We went from 63 million buffalo to now 43 million cattle and no decrease in methane. What caused the increase? There are now millions of vegans.

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The Crown Act is unfreaking believable! As a Texan I am outraged that this is all they can find to do in Austin as 10's of thousands of illegals from everywhere on the planet invade our territory every week. I think there are Republicans that will rue the day they voted for this Bill when the next primary season arrives. Can't even believe it happened!

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It's like a joke. They taunt us with ridiculous things like this, that is, those of us awake enough to see their destructive agenda. They will NOT have the last laugh.

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Couldn't watch the video. My heart breaks for the poor birds in Chile. :(

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Thank you.

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The elite are now completely ruled by spiritual wickedness in high places. The methane isn't coming from cows, it's coming from the GROUND as it melts. The permafrost in Siberia is melting at an alarming rate releasing billions of cubic centimeters of methane. Search "Siberian Methane Craters". The tundra is literally exploding as it thaws, releasing the built up gasses of thousands of years of dead plants and animals frozen and buried during the flood but the sciences and corrupt media aren't going to expose this so we must do so ourselves. Search "frozen mammoths".

Entire herds of Mammoths have been found preserved in the ice of Siberia and other parts of the Arctic. Common sense will alert the thinking person that something is wrong here. How does one of the largest herding animals, sometimes in groups of thousands, maintain their massive size and weight by poking through the hard permafrost with their giant tusks for a tuft of grass here or a root or branch there?

Any visit to the Siberian Tundra, even in the summer months, proves that it is in no way a feeding ground capable of sustaining such herds of animals. The mammoth is closely related to elephants by DNA. Modern elephants in the wild are known to consume up to 300 pounds of food daily. Many of these frozen mammoths were found extremely well preserved, some even having been partially eaten by wolves and other Arctic wildlife. Food was found in the mouths and stomachs of many and so well preserved that the plant life was identifiable even having the impressions of the teeth clearly visible.

The cells of the flesh and muscles of many of these animals were intact. Freezing causes cells to rupture unless “supercooled” very quickly (within 4 hours) to a temperature of at least minus 150 to 175 degrees F, otherwise the cells rupture. This is why frozen food companies use the method “quick frozen” which keeps the cells from expanding and breaking the cell wall. It was estimated by Clarence Birdseye, discoverer of the "quick freeze" method of food preservation, estimated that in order to freeze a 5-ton elephant, perfectly preserving the contents of the stomach, the animal must have been frozen at temperatures of at least -300 F which would have frozen them solid in less than 4 hours.

The mammoths are a total mystery to modern science to this very day. But the Bible explains this very well. Many young earth creationists (which I am) believe that there existed a canopy of ice surrounding the earth justified by Genesis 1:6 in the Creation account. " And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." The waters "above" the firmament would necessarily be at the temperature of outer space, i.e. frozen.

Some say that a comet impact caused the instant freezing of the animals but the geographic area in which frozen animals are found is much too large to have been caused by a single comet impact event. Moreover, a comet surviving through the atmosphere without burning up would have necessarily been so large that the impact would be highly destructive as well leaving little evidence of any intact animal remains in and around the impact zone.

The evidence instead supports that of a very large amount of ice fell from the super-chilled emptiness of the very outer atmosphere to the ground, allowing for a “hole” in the upper atmosphere, bringing with its collapse, extreme cold and thus exposing large areas of the surface of the earth to the near absolute zero temperatures of space, covering lakes, rivers and streams, freezing fish solid as they swam. The frozen animals in many cases had broken bones and many were crushed as if something very large had fallen on them.

With all of the questions that can arise regarding the condition of the planet at the time of the mammoths’ freezing, one thing is certain: 6 ton animals cannot be frozen instantaneously over millions of years.

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Meat "production" really does create gigantic environmental harms (to produce 1 kilogram of meat, at least 10 -15 kg of plant matter are necessary) and animal suffering, so I do promote meat alternatives.

Of course not in the way the "elites" are proposing, e.g. disgusting lab meat, which has even lower conversion rate, mass culling of animals, forcing people to eat less meat or bugs or Soylent Green. I would try to mainstream the really tasty and nice alternatives via truly fact-based education, subventions, PR. The people I watch buying large amounts of meat are generally (on average) the most sickly looking. Keto diet adherents and the like die earlier and sicklier (on average).

But still, you always have interesting news, so I ❤d your newsletter issue.

Can't support financially (paid subscription) in the forseeable future, cos "Covid"-policies have nearly totally ruined my family - thank you also for listing this study about societary harms of Covid policies - it will be multi-generationally disastrous. May it backfire on them.

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The 29 Palms triangle was debunked. It was flares. Weaponized Podcast, did not release the full video. They knew it was flares. They made money off it, and when busted cried foul. I used to respect Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp. Not anymore. kudos Manny

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The lights certainly do not look , or behave like flares.

Not even slightly.

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they cherry picked the video, the whole video shows them dropping, sorry bro.

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Evil ? lmao

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It's borrowed from a Terry Pratchett character.

Evil Harry Dread, who started off the evil overlord business in his shed of doom.

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While Georgia USA is known as "The Peach State", in reality it produces fewer peaches than its neighboring state South Carolina. As a SC resident I have not seen any references to the state's crops being damaged by climatic conditions; although it has been a moderately cool Spring.

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no data from America's National Buoy Data Center that corresponds with the 6.2 earthquake south of New Zealand - interactive map - you can click on two buoys in the Tasman Sea https://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/

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