The British article about bacteria as cause of cancer in those under 40 appears to be propaganda to cover the turbo cancer caused by the shots

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Right and cause more fear of bacteria "everywhere" ...more hand washing, face masks and fear of touching anything/anyone?

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BTW, rates of cancer in young people have been rising sharply for about 35 years.

COVID vaccines have been in circulation for 3 years.

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I presume it is propaganda because we are still in the Age of The Scamdemic, in which the majority of literature promoted by too many ‘scientific studies’ are pure propaganda from government and the medical industrial complex. About your claim that cancer rates in young people have been rising sharply for decades, would you be interested in linking to a source for that assertion?

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It's a fact that viruses cause cancer - HPV causes cervical, throat, and rectal cancers and Hep C causes liver cancer, for example. Why would you automatically assume that an article about bacteria causing cancer is "propaganda?" Cancer is many diseases with many causes. Unless you have evidence that it is scientifically impossible for bacteria to be a cause of cancer, perhaps you should reserve judgment instead of blaming everything on vaccines.

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Here is a link to Dr. Mercola's discussion of the Nature article you reference.


When you said "rising sharply" in your first post I did not realize that 3.8% over 3 years was considered sharply rising, but I am not a statistician. Perhaps it is.

It will be interesting to see how that rate changes 5 years after the introduction of the mRNA shots.

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"...people talking about the government controlling your brain and putting voices in your head was a stupid conspiracy theory."

I just started reading "Legacy of Ashes". It's fascinating so far .....

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OK will also have a great read over the next few days... Thanks!

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About cancer and oral sex, couldn't read the article as it's behind a paywall however...actor Michael Douglas got throat cancer (years ago) and his doctor said it was caused by oral sex. He picked up the same "bacteria" (virus) that causes cervical cancer in women.

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You are correct that Michael Douglas's cancer was caused by a virus - HPV, which also caused Farrah Fawcett's rectal cancer and which is the primary cause of cervical cancer.

However, bacteria and viruses are completely different pathogens, which is not say that bacteria might not also be a cause of cancer.

Bacteria are living things that reproduce themselves by themselves and are big enough for me to see with my microscope at home.

Viruses are nothing more than a scrap of genetic material in a protein coat - they are much tinier than bacteria and are not actually living organisms - they don't meet the criteria for living things. They are parasites that require a host in order to make copies of themselves.

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"Easter" is a pagan holiday founded in pagan religions and adopted by the Orthodox and Roman churches. We who love Him do not celebrate "Easter" in the traditional way but that's for another discussion. It's not important to the TRUTH of the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ however there are some interesting facts to consider.

Historically, Jesus was in the grave before sundown on Friday but here is some amazing info. For Jesus to have risen on Resurrection Sunday, He would have had to have been put to death on THURSDAY not Friday! Even considering the Jewish counting of days beginning at sundown, He would needs to have been dead on Thursday not Friday to have been in the grave, i.e. dead, for three days and three nights.

Nevertheless, what is important is that He died (which is not disputed) and even more importantly that He ROSE from the Grave, which also is not disputed, having been seen and witnessed by more than 500 people. This is MOST important because if Jesus didn't rise from the grave, Christianity is a false religion! But if He DID, we all have a decision to make...

The proof was recorded in History by the earliest church fathers, typically Josephus, Tacitus, Lucian of Samosata, and the Jewish Sanhedrin. Moreover, the four Gospels and the book of Acts are historical, EYEWITNESS accounts, written by those who both lived with Jesus and stayed with Him AFTER His Resurrection also witnessing His ASCENSION into Heaven and also witnessing the ANGELS who were further proof of what they had witnessed.

God has provided MORE THAN ample proof of His Resurrection by His written word for people throughout ALL of history to believe and those who have honestly investigated this DO believe, moreover in our HEARTS we believe, which is the evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, promised by Jesus to come to those who believe on Him AFTER His Ascension.

Now that we know that Jesus was put to death and rose back to Life from death, conquering death for us and that He is GOD who Created us, having the proof in His written word, what shall we do with Him?

Most people do nothing but hide "easter eggs" and give candy and stuffed toy bunnies, ignoring WHAT God actually did, that which we celebrate on Easter, (that He rose BACK up into Heaven, forever interceding for we who believe in Him.

He invites us to MORE than belief; He wants to have a RELATIONSHIP with every person He ever created! All one must do is believe but this isn't a superficial belief of history, this is a belief that happens in the HEART! He, that is, His Holy Spirit will come into your heart to LIVE with you, also securing your salvation by SEALING it (Ephesians 1:13-14) forever and making you aware that you have placed your TRUST in Him to save you.

Because our good works are not weighed against the bad which many believe but just ONE sin separates you from our PERFECT God forever and ever. So, what will it be? Secular admission that a "man" lived way back there in history OR,... YES! Lord, I Believe! Come into my heart. I repent of my sins and I believe that you have forgiven every one of them by your sacrificial atonement at the cross. I'm now SAVED and can look forward to an eternity with Him in unspeakable GLORY! He is there for the taking. Any takers today?

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Where did the rock with carvings come from?

Anyway to get a link so it can be viewed closer?


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Look for the Grimes prophecy Stone... Grimes being one of the wifes of Elon Musk: https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/1722446656019607749

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Please take note of the fact that anyone can patent almost anything as long as it hasn't already been patented by someone else. Just because there's a patent for something doesn't mean it's any good, doesn't mean it's correct, doesn't mean it actually works.

I have seen hundreds of really stupid patents. Just because someone has patents means nothing and proves nothing - in many cases they are worth nothing.

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A good Easter read would be "Caesar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill....OR...."The Jesus Papers" by M. Baigent!! Why do we believe what we believe & does it make it true just because we "believe" it???

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Hi Loxie! So, you have agreed with Biblical Christianity for 70 years and you're now 79, right? (according to a previous comment you made) I see how you like to reference the writings of atheists here, almost as if to antagonize the several born again Christians you are aware who read this thread. Several of these authors mentioned are criticized even by prominent atheists and skeptics.

During those 70 years, the earliest of which were (assumedly) lived growing up in the household of a Baptist minister, you had never trusted in Jesus Christ i..e. you have not been born again, SEALED with the Holy Spirit of Promise? (Ephesians 1:13) I must make this conclusion because if you had, you wouldn't be at all interested in the musings of those who criticize Jesus Christ (who IS our Creator) and the historicity of Bible. I think that perhaps you're at an "end of life crisis of faith". (not that you're end is any nearer than mine or anyone else's, but we can all see where this world is headed. I don't expect that I will be here much longer at all!)

There is certainly no shortage of Bible and HISTORY naysayers like one of their most infamous, Dan Brown, whose FICTIONAL story 'The DaVinci Code" garnered the attention of the haters of Jesus Christ big time actually attempting to elevate his writings to the status of factual history LYING about our Savior and calling Him a sinner! The same is being done over and over again yet these satirical authors continue to make money hand over fist with their rhetorical, unregenerate writings being gobbled up by people who deny truth.

I don't even have to read Atwill's book, a very succinct glance through history will prove its errors. One of which he claims that Christianity wasn't even "invented" until after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in AD 70 yet Tacitus and others recorded that Christian persecution was already taking place in Rome under Nero in AD 64.

What is it that motivates these writers to attempt to deny solid history, moreover, what is it that makes people READ such things? It's nothing new under the sun. It's very simply, hatred of God their Creator. But hate as they will, they will one day (very soon) stand before He who created them and be forced to give an account of their lives NO MATTER WHAT they have believed! (and whether they believe in Him or not!)

There is a plethora of historical documents that highlight the errors of all of these fictional accounts and they've been being written since before the destruction by fire at the Library at Alexandria (the apocrypha and the Alexandrian Gnostic texts and much much more) and will continue until this world ends. One thing that will NOT end is God's written word which He promises to preserve FOREVER.

I believe what I believe, not because of any desire to believe something (anything) but because I have STUDIED and SEARCHED to find the TRUTH and I continue to this day. I am a passionate defender of the Truth because I am a lover of Truth and I follow WHEREVER it leads. In this case (and for many others who have honestly investigated) that truth is in God's written word for this dispensation, the age of Grace and that is the King James Authorized Bible of 1611.

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Blessings on you JimD!! We are each on our own Personal Journey....mine has taken me to where I am & yours to where you are at this point. So be it!

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OMG, Now this is what we need FED to THE MASSES.

As always, 'Splendid.'

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That list of patents really is crazy.

“Conspiracy theory”. NOT.

Thanks Manuel! Have a great Easter Weekend.

Beware the Killer Bunny and keep your Holy Hand Grenade ready!


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