RE: FEMA, a criminal enterprise in my opinion. Needs to be shut down and funds allocated to the states.

RE: Cows. They certainly are targeting cows, first push was for bird flu vax for cows, mRNA of course https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-05-31/scientists-are-testing-mrna-vaccines-to-protect-cows-and-people-against-bird-flu

Then they decided to just get rid of them: https://humanevents.com/2023/05/20/netherlands-moves-to-limit-farmers-to-two-cows-per-acre-to-curb-emissions-report

RE: Chickens. And cows are not the only target. They use PCR test to detect bird flu. You will recall the inventor, who received the Noble Prize for his invention, said they absolutely should not be used to detect disease of any kind that is NOT what they are for. You will also recall he died right after pointing this out.

Now given the PCR test is useless to detect any flu, why are they being used to test chickens? And further, once the "detect" the disease, why do they kill ALL the chickens? Dr. Peter McCullough says the disease should be allowed to run through all the chickens and then the ones that survive have the antibody to survive the disease and from those chickens a vaccine should be produced.

Peter of course is ignored: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-birdflu-netherlands/dutch-to-cull-200000-chickens-after-second-case-of-bird-flu-detected-idUSKBN27L0UQ/

And in the UK, you now need a permit to own even a single chicken. Now why do you suppose they are doing that? First they came for the chickens?


RE: Army food rationing. My guess, their food dollars were sent to either Ukraine or Israel, perhaps both. The MIC is bleeding this country dry.

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Oops, forgot to add the link on the Chicken PCR testing


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I haven't a clue about those granite stones in the top picture, but Joseph Davidovits has a theory that the pyramids' stones were poured, like concrete. My son has devoted a lot of research on the ancient use of geopolymers. Fascinating stuff!

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I have every reason to believe that the propagandists at Military.com fabricated that story because they want you to believe that the trillions laundered through the military industrial complex isn't enough. US troops are offered lobster and filet mignon on all military bases worldwide. Military.com is a propaganda arm of the military.

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"Funny where it all leads to…"

Here is where it leads to, and it's not all that funny.

"And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say; A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.' Revelation 6:6

This is the "Pale Horse" of the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse and it represents global famine by economic collapse and runaway inflation. It's the second horse - the black horse - which represents global famine. It means that to buy the INGREDIENTS to make a loaf of bread (not to buy a loaf off the shelf) will cost a man his entire day's wages to make ONE loaf of bread!

This, of course, is what will happen very soon in the great tribulation which will happen after the Rapture when millions of people disappear to go with Jesus Christ.

THIS is what they are setting up by paying those English farmers NOT to plant, or rather, to not HARVEST their crops! It's all happening before our eyes. WE are THE generation that gets to see the end of the age and the setting up of the tribulation and rise of antichrist. It's coming FAST.

And although many will call me a defeatist, the fact remains; there is NO HOPE left EXCEPT the hope that is found in BELIEVING on Jesus Christ for the salvation of not only your soul, but of your BODY, out of this fallen world which, after the Rapture, will be unrecognizable and billions of people will die.

I won't stop warning until I'm gone in the Rapture! And I hope that my warnings will exist for some time thereafter for those who ignored them to see that I was right and it is all as the Bible says it will be. And it is not about me being right. It's all about PEOPLE GETTING SAVED!!! Jesus is the ONLY WAY! John 14:6 No worldly religion makes that claim.

"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name [Jesus] under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." Acts 4:12

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I love your analyses!

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I love that you love them but do you BELIEVE them? Remember, that's what I'm all about, I tell the truth no matter how unpopular (and boy is it ever). We all must make a choice. If we choose not to decide we still have made a choice. I've made mine (quite obviously - ad nauseum for most) I have been called to help others make theirs.

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Sometimes Yes, sometimes less... Although we don't always have the same opinions, I understand yours and I am happy you can speak your truth here.... Manuel

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You're the best!

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Respect sir.

Myself and Jesus don’t seem to be in a relationship, but listening to your words, we are certainly in the same fight my friend!

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Thank you. How refreshing to hear from one who isn't OPPOSED to my words (which aren't my words but God's words). You're halfway there sir. All you need to do is realize that you need The Savior and acknowledge what He did for us believing in the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). I say halfway there because most don't or won't admit that they ARE in a fallen state and DO need The Savior Jesus Christ. It seems all that is left for you to be in a relationship with Him is to admit that you need Him. It's always helpful to get on one's knees in a quiet place and call out to Him. If you sincerely desire for Him to cleanse you of your sins, He most certainly will!

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''Giant granite stones'' -- I'm not ruling out the possibility of Nephilim, big-ass fallen angels, or levitation. Giggle if you like, but the evidence of all 3 possibilities exists all over the world multiple times over. Man did not start out as stupid cavemen. We're likely dumber now than we were then.

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What's wrong with America, you ask?

Stolen elections have consequences.

A lot of is going to be fixed on January 20th.

MAGA made the win too big to rig.

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Really - have you looked at those appointments lately? Gorka? Really? Wtf

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And your problem with Gorka is... ?

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He is unqualified. His ridiculous badmouthing of Putin was totally out of line & an embarrassment to this country, whats left of it.

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More embarrassing than Go Brandon and his appointments?

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Obama, Trump, Biden, Kamala, Musk, Zuckerberg all work for the communist one world government. Trump is going to mandate digital communism. I also will not be surprised if he subverts the United States and officially establishes the North American Union. Musk and Zuckerberg will necessitate the need to have digital id to access the internet, or buy food, or pay bills, etc.

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Revelation 13:17

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

One day sooner than later......

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We are going into the Glory Days before the fall. Many of us will be gone before the beast

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AMEN to that.

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So the mainstream media, Obama, Schumer, Pelosi etc. hate Trump because he is on the same team as them? That’s a lot of good acting.

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Court cases are often intended to codify communist ideals into law, and, as is the case with warpspeed, to subvert the Constitution and individual rights, all under the guise of going after Trump, whose grandfather was a practicing Nazi/satanist in the CIA, just like Obama's father and mother. Trump's daughter and son in law are Chabad/satanists. Trump constantly identifies himself as a freemson/satanist. They are all satanists.

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I think you need to see a counselor. It can help.

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IF that was his goal, why didn't he do in in his first term?

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He already implemented digital medical records during his first term. He promotes digital id in order to vote whenever possible. He and Congress suspended the Constitution in order to deploy Operation Warpspeed. He murdered more Americans with Warpspeed than any foreign enemy and still brags about it. He, his daughter and Kushner are members of the Jewish Chabad sect, which is Satanism. He is routinely photographed meeting with Chabad rabbiis that have spoken openly about murdering goy (gentiles) and gentile nations. He will reopen the keystone pipeline that will facilitate implementation of the North American Union between Canada, the US and Mexico. He already has and will continue to negotiate trade agreements that will effectively dissolve the borders of the United States.

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One of these days the ''Noahide laws'' will be enforced. When its time.

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THANKS Manuel! That guy talking about the 'vaccines' has half of his face in a strange discolored state... Maybe he tried it first?

The report from NC is just unbelievable, a definition decides about who gets help and who not.

That plane photo with the heros, is it real?? These days one never knows, except I know for sure my computer screen is watching knowing what I'm doing, as long as it is on.

RF Kennedy's face is the only non-smiling one dealing with this 'food'.

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Nope, AI made, but funny!

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This is truly STUPID. Also evil. #MAGA2020

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These poor people!!

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I hope FEMA is providing housing free of cost to these American taxpayers ...

Illegals are getting everything free... Their prepaid debit cards are known as magic cards.

This story is sickening... Months without housing and being denied their own living space...

FEMA and all the people in charge keep saying these issues are not true...

Stop lying and provide to the American taxpayers what they need.

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Yes. Just like Lahaina and Katrina and all the other “natural disasters”.

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Thanks for mentioning the Survivors of Helene. They seem to be bearing the brunt of all the corruption that has crept into our gov'ts over the past decades!! So sad!! Deep River Farm gives frequent updates on how things are going there. It is People helping People this time around!! I'm proud to be a part of THAT America; the other one is fast fading away!! I highly recommend the recent interview of Stewart Swerdlow on Age of Truth! He has lived through so much of that dark agenda. He, too, seems to think we are finally coming out of the tunnel!!! Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

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I understand your skepticism about Elon Musk’s motives for joining the populist counterrevolution. He has stated in definitive terms his reasons for opposing the woke progressive populist revolution, including his child being indoctrinated into transgenderism, his justifications for doing so.

Being an elite and the richest man in the world and holding traditional American values are not mutually exclusive traits. Still, I share some of your skepticism and suggest that maintaining an evenly divided electorate serves the interests of maintaining the current paradigm. We should probably withhold definitive judgment until we have more information.

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True... I am skeptic since the beginning. Here's an article I wrote on my blog: https://strangesounds.org/2022/04/why-does-everyone-loves-elon-musk-hes-not-your-friend-hes-a-puppet.html. A lot of people reading me shared it at the time. Now a lot of these same people are bullying me when I speak against him... LOL!

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You wrote a very persuasive piece. However, some of the information presented in the piece seems outdated or narrowly selective in scope. Musk’s prior association with the WEF ended in an unspectacular manner with Musk referring to the group as "boring" and since being highly critical of their top-down approach to global governance. To expand this analysis into three of the top tier minds in the current nationalist movement: Trump, Musk, and Ramaswamy are not ideologically aligned with the WEF or globalist agendas. Their criticisms of centralized power structures and advocacy for sovereignty and free-market principles distinguish them from the globalist crowd. However, some of their actions may occasionally intersect with globalist goals due to shared interest in issues like innovation or environmental progress, albeit with differing motivations and methods.

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It’s a UN militia mercenaries coalition! It’s evil!

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