Excellent report or post. Excellent, you covered the gambit dude. Stem to stern as they say. On Bart Sibrel. I remember the televised version as clear as day w/parents. As we watched w/ narration of all the pomp & circumstance of this ground (haha) shattering advancement, at 7 yrs I'd never been lied to, so I was deeply confused. As the black & white tv grainy pic showed the lunar lander uh landing, as we watched Earl Scruggs or whomever it was descend with the iconic words 'first man on the moon' ya ya. I turned innocently asked my parents & I speak only truth, "Wouldnt the cameraman have been the first guy in the moon?" Question 2 :: "How did the cameraman get there first?" Question 3:: "Where do they go to the bathroom?" I kid you not.

No answers. My father was the most honest man I've ever known. He silently got up & went out to his shop & we never brought it up again. Even my mom was like...huh. I don't know. Good questions tho. Since I'd never been lied to before by the people I loved most that satisfied my young heart. But the questions were never answered. I even, between you and me, researched space poopers. Toilets. As a child your fear of bathroom absence can be real when 10 ppl are using one bathroom as it was in our little home. And the thot of getting to the moon without a bathroom sent a cold chill down my spine. Hahah for real!

I have no idea what shape the earth is I only know it's not what they say since globe math does not land airplanes. Linear math does. Nor do I care anymore. I do not believe man can find or get to where God denies access to. If moon stuff were that easy it would be easy. In the spirit realm? I'm way out of my depth & realm hopping aint my deal nor do I want to hop into a diff realm just to check a buncha liars for liar accuracy on the liar scale of 1% true. Keep it. I'll marvel at the wonder and beauty of God's creation frm terra firma.

Oddity. Does anyone else find the ai online has a vast absence of common words? Like terra firma? Or pedophile. Or any number of words a lilly liveried pederast may find course? I'm changing my opinion on ai. It's so dumb , so inarticulate , so clumsy , so inelegant, so retarded it cannot find a way to use creative language. Due to its own designers lack of deep natural intuition and use of language to define the undefinable it's like a mean 3 grader. Or a bad dog that needs put down. It relies on theft, plagiarism & sophistry. Anyway, long comment. I seem to lack short pithy statements for complex thoughts. Oh well. But excellent post. I gotta reread it. Thank you Manuel!

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Kathryn, I was blown away by your questions to your parents to the so called moon landing. It never entered my mind till you mentioned it here! Love your deep thinking!

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Children think logically if they are spoken to with truth & logic. No baby talk no inane gibberish. We had a big family who had lively dinner conversation. Ignorant comments wernt tolerated. Being the only girl +my mom only we were mostly observers. Discussions were mechanical or specific to a function. I never knew how blessed I was to be raised in such a rich home of tough but fun love with a brilliance we took for granted seeing the absolute stupidity of today's arrogant educated. No lying was ever tolerated. The punishment was severe & instant. None ever considered such hubris. Plus my father was a bona fide humble hero & none could measure up. My questions were just a matter of my simple life experience. Not deep or intellectual in the least. But man, was it a party stopper. Never again was any space anything ever brought up again to my memory. But thank you for the nice words. 🙏🏻❤️

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I asked the same question about the cameraman. When I read Moon Man last year my other questions resurfaced too. Like, why are the shadows different? On the issue of AI, it's only as smart as whoever programs it and the easiest way to shut it down is to pull the plug. AI has to have electricity or batteries to survive.

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Tennessee is on the ball! It seems like (SEEMS like) the Tennessee state representatives and senate members (and Governor Lee) have awakened to the tyranny of the wicked cabal trying to take over the world! First, the banning of geoengineering in the form of any kind of dispersions from jet aircraft and now, allowing teachers to protect their children by carrying concealed weapons in school, during school hours.

If nothing else happens from this, it will certainly get the attention of the wicked, global government! Hopefully, it will act like the DEW fires the wicked intentionally set (which are now beginning to burn) and will SPREAD throughout the states. But I must be realistic. It's just much too little and much too late but even a bit of hope is still hope.

So there is little hope for our country but the hope which we can still put in our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ hasn't waned a bit, in fact there is more hope NOW, in this age than there has ever been because Bible prophecy and world events tell us that He is coming at any minute!

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The question I have in regard to the chemtrail ban on TN is what os the “powers that be” that are stopping it?

Drove into TN on I-65 last and there was a lovely “X marks the spot” then about 60 miles south of Nashville there were two chemtrails actively spraying and the sky had the gray scum. Are the skies actually going to be monitored and the chemtrail planes taken out? It ticked me off so bad yesterday when I saw this. I couldn’t take photos as I was driving otherwise I would have.

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I had the same question and this is what I have come up with so far... This move by the Tenn legislature is purely political but, as politics goes these days, a step in the RIGHT direction. It is the hope of the people of we the people who are awake and the people of Tenn that other states will follow and when enough voices speak up loudly enough THEN something might be done about it. Moreover, most people in this country either don't know or are willingly ignorant about the massive geoengineering taking place above their heads so, a critical mass of awareness must be the very first step in stopping this blatant attack on this earth and the people dwelling upon it. The media must also stop lying and telling the people that these lines criss crossing in the sky are simply contrails of water vapor. But as it is now, there is very little that can be done to enforce these new laws because the military industrial complex is so powerful in fact, I'm sure the X that you saw in the sky was pure mockery.

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😂 on the media stopping lying. The media is mainly owned by the “Fake Jews” and those of the NWO agenda. The MIC is all a part of it.

Agree with you on the “politics”

The “X” for sure mockery and “What are you going to do about it TN?”

I’ve been aware and watching the chemtrails for 6+ years and people thought I was bonkers until they started watching the skies, and even some people who I had discussed it with dismissed me, until the TN thing 🤪. Huge difference between a chemtrail and a contrail. I know you know, just talking out loud

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Yes indeed. The NWO is just around the corner. All of the prophecies of the end times written about in the Bible are coming to pass all at once. That's how we know we're in the last days.

But be careful about allowing yourself to be programmed by this world to blame the Jews for the wicked condition of the entire world, that's just misplaced blame and it's so common now, we're even told in the Bible that the world would hate the Jews. Please read carefully if you are interested in the truth.

The world has ALWAYS hated God's chosen people but this latest hatred has manifested in the world taking Scripture completely out of context (Revelation 3:9) to say that the Jews of the modern day are all FAKE Jews, they are NOT. Jesus was talking about those REFORMED Jews who are simply following the world in all of its disgusting sin. They are still from the line of Abraham. See Romans 11 for more info on that.

Yes, Jews are part of the MIC, the NWO and all the other alphabet agencies but so is every other race of people. Blaming it all on the Jews and calling them "Fake Jews" is taking sides AGAINST GOD OUR CREATOR! This new "replacement theology" by NAR, the New Apostolic Reformation is just plain WRONG.

Read the first 5 books of the KJV Bible and the Major and Minor prophets then decide if all of this hatred toward the Jews and God's turning His Back on them and breaking His Covenant with them is the truth. It astonishes me because it's so far from the truth, nothing could be farther!

God's Chosen People are and always have been the Jews. They are now and will be in eternity, the modern day so-called Christians have NOT taken the place of the Jews, the Israelites, the House of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They who call Israel in 2024 "fake Jews" are literally calling God a LIAR! God forbid!

I certainly wouldn't want to stand before God and explain why I rejected His people to whom He made His Covenant. I wouldn't want to be guilty of stealing God's Promises to the Jews and worse, that I rejected His ONLY Propitiation for the forgiveness of the sins of mankind! God, who came as a Jew and died in our place. Read the KJV Bible and learn the truth.

Don't believe any ONE teacher, heck, don't believe ME but do your own research. It's the ONLY way to know the truth today because the world is full of liars especially those with a very large audience and all of those in the media in ALL its forms!

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Can't thank you enough for the world news!! I always "feel" the CME's.....strange!!

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I just have to say one more thing. The tornado alley report got me started and now I'm mad. They stand there and tell their lies with a straight face when the reality is that the MIC (Lockheed Martin and Raytheon and all the other powers and principalities) have been actively spinning up this weather front, clearly visible on Doppler radar.

The chemical filled tanker jets are spraying mightily and the frequency generators are hard at work at this moment blocking the passage of natural weather patterns and promoting the gathering of intense warm air and moisture thus intentionally creating the weather that is conducive to tornado activity. Bottom line? They are responsible for any property damage and deaths which may happen this week!

While the people perpetually look down into their devices, not seeing the cliff which they're about to step off! What? Geoengineering and weather madness? Go away! It's always been like this. I don't know about you but I had never seen entire parking lots of cars being swept away by an 'atmospheric river' which I also never heard of until recently. Bah! Don't bother us with the truth! Go fetch your tin foil hat that just blew off your head by the 100mph straight line winds which I also had never seen until recently!

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Today I had an "X" over my property!!! ;-)

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They drew an X over the whole Midwest plains states yesterday. The only reason they knew so far in advance is that they CREATED the event. I saw on Doppler radar images how they were pumping BILLIONS of watts of microwave energy (it looked like a fireworks display!) from 4 or 5 centralized, critically placed, massive frequency generating stations into the stratosphere yesterday about this time. See today's news (Saturday 4/27/24) for the results. Here's how it works, by huge and complex but natural physics...

But the unnatural activity of spraying and heating causes a "backup" of the entire natural westerly wind patterns (along with all the moisture from the Gulf) which had nowhere to go but UP. When it was about to burst they suddenly 'turned it off" which was the equivalent of breaking the dam holding back a massive reservoir of cool air now interacting with the EXTREMELY hot air from the metals plasm state and creating hundreds of vortices some HUGE and deadly. I watched it all on Doppler radar, unfolding - an evil and pernicious plan of attack on the people.

They spin up hurricanes the same way, using patented technology of spraying nanoparticles of metals which linger in the sky then heating them up to the plasma state by microwave frequency generating stations (all over the world by the way) and creating (or destroying) any weather patterns they choose, dumping a years' worth of rain in some places and holding back a years' worth of rain in others thus controlling the weather and, as Lyndon B. Johnson said with hubris and pomp, in a speech at a Harvard commencements ceremony circa 1962 (my birth year), "and he who controls the weather controls the world!" Listen for yourself...


Knowing the truth about this stuff not only enrages me but it depresses me and saddens me because so few understand and learn what everyone could/should know. They simply ignore reality attempting to live in their little wonderland of their minds creation, believing that if they ignore everything it might stop. Nonsense.

So, how do I have this knowledge that nobody else seems to have? I'll tell you how... I WEIGH the truth in the balance by believing NOTHING but watching EVERYTHING. The one man responsible for much of the truth I have learned runs a website named

geoengineeringwatch.org. His name is Dane Wigington. Go check out his website and if you haven't seen it, watch his expose of the activity of the wretched powers (that shouldn't be) called The Dimming. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf78rEAJvhY

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So true, JimD!!! Dane W. has done a great job!! Elana Freeland has added some good stuff, as well. The Public has been asleep for a loooooong time!! I was there myself for 70 of my years!!

Will be 80 in a few months! Don't give your energy to "them" by being upset.....we can't change other people.

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Thanks for the advice Loxie Lou. It's good advice but difficult to manage. I shall try harder. I haven't heard of Elana Freeland but be sure I will look her up immediately after writing this comment. Happy early birthday! So, you just woke up a few years ago? My dad, who just turned 91 seventeen days ago has just awakened himself but he's still wavering between sleep and awake. He just told me that he is reading and listening to Thom Hartmann who is a progressive, liberal socialist who ignores all the subjects talked about on this substack. To me he's taking a step in the wrong direction. Anyway, we can only lead others to the truth but we can't (as much as we would like to at times) push their heads under. They must drink at their own pace. Much of the time I would do well to take some of my own advice but one of the biggest frustrations of my life is the people's RESISTANCE to truth. Great Blessings to you man and I hope you have a happy 80th!

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Congrats to your Dad making it to 91!!! Yes, we all have to awaken at our own pace!! The biggest Wake Up Call is going to be on the Religious Side....Anglican Priest, Paul A. Wallis came to the same conclusions I did. He has a great book out, "The Eden Conspiracy"! BTW, this Grandma won't be 80 until Sept. ;-)

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The world siding with the Palestinians is clearly the SUPERNATURAL hatred for the Jews, the chosen People of God. It has ALWAYS been this way for the Jews, and the Bible tells us that when they return to their homeland after nearly 2000 years of having no homeland (Ezekiel 28:25) which happened in 1948, it would usher in the last days of the age of Grace AKA the offer of free salvation to the Gentiles (and whichever select Jews; the Messianic Jews) who would believe in Jesus Christ.

If anyone could read and understand the first 5 books of the Bible and come away thinking that God would EVER turn His Back on the Jews, it would be like looking at the sky and seeing green instead of blue. The whole entire world is focused on a tiny sliver of land in the Middle East. Doesn't that make anybody curious? For those who desire the truth of this matter, they have found it; it is easily found in a study of God's written word, the King James Bible.

There is also now a movement called NAR or the New Apostolic Reformation whose beliefs also include 'replacement theology' or that God has turned His back on the Jews (i.e. LIED when He made the Covenant with the Jews in OT times) of this age and replaced them with the born again Christians of this age. HORSE HOCKEY! The Bible tells the truth about this false teaching and about every other event coming to pass in this age. God's ENTIRE Plan centered on Jacob (Israel) and to think God turned His back on the Jews is complete and utter ignorance of the truth of Scripture.

Never before has the Bible been MORE available to the world via the internet (Daniel 12:4) There are more Bible websites where you can read and even listen to the written word of God than one could shake a stick at and it has NEVER been this way in the History of God's Plan, in fact, for most of the years after Constantine declared Rome to be a Christian State the Bible had been held under lock and key and printed only in LATIN, to be read ONLY by the Clergy.

There's a reason we are here at this time in history. I have done due diligence to learn why, have you? Read the King James Bible and LEARN the Truth of who we are, where we came from and why we're here. Do it now or do it out of desperation later, it's your choice.

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