Why didn't I notice Musk's garb two years ago? There's a baphomet on his chest with an upside down cross in the center of it. And most people STILL don't believe in Satan or God who created him and all things. Oh, they believe in something, alright. But it isn't the God with whom we all have to do, Jesus Christ who with God the Father and the Holy Ghost created ALL THINGS seen and unseen. They replaced Him with chance, time and mistakes - i.e. "foolish imaginations" and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:21 (read it. start a New Years habit by reading the Bible in the KJV) But we all have been born into an era in which we will all see God intervene once again in the affairs of mankind and most will YET disbelieve it is God. Happy New Year everyone but do you really think it will be that?

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2025 is going to be a ride no matter what. If Trump makes it past the 20th (and apparently they have him well guarded) than the first quarter will be wild with all the culprits being executed, round up of immigrants, etc. There will be a counter reaction with this and nobody will know exactly what that will look like,....but it will be ugly. Lots of money behind evil and they control AI. Be prepped and alert is all I can say. I think parts of 2025 will look pretty good and then our guards will be let down. Expect lots of "suddenlies". Keep your guard up,...our civilization is in a war.

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Happy New Year to ALL!!! Thanks for always sending us interesting posts, Manuel!! May I suggest Alexandra Bruce of Forbidden News put out an excellent post on A.I. & "Others"!! It was interesting to learn the Pecking Order over our Reality!! So many agendas in play.....our Goal should be to remain Human!!! ;-)

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more about the fog, watch for the symptoms section, which is important:


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NOW is the time for masks!!

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Thanks for the link. Why hasn't any of the hundreds of labs across this world TESTED this fog to determine what it is? I think we are all toast.

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Happy new year everyone!

This poem describes exactly how I feel about the old year leaving, and the new year coming in….

‘Ring Out, Wild Bells’

(from In Memoriam)

By Lord Alfred Tennyson

Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,

The flying cloud, the frosty light:

The year is dying in the night;

Ring out, wild bells, and let him die.

Ring out the old, ring in the new,

Ring, happy bells, across the snow:

The year is going, let him go;

Ring out the false, ring in the true.

Ring out the grief that saps the mind

For those that here we see no more;

Ring out the feud of rich and poor,

Ring in redress to all mankind.

Ring out a slowly dying cause,

And ancient forms of party strife;

Ring in the nobler modes of life,

With sweeter manners, purer laws.

Ring out the want, the care, the sin,

The faithless coldness of the times;

Ring out, ring out my mournful rhymes

But ring the fuller minstrel in.

Ring out false pride in place and blood,

The civic slander and the spite;

Ring in the love of truth and right,

Ring in the common love of good.

Ring out old shapes of foul disease;

Ring out the narrowing lust of gold;

Ring out the thousand wars of old,

Ring in the thousand years of peace.

Ring in the valiant man and free,

The larger heart, the kindlier hand;

Ring out the darkness of the land,

Ring in the Christ that is to be. ❤️🙂

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If They're projected onto the cave wall (Our screens), They are not trustworthy. They sold out and are playing parts. We might want to...

Escape the Cave! (article): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/Escape-the-Cave:6

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daytime coverage of geoengineering https://youtu.be/3H49OGyR9ZY

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more daytime coverage of geoengineering https://youtu.be/jXlQtl-ysnQ

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Happy New Year, Manuel! It's going to be quite an interesting (?) 2025.

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No fog in Alabama thank goodness.

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Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year! From Maryland. I enjoy your content. Sadly many still trust him, I never have. 💜

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Happy New Year to everyone here;))

Stay healthy and strong, and sing this nice song:


well, the words are great but the mu-sic make my ears sick;)

The video from Japan is amazing! Just do not want to know what kind of materials were embedded in the multi staged explosion, which then fall on everyone.. Oh, here some info about it, from https://matcha-jp.com/en/1932

"The size of a firework depends on the size of the shell that is shot into the air. This firework shell has a diameter of 90 centimeters and weighs 300 kilograms using a whopping 80 kilograms of explosives. This is the maximum weight allowed by law. This huge shell explodes into a 650-meter-diameter flower in the sky."

Oh, and lets hope Biden got some of the electricity flow and got better...

Lastly, since it is PEOPLE's money being spend for wars and KILLINGS, it should be the people who decide, not WH.

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Happy New Year.

I’ve seen video of the car sized drones dumping liquid at night. Probably related to the fog.

Stay frosty for 2025, everyone

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We had the weird chemical fog for 3 days in the UK too. I noticed the smell. Yikes

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Well, deception is at an all time high. Fake and created terrorism. Weather modification, people in politics perceived as good, the list goes on. I wish a good year for everyone but not all will have it. Listen for God's voice, have a safe place ready and keep a go-bag with you at all times. Keep arms, protect worthy people and don't lose faith. In spite of world gov't, we'll get thru to the other side. Be aware of your surroundings and trust no one. Keep your circle small

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What Happened? Between 1960 and 2020? Almost total annihilation of TESTOSTERONE...

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The H-1B program allows employers to hire skilled foreign workers in specialty occupations and authorizes the temporary employment of qualified individuals who are not otherwise authorized to work in the U.S. There are protections in place to help to ensure that the program is not used to discriminate against U.S. Please research before posting what many will just believe without doing their own research.

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