The "Nazi regime" ~ For starters, the ''U.S." government absorbed MANY, Nazi upper echelon officers and nazi scientists and doctors at the close of WWII. Study: "Operation Paperclip".

So, much of their ideological structure was absorbed and adopted by the American government. Did the ''nazi's loose WWII? I'm gonna say 'NO'. The ''Third Reich'' ended, the mythical "4TH REICH" (perpetual warfare) was born. The fascist nazi party simply became the leftist regime you see now here in the U.S.

Are there really Nazi Trump supporters? Sure. Are there Nazi democrats? Absolutely. They are a perfect fit for one another. Is that picture "POSED"? Meaning are they really "Feds" or working for the Fed?

Yup. That is a very good possibility. Why not? It's the kind of shady shit they do. Fascist-Nazi's were not destroyed. The Bankers simply ended the war. And then the movement morphed.

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Oh yeah, 1 more thing --- "FEMA" sucks.

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Oct 15Liked by Strange Sounds

I have a strong feeling that the Nazi Trump boat are Kamala supporters. They are trying to make a statement, and shame anyone who backs Trump. Simple as that.

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me too ;-)

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Oct 15·edited Oct 15

See the Babylon bee for the truth,it won't allow me to cut & paste a link to the article. Leftist projection once again. This website barely worth bothering with, get enough propaganda these days.

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Oct 14Liked by Strange Sounds

I have to interject, we need to hate somethings. If your moral compass works, you despise some things.

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Hate the sin, not the sinner.

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Agreed, but even God hates Esau. His people are still in the land. Problem though, they want to to hate the sin quietly. I'm not made that way. We have a 1st amendment, I'm very vocal. And I'm educated experiencially opinionated.

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Oct 15Liked by Strange Sounds

Definitely Feds

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I think so too

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Oct 14Liked by Strange Sounds

Gorgeous photo of Mt. Fuji!!! As for the Co2 problem....check out Malcolm Bendall's Thunderstorm Plasmoid Generator!! Shawn Ryan had Randall Carlson on for a great interview!! Thanks, Manuel, for the always excellent w/w coverage!! Most appreciated!! ;-)

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Forgot. THANK you for all the news, 100% BAD today. Not a single tiny, little funny thing, where one could laugh at least for few minutes??? Stress is the worst for your body, shuts off all the essential digestive enzymes.. So how about this old, but sometimes warmed up old meal still tastes great:


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"Trees and land absorbed almost no CO2 last year. Is nature’s carbon sink failing?"

Here some reasons, radiation in GHz range beamed across the entire planet, which disturbs the same photosynthetic systems, no matter in plants or cyanobateria:


and of course geoengineering , which will clog all the breathing pores with nanomaterials designed to kill. The latter just my 'gut feeling'... Today is a HUGE day,, in which a German Lufthansa pilot gave an interview about being laid off for NOT engaging a 'chemtail spray' button in his cockpit, in about 30x if his flights! THANK YOU a sky HERO! More on this in the very first video in this updated post:


Oh, in regard to the books, it is wonderful that children do more reading, just pity it happens this way.. Also the question is WHAT do they read??? Somebody who works fopr the school system here in CA reported about constantly getting rid of certain books in their libraries, and bringing new ones, the one which children should NOT read..... Maybe parents shuold go to school libraries and do a check up??? After all they pay for all of this with their property taxes...

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Oct 14Liked by Strange Sounds

Overall, 😢.

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Oct 15Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks for sharing this.

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Library late fees are a good thing, especially for kids borrowing books. It's a contract which should be upheld and kids need to learn this early. It's shameful that parents don't explain this thoroughly to their kids when borrowing books from the library.

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Stop judging. Its a Roman Circus, but you really shouldn't judge since you don't live here and you don't do business here and you don't have illegal scum bringing the 3rd world to your door (well, maybe you do that via the murder of Europe). I travel to Latin America frequently, I love the people but you know what they have everywhere? EVERYWHERE? Fences, bars on windows, lots of barbed wire...and gangs. I liked it better when you were a-political. You actually think that Donald Trump likes or approves of Nazis? Really? The new Bolshevik democrats are the Nazis. We had things good under Trump. Everything is crap now. And anyone who says differently is blind, stupid and clueless. Stop eating all the propaganda. We aren't perfect, but lots of us would like OUR country back. Along with its borders and the sovereignty that they bring.

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The so-called carbon sinks if they are failing to do their job it’s because the carbon sinks are full of aluminum and those other five chemicals that I can’t spell all kinds of shit that they’re spraying in the sky is falling on the ground for decades, freaking idiots

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That’s not a mug shot I guess he’s five cinderblocks high

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The boat-Nazis were leftists attempting to make Trump supporters look bad. The police forced that boat out of the parade and removed them. Not difficult to figure out at all.

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Stop for one minute and think about your life. Judging from what you have seen in the decades you have been alive, do you think, with the events now occurring at breakneck speed, which NONE of us have ever seen happening before, can you really see this current world lasting 10 more years? How about 5 more? I truly can't see this world lasting, without something MAJOR happening, TWO more years.

Now, think about what that "happening" might be. Runaway global thermonuclear war perhaps? Their all talking about it as NEVER before seen. How about that the world just goes back to pre-Covid ways and all proceeds as normal? Can you see that happening? Which is more likely?

The Bible tells us which will happen. God says that things will get so bad that if He didn't intervene, NO FLESH WOULD REMAIN! "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake (the Jews) those days shall be shortened." Matthew 24:22 (parentheses mine) How would that be possible prior to the nuclear age? It wouldn't be. That's how we know that we are in the end days.

We also know by the fact that Israel would become a nation again in the end days. After the conquest of Israel and the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, the Jews were dispersed throughout the world, scattered, known as the Diaspora. They would reunite in the end days and the generation (70-80 years) which saw this reunification take place would be the generation that saw the return of Jesus Christ for His Bride (all who love Him and are cleansed of their sins by His Shed Blood)

That happened in 1948 and the Bible says a "generation" is 70-80 years. We are at the 76 year mark since Israel became a nation again. Does anyone see why I keep harping on the fact that Jesus is coming very soon?

If you aren't removed in this "catching away of the saints", AKA the Bride of Christ, you will be left to see BILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS DIE. "Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left." Isaiah 24:6

I keep telling people all over the internet and at the gym and everywhere else I go HOW to miss this 7 year period of time in which all this destruction will happen. It's quite simple. SEEK HIM NOW! Who? Jesus Christ. Go somewhere quiet, away from all people and activity and get on your knees. ASK Him out loud, "who are you Lord?" Ask Him a million times, "are you real? Show me that you're real! I really want to know who you Are, Lord!" If you do that; if you are sincere in your heart and you truly want to know who He REALLY is, He will show you.

He will remove the spiritual blinders that have been holding you back from knowing Him and you will see and understand. You will suddenly realize your sins and you will be SORRY for them. Many weep (I did, for hours) but many don't. All will know that God had removed their sins by His Work at Calvary and He has cleansed you from ALL your sins, past, present and future! Now, begin reading the Bible KJV highly preferred and begin in the New Testament in the book of Romans.

Please. If you have read thus far, try this little thing. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's a little thing that will go a LONG way, to ETERNITY. I wouldn't be here if I didn't know that these are the very last days and time will very soon run out and we who are born again will disappear, taken to be with Him forever in NEW bodies like the Very Body Jesus Christ has! 1 John 3:2 You still have the opportunity to go with. There's NO reason for you NOT to go!

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The failure of the earth being a C02 absorber is simple. The trees are DEAD AND/OR DYING. The trees on my property (wooded) over the last 20 years have dropped more and more branches to the point that it's futile to try to pick them all up. They are DYING because the root systems have been killed by the absorption of heavy metals sprayed from jet aircraft over the last 75 years. I've had to remove ALL of my apple trees which used to provide so many apples I didn't know what to do with them. They just died and stopped producing.

These metals have also destroyed the soil microbiome which breaks down plant matter into nutrient rich soil which is conducive to new plant growth. I mentioned here that in my rural area of VA I can no longer grow any vegetables and neither can my neighbors (few and far between). They simply won't grow and this years corn crops FAILED all over my area for the exact reasons the plants aren't absorbing C02 anymore. They are too busy trying to stay ALIVE! And losing that fight more year after year.

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