To answer your question about Trump’s economic policies, in short, “Yes”. Those of us who understand, are willing to go through economic pain in order to break away from a globalized economy. The phase we are going through now is called the “hangover phase.”

The Biden Administration looted our country. We are in the process of bringing it back from the brink of annihilation.

These next six months are going to be brutal. Trump is right when he says the world has totally taken advantage of us through unfair trade practices. This has been going on for years. Supposedly, this was necessary to bring China, India, Canada and the rest of the world up to a competitive economic level with the United States. Unfortunately,it was done at the expense of the United States. Now the United States is dying.

I’m sure the world would be perfectly happy to see the United States die, but we aren’t ready to yet.

This globalization of the world economy, was a decision made by a very small group of elites. They did it by deception. These people have their own agendas and their own ways of doing things and they don’t care about humanity. They’re very good at vilifying people who oppose them. They want you to hate America because if America wins, the world will be set free from their tyranny.

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And what happens if you are entirely wrong in thinking this decimation of American wealth will lead to increased prosperity rather than a slow siphoning of the accumulated wealth of the middle class? A kind of snail's paced version of the Great Depression?

It won't be possible to reclaim the lost personal wealth. It will be taken into larger pockets and how do you see those large pockets giving it back up so the individual can become prosperous again?

Understanding human nature and history don't support the idea that once wealth is taken it will be returned.

And what of the massive debts America owes to other countries such as China? Do you believe China will be content to allow the US to default or will National Parks be sold and other heritage assets?

Do you actually believe a person or persons with the character, the actual character, not the imagined one, of Donald Trump will have humanitarian concerns at the forefront?

We realistically live in a globalized economy. It can't be dismantled overnight by means of a chainsaw but requires the subtle skill of a master economic surgeon or great and permanent damage will occur just as surgery performed via chainsaw would inflict.

Are you ready to witness homeless and hungry elderly, disabled and disabled veterans and children on the streets numbering in the hundreds of thousands? Are you ready for mass foreclosures of homes and business collapse and repossession of significant properties like cars, etc.?

Scarcity and hunger and on a massive scale?

Are you actually prepared for this?

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This dystopia you describe is already here. Most have nothing left to lose. We’ve been living in Biden’s America.

The world outside of the US, has been told many lies.The average American has been hidden from view, erased from statistics and forgotten.

We are at the end of our rope and what we do now is a matter of survival.

I doubt we will ever see wealth again. I don’t care. I want freedom.

It is the only thing that matters.

We don’t expect others to understand or care. But it is hilarious when people say things like “How are you going to handle your standard of living going down”. AYFKM? Since Obama, the Middle Class has been destroyed.

That’s fine.

We are strong.

We are survivors, and we know exactly what we have to do.

And we are doing it.

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The dystopia I've described is nowhere near to here . Do you ever go outside?

Nothing left to lose? I'm sorry but that's insane.

How are you going to have freedom if you have nothing to eat?

The middle class is far from destroyed.

If you think what you're living through today is tough you will likely not survive what's coming.

We are nowhere near the end of the rope. It's still a long way down.

Good luck. But better yet, pray to God for guidance.

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The Trump administration is conducting economic warfare. Not solely to recoup money owed to the US in trade, loans, etc., but to change the international dynamic. Those who designed this expansive plan understand the old model of internationalism ran its course and did nothing more than hurt everyone involved. It created a cannibalistic system among the elite, forcing them to allow the populations to see them for who they were. Money grubbing psychopaths who disdained the people they were governing.

It wasn't going to last much longer.

In comes a new system. Phasing out the old system is going to hurt everyone involved.

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100% accurate. There is so much more going on here than making money.

I wish people could appreciate the danger humanity is in, and why it is critical that nations regain their economic sovereignty.

There will be pain! Nothing worth having in this life comes easily.

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I wish People would grasp that it is a planetary problem, driven by controlminds (governments) owned by the same Ones, all being for-profit corporations these days.

And We would best solve for moneyed psychopaths in control.

We Had Better Solve for the Psychopaths in Control NOW! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-had-better-solve-for-the-psychopaths

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I'm an American born citizen married to a Vanadian born US citizen. We are sick to death of years of getting treated badly whenever we go to Canada because their govt media tells them ehat to think, how to think, when to think, why to think, you get the picture. Trudeau is a childish corrupt ass!! He's a complete failure as a leader!! We're also extremely tired of our bretheran not being able to live the lives we could because of crooked regimes like Hussein Obama, Rod-ham Clinton, Slick-Willy Clinton, Skull & Bones Bush Mafia, Pedophile Podesta bros, Mafia family Bidens and the likes of other losers all over the world that fill their pockets on US citizens dime. We pay $200 billion a yr to Canada alone & plenty more to other countries to keep them safe and all they do is throw up on us!!! I agree to disagree Manuel! I'm a paying member!! You dont live here Manuel. Americans are good people & I'm so sick of hearing otherwise!!!!!

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What money the U.S. gives is not as altruistic as it sounds here - it’s at least partially a matter of control, coercion.

As more recently coming to light, it’s some kind of corrupt game, as you said, some filling their pockets on US citizens’ dime. This, by the powers that be, not we the people.

Yeah, we the people are pretty okay.

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Don't forget Canada already has high tariffs on many US products.

Chicken 263%

Turkey 165%

Milk 155%

Butter 175%

Beef 77%

Pork 77%

Wheat 38%

Flour 40%

Peanut butter 25% just naming a few.

For decades worldwide other countries have had the big advantage. We have lost millions of manufacturing jobs.

Trump is trying to get negotiations going.

I can't believe Canada thinks they can win or survive a trade war. 2 or 3 US states have larger economies than Canada.

We lost big after NAFTA.

Mexico is the 6th or 7th largest auto maker worldwide. Probably 200th before Nafta if cars were even made there.

Car plants equal many supplier plants also and rail/ trucking/power/ etc

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What's so hard about stopping the flow on Fentanyl into the US? My son die from a fentanyl overdose. I am all for this. Canadians should start asking their leaders why they continue to allow the fentanyl to go through and hurt the people with the tariffs. Although it's really pretty easy to figure out - Canadian leaders are making money from it. We Americans are willing to do what it takes to get our money going back to the people and get rid of that $36 trillion dollar debt.

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The people on fentanyl need help! People that want drugs will get them anywhere.

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Sorry about your son. My daughter ex BF was also killed by fentanyl, sweetest, nicest guy ever but smoked pot sometimes like many kids. Mx is responsible for majority so I believe US military will have to eliminate them

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Eliminate Mexico?

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Thank you. Sorry about your daughter's ex. It is so sad

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I'm so sorry you lost your son, but how many years and billions of dollars have been spent right here in the US in the "war on drugs" to no avail?

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Sorry for your son

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The airglow - how beautiful.

No offense taken at anything you said about the tariff situation.

As serious as it is, there could very well be even more - almost sinister developments of another kind over time. Sometimes it feels like high school and the bullies and know-it-alls have taken over, except that they’re ignorant buffoons.

Remember, a part of the focus of these controlling buffoons is causing lots of discord and discomfort (like dysentary) in any number of ways for the “serfs.” At some crazy level, they actually like seeing suffering.

So - take good care!

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I am an American and do not like what Trump is doing. I agree with you!!

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Nothing is ever done for our good. I am from the US but have zero interest in politics. I am a bit surprised to see a comment like this from Strange Sounds. If you focus on what you can see, you miss what is really going on. Trump is operating under a theology that goes by many names such as Theosophy and Kabballah, but it is all the same theology driving their actions. The "golden age" Trump speaks of is not for any of us. It deems most of us as not worthy of such a world. They manufacture prophecy to fool the gullible to believe it is of God. The Theosophist Alice Bailey taught that the "Age of Aquarius" and the "golden age" would begin in 1925. This was in the early 1900's. It was spoken of as the end of the age, and the ushering in of the New World Order brought on my contact with ancient entities called "Hyperborean" through a portal in Greenland. They are taught to be the Atlanteans who were forced to go underground. It sounds insane because it is insane, but they are very serious about it.

Trump did not just develop an interest in Greenland randomly. Greenland, Canada, and Mexico will come into a Union whether we want it or not. They believe they will gain access to advance technology and a paradise for the few.

Because you don't believe it doesn't matter. They are deadly serious about it. Chabad is backing Trump in this quest. So is Musk with his fascination with Mars that Trump is determined we will go to.

Pay attention to the phrases they use, not what they say for public consumption. Then you will know where they want to take us.

Focusing on tariffs is just a distraction. No politician cares about any of us. We are all on our own.

My faith is in Jesus Christ.

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“Chabad is backing Trump in his quest.” Not only backing - supporting, directing, assigning, etc. Just about anything being done, even the things that look like, and may be for the benefit of we the people are truly “just a distraction.” There is SO much more behind all of it, the goal, and what’s to come likely won’t be pretty, as they say.

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I meant to say the "golden age" was supposed to happen in 2025., They are hard at it. Good to see others not get caught up in the distractions. They really do want most of us dead in their own words.

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There is a big plan that very few see. But the mass media mind controlled will wail to the moon like classic wolf crying, but this time no baby soother is coming. You'll all have to learn to suck your thumb. Since most of you can't imagine, this is the best thing ever for your future freedom,.....but what would you do with that? You've never had it before. You don't even know what it looks like.

Which is why there is so much fear. You've always thought you were free, but you have just been free range chickens. Fed for years and years, not how to think, but what to think. I'm Canadian and will welcome the 51st state. Chinada is broken beyond compare, because 3/4's of this population are socialist losers. And the government has made us a socialist 3rd world country,...except they have better health care.

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Interestingly, Canada did already have tariffs on many US goods before the Trump tariffs, as much as 20% if I remember right. China also had tariffs on US goods before this started.

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I agree with you. There’s nothing good about this hopefully as a Canadian you guys will fight against this idiot! We need your help! Best way to fight is numbers.

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Trump is using tariffs to officially negotiate and establish the North American Union between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. We are all victims of the synagogue of satan that will consolidate 10 regions of the world into a one world government/religion based on satanism/luciferianism.

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On the right track

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It's not that Trump's insane... It's that the script He is following is designed to create havoc. I truly wish People would do as I have done.

Just Stop Consenting! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/just-stop-consenting


Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/join-me-as-a-sovereign-here-on-ethical

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I did not vote for Trump. It's totally disgusting the things he and his buddy Elon are doing to this country.

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Manuel, I may not always agree with you but I like your column and I think you mean well and have the right to your own opinion. You haven't lost me or my help!

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Germany was the beginning of the demonic WEF, Skull and Bones, Mason's, the Illuminati & more I'm sure. Not a country I care 1 iota abt what they think as they're another disastrously ran country that has few freedoms becoming even fewer. The majority of Germans aren't happy!! Their open immigration is killing their people just like ours was, Frances' is & so many more!!! I'll take President Trump over there e lot of them. Look at what his admin & DOGE are doing by uncovering the wasteful spending that most countries/so-called charities never see or see little of it. It's all going back in Elitist pockets & people like the Biden's, Zelensky, Gates, Soros, Obama's, Clinton's, Bush's, etc.

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Yes. Like any country was going to use third of a billion condoms. That money was going into corrupt pockets, weapons, etc.

If Europe doesn't stop the Muslim immigration it will be too late as most countries will become majority Muslim.

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Yup, and they don’t like anyone else very much.

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