comes out is confusion, violence, etc rather than anything comprehensible.

Free will is in existence in a subset of humanity that doesn't need anyone to care for them or tell the what to do or what to think. It certainly isn't present in 99% of humanity as they need 'leadership', 'regulations' and 'two tier laws' to exist.

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No one is damned. No one is chosen.

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If you believe the Torah, God called Abraham out from Ur and made a Covenant with him. This is where the idea of “Chosen” came from.

The AshkeNazi Jews have twisted this to mean they are special. They have decided that their god Lucifer only loves them.

Jesus spoke of them: “You who call yourselves Jews, but are not. You are of the Synagogue of Satan.”

Abe’s descendants were chosen/used by God as an example which through He told His story of redemption. As if to say: “If I can save these losers, I can save anyone. And I will, through my Son Jesus”.

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That was sarcasm. Of course Western Europeans are chosen. Through them all good things come into the world (98% of all innovation and invention comes from Western Europeans ) [Charles Murray, Human Accomplishment]. Through the jews all evil things come into the world (nuclear bombs, like poison for wells, poisonous injections, disease, rape, torture, murder, theft, pedophilia and homosexuality).

Gott mit uns.

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Being “Chosen by God” is the default because God is our creator. Alternatively, we are fallen from grace due to OUR REJECTION of the creator. Assigning blame to the creator ignores the consequences of free will driven choice. That free will enables us to choose between God or the alternative. God already made a choice through creation and an unconditional love demonstrated by the gift of free will driven experiential qualities.

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You are correct that people are deceived by evil to do wrong. I don’t believe murder is necessarily natural for most but in many cases driven by a necessity for survival.

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I thought found it pretty incredible as well that the owner of the property with the coins actually got to split it with the others who found it. Pretty amazing.

Usually, when someone finds some thing of that magnitude on their property, the state or government steps in and takes it. It’s nice to hear a happy ending for once!

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It should be said (with all the Jew bashing), there is a difference between a Child of Abraham (by blood), a traditional Torah-following Jew, and The Synagogue of Satan (whom Jesus warned about).

The difference is simple: Doctrine. The SS Jews follow the Talmud, which is Satanic. It is antithetical to what we know as Judeo Christian. The Talmud was used to hi-jack the Torah thousands of years ago. Jesus called them out, and they were outraged.

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Regarding Candace Owen’s~

Attention Blacks, Gays and other token minorities:

The food chain is as follows👉🏻 Jews, then Goy. Period.


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Great photos!! Thanks, Manuel!! Always look forward to your worldwide reporting!! ;-)

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1. Concerning your two cents, it's fine to ask for sources, but ignoring the obvious and blaming the person pointing it out to you is pretty stupid.

2. All the newspaper staff quitting because the owners wouldn't let them endorse Commie-la Harris only proves that print media has become fully weaponized against truly American values.

3. If the leftist liberal communist terrorist democrat globalist elites succeed in stealing this American election like they did in 2020, you won't see riots and killings because the suddenly vocal law-abiding patriot citizens have largely become too spoiled and complacent. On the other hand, if President Trump is allowed to take his rightful elected seat in the White House, you can bet there will be federally and foreign-financed antifa, BLM, and fed-baited terrorism nation-wide that will entail killing, burning, looting, and destruction in all major cities.

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“Since when is asking for evidence (source) a bad thing? Why reject critical thinking?”

1. When such inquiries are false due to a predetermined belief based on corrupt ideology.

2. When you’re already toppling over the precipice there remains only two choices. Trust or die.

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Nobody, no one is chosen for anything. Some think they are, or it seems that way to them, but they are not. It’s a good line for bullying, taking advantage of, for demeaning, denigrating, dismissing, attempting to control others, etc. It’s a disgusting concept, as used in the scenario of a chosen people. Humans are greatly confused about what is.

I was raised in - and left a long time ago - a belief system that told us ours was the only true belief system. That is very damaging to the psyche. Look around - that attitude has people everywhere in conflict with one another over n o t h i n g because each of them is proponent of that same attitude. It’s absolutely nuts. Surely, the Enterprise dropped me off at the wrong stop! 😵‍💫

Of course, without that, this and other news information services couldn’t exist.

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