Everyone just seems to IGNORE what is REALLY going on.

EVERYONE wishes this would just go away. Well, It’s NOT going away.

If people don’t SPEAK UP, this WILL continue, and they WILL get



The mRNA food supply is proven to be a delivery method for extremely aggressive synthetic pathogens (viruses) that can penetrate the cell wall and nucleus of our cells causing disease.

The ”coronavirus” was first described in 1965. In 1992, Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

took a pathogen that used to infect the gut and lungs and altered it with

a chimera to make it infect the heart, causing cardiomyopathy.

This research was part of the effort to develop an HIV vaccine.

The covid injections were 19 years in the making by the time they

were rolled out. (“OPERATION WARP-SPEED” is and was all B.S.)

These injections were rolled out despite the mRNA spike protein

being publicly referred to as a bio-weapon almost 20 years ago.

In 2005, the mRNA spike protein was presented at a conference

organized by DARPA and Miter Corporation as a:

“technology that enables biological warfare.”

2002 – U.S. scientists developed this weapon further.

2003 – US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) patented

the weapon in its first commercial application know as: (SARS).

2005 – mRNA spike protein was declared a biological

“belligerent” technology.

2016 – Proceedings of the published National Academy of Sciences

article ‘SARS-Like W1V1-COV Poised for Human Emergence’.

Is anyone still rooting for the medical “industry”?

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Having trouble understanding why some people seem to believe that the powers that be are going to make them eat bugs or that they will be forced to resort to eating bugs in order to get protein if meat isn't available.

Please calm your fears and be assured that:

1. There are already lots of insect parts in most of your food, so you are already eating lots of bugs.

2. There is plenty of protein available without ever deliberately stuffing your pie hole with creepy crawlies. Totally unnecessary even if all meat disappeared from the planet.

3. There is no point in getting your panties in a torque over possible but improbable future events. The future is not current reality and humans are notoriously bad at predicting the future with even 50/50 accuracy.

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I thought you may find this interesting..In Chula Vista, California , they are getting ready to launch onto the local poor communities reacclimation water as our drinking water. Of course its not put upon the wealthier communities. After your article on PFA's, I wonder how long before they can reclaim our homes too. Got to love living in one of the most expensive places to live. My father used to say, San Diego will one day be for only the rich, & those that serve them. Getting close to that now.

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Wow!! And they say that CHILDREN are the FUTURE… WCF24 now that is a nightmare

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Is this true??? DJT signed the U.S. on to BRICS on Apr. 10th??? If so, how does that change things world wide?!

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If more people cared, we wouldn't be in the situation the world is currently in. Even the lack of care or concern over the secret (or less televised) events impacting our world and spelling out a post apocalyptic, bug eating future for our children is something that has been designed by "them". The recent high-up UN denial and war against those with eyes open enough to see, a war against "conspiracy theorists" tells the whole story and most sit around believing every word of it. We've been dumbed down, drugged up, poisoned by fluoridated water and then programmed to disbelieve it all! This has been a systematic PROGRAM of disinformation whose secrecy is defended by public ridicule where most believe it's better to say nothing than to suffer the scorn that accompanies anyone who mentions any of it. That's where we're at. Swimming in a sea of lies and deception; untruths which are designed to ultimately kill us all. And the world disregards it. We have a few on this comment thread.

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