On the chips, and I am a God fearing, trying to follow the ways of Jesus, redeemed one

Excuse my language here, but back in my heathen mechanican days, a fellow tech always came up with ideas like...cocksickles, cockdrops, etc....so something like this is not surprising at all, just surprised the LGBTQRSTUVOMRAWXYZ crowd has not said something about a 'woman' on the bag!

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Yes they and a bunch of extremist feminists could indeed attack the chips maker... That would fit well!

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And after that they could attack a furrburger factory

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Mexico calls lollipops Chupas, suckers, so... :) I avoid the caramel (brown ones) when seeing them in a store in the US.

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Good idea. Then nobody can call you a chupadero.

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Or the mythical chupacabra.

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LOL! they used to call me an S O B, and I always thanked them for complimenting my mother. :)

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In a perfect world SOB would stand for something noble like son of a butcher.

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Our work mother is ekua tsi, where the word squaw comes from, greatly beloved. Mom is etsi, and also means a mother wolf :) Unlike wolves, tho, men aren't masochistic and women are not allowed to be sadistic...until football season :)

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The real word for those sugar cane pudding is called panocha .Panocha also means something else for lustful men on the hunt for loose women.

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The artwork on the bag has an illumiati eyeball, devil horns, and an arrow through the phallus head too. Satanic pervert tuna flavored chips. Yeah, right. Nobody wants that crap except perverts and weirdos. Big fail and a zero as far as marketing idea. The female is a knock off jessica rabbit too. Schlock artwork. 👎👎👎👎👎👎

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Thank you for having what the Bible calls a "bridled" tongue. If you truly are a believer and I believe you are you should watch Jimmy Evans " TIPPING POINT " Or Jan Markel "Understanding the Times" . Great sobering endtimes content that leaves you a little bit mind blow but hopeful for the future. Jesus is coming back in mere moments while the rest of this world is living like there's going to be a million tomorrows.

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Yes, I have to ask for God every day to watch over my tongue, the Bible says, Hear quick and speak slow, the reason we have 2 ears and 1 mouth is to hear twice as much as we talk!

And I listen to Jan every Saturday, also JD Farag, David Jerimiah, Pastor David Lankford, Steve Quayle, though not a Pastor, has some really good podcasts, and Celeste Solum is now going on the road

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Yes, I have to ask for God every day to watch over my tongue, the Bible says, Hear quick and speak slow, the reason we have 2 ears and 1 mouth is to hear twice as much as we talk!

And I listen to Jan every Saturday, also JD Farag, David Jerimiah, Pastor David Lankford, Steve Quayle, though not a Pastor, has some really good podcasts, and Celeste Solum is now going on the road

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Sodomites won't be inclined to eat pus*y flavored chips. Only the hairy lesbos and heathen perverts. That probably why the gaystapo hasn't complained about the hooker tramp on the bag?

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The ship mirage picture:

I agree with Manuel's theory on the Flying Dutchman. Great picture too.👍

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Wow, a news item I could've done without. Literally ignorance is bliss in this instance.

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We are being bombarded with insane news, phenomena and events. They want us to get crazy. But we will stay strong...

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Donno if it’s true or not, but I was told as a kid, American Indians (me and mine) has resistance to Syphilis because it once was common among the nations. I do know a lot of us are born with a white or blond streak in our hair, and that’s supposed to be a sign of it. But, take gonorrhea! Ouch!

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VD Epidemic Article:

My simple advice is don't be a pervert. Syphilis is nasty. Go look at end-stage syphilis pictures. I remember we had a "health class" senior year. They showed pictures of VD on people, in black and white. Scared the piss out of me and my friends. We weren't exactly saints either.

Now all the sodomites are giving each other buttmonkey-pox on their faces and weiners. 😷

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