The white cop tazing the black perp. The fact that it was a white female and a black male is secondary to the program. I suppose the fomented divide constantly needs fresh drama to keep it going. Is there really any way for we the people to know that this wasn't STAGED to facilitate the divide? Is it POSSIBLE that this was done to facilitate the divide? Don't rule it out. Some may say that I'm TOO skeptical. I am only that way because I have found so much PROOF that we should ALL be as skeptical. We know they are running a disinformation campaign of divide and conquer, and we know the MSM lies; could this be one of their tactics, that's all I'm saying.

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This video is being used by the woke for BLM. What was Micah Washington arrested over?

Micah Washington has been charged with obstructing governmental operations, resisting arrest, marijuana possession, drug trafficking and being an ex-felon in possession of a firearm.

Washington had confessed about carrying a gun just moments before the altercation between him and Officer Elmoe broke - and the gun was then confiscated by the cop.

He is currently in Pickens County jail with a bond set at $505,000.

He, like many black men held up on a pedestal of victimhood, he has a rap sheet and just 24 years old. Not sure if they have dash cam, but I'd like to see what happened before he was handcuffed!

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That's exactly the problem. WE will NEVER see what happened before he was handcuffed. What you had said about this man, how can you be sure any of it is true? Have you ever known someone who constantly lied to you and you had discovered their lies several times? Did you EVER take that person on their word again? Of course not. Nobody would because it would be impossible to know if they were telling the truth ESPECIALLY if you discovered that the person had an AGENDA and a motive for lying constantly. Now apply this to the media (in every bit of its forms).

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Regarding Catestrophic Contagion, there are some similarities, but not enough to say this bout of pneumonia is it, as this pneumonia is blamed on a bacterium, not a virus, and isn't displaying encephalitis, which is also a symptoms of DEW attacks, a likely component of the next pandemic (if we allow it to occur that is, not set in stone, doesn't have to happen, we can still win).

The main reason, I believe, that we will not see the next pandemic until 2024/2025 has to do with WHO IHRs, not yet voted on and in place, coupled with a few other pending components: some key peices of legislation allowing for isolation and Quarantine, and the greater implementation of digital IDs and wallets, that can further entice/restrict individuals during the next set of lockdowns.

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Governmental emergency and disaster agencies, hospitals and medical centers, and other institutions hold tabletop exercises and disaster/pandemic/terror attack simulations by the hundreds every year all over the globe in order to assess preparedness in the event of an emergency or public health crisis and they create all sorts of scenarios for possible situations. Hopefully, the scenarios they create to test are realistic ones depicting things that can actually happen in reality.

Just here to say that just because one detail of a scenario being tested reflects a detail of a real epidemic or other situation that takes place a year or two or three later, it does not necessarily follow that the emergency was caused deliberately by whomever held the exercise, as much as conspiracy theory folks would love to believe otherwise.

So a scenario of a tabletop exercise from 2022 depicted a pathogen much more deadly than COVID that affected more young people than old people and that started in Europe and spread. Low and behold, now we have an actual outbreak of a mycoplasma pneumonia that affects more children than old people and that started in China (not Europe) and is not deadlier than COVID - in fact, I haven't seen any report of any deaths from this known pathogen which has been around forever.

As China said, all the lockdowns and isolation and masking have weakened people's immune systems (they call it "immunity debt") so people are catching every bug that comes along - nobody locked down like China locked down. Same thing happening in my community since summer ended. Lots of COVID, Flu, and RSV plus adenoviruses and noroviruses making the rounds. No mystery here.

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The Bohemian Grove was Alex Jones' claim to fame back in 2005 and just about the time that my eyes were being opened to the wickedness of our leaders. I have learned so much since then carefully disseminating what was controlled opposition (which I have since learned Alex Jones to be) from the raw unadulterated truth. This many years later, after several others have tried to infiltrate BG including the Discovery Channel (History Channel, all part of the MSM), I must share my doubts about this most recent infiltration. We neglect to fully comprehend the power that these people (?) hold over this world. We underestimate their advanced technology on every level; we fail to realize what they are fully capable of and we do ourselves a disservice in so doing. IF they didn't WANT anyone to get near that place don't you think they could prevent it, I mean for a perimeter of 100 miles or more? They must have satellite surveillance over that whole area 24/7/365. And isn't it peculiar that Youtube will censor comments from someone like me with the smallest of platforms, when simply talking about chemtrails yet an entire video like this one is permitted? No, they want the world to know what they're up to but ONLY to the extent which they presume allowable for the people to know. It does make hugely entertaining social media but I'm calling foul on this one too. This was a PRODUCTION of the deep state and for what reason I can't be totally sure.

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Agreed Jimd, just as they've moved beyond the Bilderberg's, the CFR, and Trilateral Commission, and into the UN/WEF/Globalist Pool, there was a time and need for secrecy--not anymore--they don't care. They have the "World Control" now, including Russia and China. None of us are in the Big Club and we are just "useless eaters" to them (hence the bug diet being thrust upon us, including, down the road just a little bit---canibalism). As Gen. Patton once said, "We are fighting the wrong enemy". And now, we should not be fighting each other, but rather the Globalists. A simple "earthquake" at this weeks COPS28 would be a great start.

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So, what are these "light pillars" (my spell check spells pillar with two L's) and where do they come from? I mean, where's all the explanation for them. I found this at ABC Science;


But, if that is the explanation, why are they such a new and never before observed phenomena? Wait... don't tell me: Climate change. You know, the same reason the mayor of Montreal passed out at the mic. Climate change. Something we can all dig. That's all I got.

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They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. I guess Maduro is imitating the US and Israel in expanding into Syria and Iraq for Greater Israel and oil.

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Sadly, it's not imitation, he's in the same Young Global Leaders School of the WEF (aka "The Big Club, and we ain't in it"-George Carlin ~1990) Schwab's been cranking out about 1,100 a year since 1975, and they occupy every major Government (key positions), Bureaucracy, Corporate positions in every major infrastructure. It'll take some digging but start with the UN website, corporate sponsors, global leaders, etc. The world is not what it seems, the American Dream was a facade, it's The Book of Revelation, the Beast System. Do they ALL know what they are doing? No, most are just lured by the love of $ and power. An example is most Congressional seats , candidates can spend $1B on campaigns that pays $175,000 yearly salary--really??? Anyway, there are those at the top of the food chain that know exactly why they do what they do and their little protoges that work for them are there for the scraps (which is actually a lot of $$). Think of a Giant Pyramid, satan at top, baal, moloch, and a few other archangels next layer, then the top human layers, the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Vanderbilts, Carnegies (< the founding groups) and current leaders Gates, Soros, Tedros, Guiterrez, Schwab, Harari, Fink, Putin, Xi, etc. then the minion layer (aka Young Global Leaders). And that's just the western portion.

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Yep. It's exactly the club that George Carlin warned us about through his incredibly unique and hilarious sense of sarcastic humor. Carlin was cancered. The manner in which he was diagnosed, treated and dead is just too coincidental for me, especially now knowing the evil they are capable of performing on the innocent. I believe he made more noise than anyone else in his era and that wasn't in the cards of the elite, not at that time.

There exists the pyramid of hierarchy and the pyramid of lies. The pyramid of hierarchy is topped by Baal, the Babylonian god they worship and have worshiped since the time of Nimrod. All money, power and religion is subject to it. Think RCC, Freemasonry and Mormonism and layered underneath these is satanism.

The pyramid of lies is an upside down pyramid for this age with the biggest lies supporting the lesser lies. DARWINISM is THE lie holding up every lie and deception of the wicked in this age especially the UFO agenda which began in the 1930s with the War of the Worlds radio show. Take the Darwinian lie out and the whole pyramid collapses. Excerpt from my book "Evolution: Fact or Fallacy" follows.

In 1938 during a CBS radio show anthology series, The Mercury Theatre on the Air, with Orson Welles “The War of the Worlds”, a radio drama, was set as a newscast of an alien invasion of the earth by creatures apparently from Mars which came to the earth as what appeared at first to be meteorites. The program began as a report by scientists that large explosions had been detected on the surface of Mars which were viewed by the space telescope at Princeton University and reported by the “news” anchor, garnering the public interest that something strange was beginning to happen. The next report was that of a meteor falling to earth in a New Jersey town. The “meteor”, after the dust cleared, turned out to be a metallic cylinder from which strange mechanical creatures emerged and began a killing spree using ray weapons.

The story was exceptionally well done and announced at first by horrified newscasters and as the situation worsened, the microphone was then handed off to the emergency news network (all still part of the story line). Military and political leaders were called upon to voice their opinions. A militia of fighting men were slaughtered by the alien weapons which burned them to a crisp.

Bullets were useless against them and bounced off of their strange metallic bodies. The world was defenseless as more cylinders began falling all over the world, ostensibly connected to the explosions seen on the surface of Mars. The show was hosted with no commercial interruptions and many people had tuned into the program AFTER the beginning announcement identifying it as entertainment, mistakenly thinking it was indeed a REAL alien attack. People were said to have panicked, some so frightened and confused they took their own lives (although this claim was not verifiable).

It was a memorable night of fear and chaos that intentionally realized a very disturbing possibility, a previously unimaginable THREAT to the way of life of every man woman and child on planet earth. They created an enemy of the world which would be used at a later date to program and foment fear in the people and explain “alien abductions” which would end in a massive alien abduction in the future.

Although the “error” was quickly identified, it wasn’t quickly enough and the psychological damage was done. Just as the Piltdown man solidified, over four decades, the false claim that men came from apes, the “War of the Worlds” broadcast and CBS laid the groundwork for the entire extraterrestrial phenomenon, prepared for the population of the world which would see the UFO drama over the next several decades increase to a global, fever pitch.

The unfortunate and badly timed “misunderstanding”, I believe, was well understood ahead of time by those foisting it up: The common misconception is that the producers of the radio show had no idea that people would have thought it was a real attack but think about this for a moment.

They created it with the goal of being as realistic as possible, calling upon only slightly changed geographical entities and structures, e.g. Langley field became “Langham field” etc. The producers hired the best actors and produced the most realistic effects and then it was aired with limited INTERRUPTIONS. (which, in that day, meant no commercials)

I think it can be best summed up by quoting the book “The Martians Have Landed” in which it was interestingly, and somewhat prophetically stated, “Welles' actions sparked a healthy debate on the power of the media and it's potential to control the masses. For most people, the scare lasted less than an hour but that was enough to offer a glimpse of the power of radio. Today, changes in media technology are occurring so fast that we have little time to assess their potential impact. With more syndicated programs, we may be more vulnerable than ever to future Welles-type scares that have the potential to race through our global village at the speed of light. One day soon we may experience a War of the Worlds - type scare on a global scale.” (emphasis mine)

I find it very difficult to conclude that nobody on the radio production team gave any thought to the fact that it might be taken as real life, I believe that many realized what was going on and what the intention was but that fact never became public knowledge by intent. But then, perhaps some thinking individuals did announce it to the producers but as history will demonstrate, the show DID go on. This program solidified the UFO phenomenon and struck the psyche of the American culture at its core giving rise to every sort of imagination of a global takeover by aliens (or false flag attack). Phase one of Operation UFO Takeover was complete. What came next was to generate much more than temporary fear and trepidation.

Without Darwinism and abiogenesis predominating the worldview of all people in the world, this scenario would have been rejected.

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Well said my brother!

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Where to find your book? And if you had or have a professional position (I'm an RPh 42+ years and fixing to retire soon) might I inquire what you do or did aside from writing? Finally, your take on what your top 3 major and/or prophetic timeline events we might see in 2024? I expect Israel/Mideast escalation is highly likely possibly pushing into or near Ezekiel 38 war, I don't anticipate seeing a 2024 election due to a delay (the Black Swan event, economic collapse, or a proxy war that reaches our shore, any of can cause a martial law period), haven't narrowed a 3rd event down yet, but my leading candidate is CyberPolygon (WEF/Davos 2021/war game planning) we lose Internet and AI/ChatGPT/Beast System precursor takes over control of ALL knowledge. Anyway, your thoughts when you have a some time.

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Thank you.

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