Utah ~ Mount Timpanogos:

I climbed that one to summit. I actually ran uphill most of the way back then 1989. If I remember it was approximately 14,000'. It was so beautiful compared to the evil people in our daily meat grinder report.

Bill Cooper's story is a must for anybody who has not read it. He was set up, and killed for what he believed in too.

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The first picture of the school up top:

I spy with my little eye ---the number 33. You all know what that means, right?

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I think that's what he meant? Maybe?

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The number 33 has extremely high religious and occult esoteric significance. I find it odd that often there is some number 33 shenaningans at crime scenes and crime reports. So to me, this must have been a planned event. It happens too often to be coincidence.

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I love numbers…

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I love numbers, too, since I'm an accountant, and I took college level Statistics courses, so I know that random coincidences that seem hugely significant and meaningful, are extremely common, and actually mean nothing special whatsoever. There are likely thousands of street numbers "33", some which are the sites of horrific crimes and all sorts of weirdness, and the vast majority of which aren't the sites of anything notable ever. The same would be true of every possible street number combination on Earth.

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Awesome! Please check it out. He de codes a lot of things. There's a whole map about Isaac kappy. A rabbit hole.

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If you're into, well not into, but into knowing about numbers and what they mean..good site. thephoenixenigma.com he has a lot. It gets confusing at points. But still a lot of info.

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You're right! It was a planned event. The killer planned it. (S)he wrote a manifesto. No mystery there, and the killer didn't choose that location because it had the "33" street address. (S)he chose it because (s)he apparently went to school there as a child. No esoteric significance - just a rage-filled suicidal gender-dysphoric millennial who wanted to go out with a bang, literally, at the very Christian school her hated Christian parents sent her to.

The important part is not the school street number, but the contents of the manifesto, and where the money came from for all those guns Audrey bought.

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They won't publish the man-ifesto, nor its Rx pharma-sorcery drugs. Why? Perhaps it was a HATE crime induced by testosterone. Perhaps it was mad when the testosterone didn't make its clitoris grow into a penis (clitormegly)? Perhaps it was an Electra complex,.ie., penis envy with all the LONG guns. Hahaa

Manuel was refering to 33 when his headline said, ' I spy with my lil eye.'

Keep cooking your books, Einstein.

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Wow, I loved Eyes Wide Shut, but never knew that Kubrick died shortly thereafter. LOL Alex Jones was right again.

Yes armed trans people should be taken seriously and Jane Fonda might be complicit in the Nashville shooting. Good work by Nashville police, stark contrast between there and Uvalde, which was probably a staged event.

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Great news about beautiful life being brought back to that spot in Australia. I've never seen eyes wide shut, but have heard about the lost minutes. I wonder. Would be great to know what he really personally thought and what he was trying to put out into the world.

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I remember trying to watch that film on a tv when I was in town. I had to shut it off. Mind poison.

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Transdemon Mass Murders:

There are now four transdemon mass murders. Mental illness is likely the cause. The marxist-satanists don't even let the bodies cool down before they push for gun control. Rinse and repeat. There are probably mkultra hypno-zombie + Rx meds involved in most of these operations too. The police did a very professional job when they smoked this monster!

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John Kerry is not a good person. Yeah, Jane Fonda I guess could be guilty of that. I mean it's her own personal thoughts put on TV, just like Alex. Thank you for the pdf. And what a great name Kellie. She sounds super 👌 awesome. Thank you Manuel.

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Don't forget 04/01/23 is National Day of Transdemon Vengeance. So there will be more mental illness coupled with demonic possession afoot. I don't think it is over. Let's not forget, trantifa has many pedohomos, satanists, anarchists, and garden variety cretin-perverts in its ranks. That is a bonafide fact.

* [ Aside ] I do think an exorcism and Christ can heal these poor lost souls. Even a sincere Repentance and asking Christ for forgiveness can snap people out of this spell.

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The creature who shot up the school was using a carbine, not a AR 15. Trans peeps have 2A rights, just not the right to murder at will. TRANSGENDER = MENTAL ILLNESS

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I don't know what to comment on first. If any of us 50-60 somethings saw your substack back in our carefree and sane days our first reaction would be (what's a substack? :) no, just kidding. Our reaction would likely be, "This is definitely news from the last days on earth. It would have to be!" Great reporting Manuel. I wish I could spend all day on this one, commenting and reading in depth. I will mention that, when I came upon the "lightning strikes truck" video, I thought is was a dash cam footage from a clip I saw on "Your daily dose of internet" yesterday. The truck was just moving down the interstate when a huge bolt of lightning struck it. I'll see if I can find it and post it here in the comment section. Here it is... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDktJEDkY2g

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Hey Jimd,

Now the satanist media refuses to read the transdemon manifesto, which probably indicates the transdemon anti-Christian hate crime. Now, the satanic media is blaming Christians for the killing of three children and three adults 3 and 3. 33. Media is running with no-known-motive lie.

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It's a jumbled mass of confusion isn't it? The very bottom line is partly revealed on this thread in the Eyes Wide Shut piece. Their god is SATAN (not Lucifer, he was created by God as the highest Cherubim until iniquity was found in him THEN he was cast out of Heaven and became Satan) and they worship this powerful being who HATES US AND GOD! Every agenda that the wicked rulers have and are working toward is to destroy mankind and God (boy are they in for a big surprise) and their biggest weapon is DECEPTION. They say that Satan is wise but really, how wise can he be if he picks a fight with his Creator ALMIGHTY GOD???

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I always say, if God created lucifer/satan, then he can also destroy him. So, God Almighty is in charge. Those that are deceived have failed the test. They will have to account for themselves at Judgement. They will probably not be wearing white linen.

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Thank you Manuel for all the amazing and disturbing news. Just wanted to mention that news from Germany are equally disturbing in terms of young people committing crimes with evergrowing rates.

As young as 12th years old get stabbed 75 times by other 2 girls, ampther two attacked the teacher and beat up the 14th years old, a 13th years old tortued for hours in the german city Heide, all reported in german by the serious channel at:


Berlin offficials push the reason for covid measures. Just wonder if that includes the covid injections for children!???

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Yes heard about those. They will not be punished because they are ‘minor’. Not even put in an irrenhaus. As a parent I would be scared having my children playing with them.

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I'm sorry, "tightening of border security"? What is she talking about? It's pretty obvious its a loosening. Maybe they just weren't happy not being in a 5 star hotel like the other ones.

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Do you call military aged foreign nationalists ---invaders or migrants? Even on Conservative branded websites the narrative is always "migrants." Do they believe we are all stupid?

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No sir, I don't, I call them Illegal aliens. And yes, if you have watched Myjackas lie, you know that to be true. The scary part is yesterday's numbers on patriotism at 36%. :(

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No borders, no country. 🙈

No surprise on lack of Patriotism either. Schools have embedded oikophobia is the little ones from an early age for a few generations now. There are ponerological explanations as well. Cultural suicide creates a lack of Patriotism. Who fights for a country full of degenerates and perverts?

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Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🇲🇽

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Happy you find it useful

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Kubrick's erotica porn film "Eyes Wide Shut" had 24 minutes of the most explicit scenes cut so it would be rated R rather than NC-17 (formerly known as "X" rated.)

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