Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Utah ~ Mount Timpanogos:

I climbed that one to summit. I actually ran uphill most of the way back then 1989. If I remember it was approximately 14,000'. It was so beautiful compared to the evil people in our daily meat grinder report.

Bill Cooper's story is a must for anybody who has not read it. He was set up, and killed for what he believed in too.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The first picture of the school up top:

I spy with my little eye ---the number 33. You all know what that means, right?

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Wow, I loved Eyes Wide Shut, but never knew that Kubrick died shortly thereafter. LOL Alex Jones was right again.

Yes armed trans people should be taken seriously and Jane Fonda might be complicit in the Nashville shooting. Good work by Nashville police, stark contrast between there and Uvalde, which was probably a staged event.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Great news about beautiful life being brought back to that spot in Australia. I've never seen eyes wide shut, but have heard about the lost minutes. I wonder. Would be great to know what he really personally thought and what he was trying to put out into the world.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Transdemon Mass Murders:

There are now four transdemon mass murders. Mental illness is likely the cause. The marxist-satanists don't even let the bodies cool down before they push for gun control. Rinse and repeat. There are probably mkultra hypno-zombie + Rx meds involved in most of these operations too. The police did a very professional job when they smoked this monster!

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

John Kerry is not a good person. Yeah, Jane Fonda I guess could be guilty of that. I mean it's her own personal thoughts put on TV, just like Alex. Thank you for the pdf. And what a great name Kellie. She sounds super 👌 awesome. Thank you Manuel.

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Mar 30, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The creature who shot up the school was using a carbine, not a AR 15. Trans peeps have 2A rights, just not the right to murder at will. TRANSGENDER = MENTAL ILLNESS

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I don't know what to comment on first. If any of us 50-60 somethings saw your substack back in our carefree and sane days our first reaction would be (what's a substack? :) no, just kidding. Our reaction would likely be, "This is definitely news from the last days on earth. It would have to be!" Great reporting Manuel. I wish I could spend all day on this one, commenting and reading in depth. I will mention that, when I came upon the "lightning strikes truck" video, I thought is was a dash cam footage from a clip I saw on "Your daily dose of internet" yesterday. The truck was just moving down the interstate when a huge bolt of lightning struck it. I'll see if I can find it and post it here in the comment section. Here it is... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDktJEDkY2g

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Thank you Manuel for all the amazing and disturbing news. Just wanted to mention that news from Germany are equally disturbing in terms of young people committing crimes with evergrowing rates.

As young as 12th years old get stabbed 75 times by other 2 girls, ampther two attacked the teacher and beat up the 14th years old, a 13th years old tortued for hours in the german city Heide, all reported in german by the serious channel at:


Berlin offficials push the reason for covid measures. Just wonder if that includes the covid injections for children!???

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I'm sorry, "tightening of border security"? What is she talking about? It's pretty obvious its a loosening. Maybe they just weren't happy not being in a 5 star hotel like the other ones.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🇲🇽

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Kubrick's erotica porn film "Eyes Wide Shut" had 24 minutes of the most explicit scenes cut so it would be rated R rather than NC-17 (formerly known as "X" rated.)

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