Apr 3Liked by Strange Sounds

Look closer, or maybe back up....the WEFrs logo is 6 6 6 !

The curved line in red is separated by another line just above each circle that is cut by the line, notice they are in red on the right side of the circle, each one is a 'six'

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You said "This activity occurred alongside the sudden widening of a 10 foot long crack in the ground, ...". Are you saying there was a 10 foot long crack that started widening or it widened to 10 feet? Also, if it's a 10 foot "long" crack shouldn't it have lengthened instead of widened?

Inquiring minds want to know .... 🍺

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Apr 2Liked by Strange Sounds

For the WEF, check out the English Gematria of the remaining words in the circle.... 840

The Eclipse is on 8 April (4)


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Apr 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Its a 666 (Mark of Satan) not eclipse- beast system

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Apr 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Nice catch on the WEF logo. It’s there the whole time. Just like Amazon’s.

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Apr 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Good eye!

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there has been protests at every provicial boarder in canada as well apr 1st and some still happening.. don't see that on the news... it's an AXE the carbon tax protest

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Migrating birds were the source of the bird flu that infected dairy cattle? Might be hard to pin this one on Bill Gates, but I'm sure some folks will try - lol!

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Looks like TN is working hard to pass another law to solve a problem that doesn't exist. No one is planning to put vaccines in our food. Wildlife authorities in MI, however, are doing a field study to see if an oral vaccine can protect wild deer from bovine tuberculosis, a disease that can be spread to humans.

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Look at Space Force logo - it is the path of the upcoming eclipse : the previous eclipse.

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Good catch on the WEF logo, as if there were any MORE reasons to suspect something is going to happen big time. I knew that the logo has 666 in it but didn't relate that to the eclipse, just another proof that something big is coming. I think it can be safely assumed that GOD the Creator set the moon, earth, sun and planets in place (He made the stars also! Genesis 1:16) and He determined their movements from the start.

He also told us in Scripture that there will be signs in the sun the moon and the stars at the time of the end. To conclude that all of the indications which this eclipse, combined with the 2017 eclipse bring to light could be just "snoped" into meaninglessness must be done with eyes wide SHUT (and Snopes.com's most recent post debunking anything to do with it). Am I saying that the long awaited Rapture will happen in 5 days? Not at all, in fact the contrary.

We know from Scripture that when Jesus appears, it will be at an hour "we expect Him not". (Matthew 24:50; Luke 12:46) In conclusion, I believe that His coming is more likely to be either before the eclipse or after the eclipse, but I'm hoping that I'm wrong about AFTER because that could mean a long time after. I would much prefer BEFORE, like RIGHT NOW!

I have been studying the Rapture for nearly 40 years and have debated with countless of those who deny the Biblical pre trib Rapture and deny that Jesus could appear at any minute (the immanence doctrine). Those who deny the pre trib Rapture suffer from one of two conditions (or both) they are either unsaved or are backslidden and do not WANT to see Jesus "right now". They want "time" to get their lives in order or to be saved finally. They don't understand that we who want to see Him RIGHT NOW understand that it's not by our works that we're saved but by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ and we KNOW that we're saved! One thing is certain. He WILL come for those who have been waiting for Him (even those who are NOT waiting for Him if they were truly saved) and take us to be with Him forever and ever and that will happen VERY soon.

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