I think my black lab farts more than cows. Get rid of all black labs now? Not going to happen.

The Hawk was awesome, have many here. Peregrine falcon hangs out in the back yard.

The Elites are just so gross, it's like they on purpose become as physically disgusting as they can with all that money.

Clap clap, great job Canada! Makes me think of Children of Men, Sleepwell I think it was.

Those white and green trucks I'm sure are busy around the ports. Nothing fishy with the men that I guess swam away? Ha. Jeez, I hope they were on our side.

Very sad about the children. Always sad, when it's anything against the best interests or physical and mental well being of a child.

Take care everyone.

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Great Mt St Helen’s picture! And cloud and Hawk!!!!

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Concerning your story on the debt limit. Keep your money out of the bank. There will be a run on banks soon. A phrase we have not heard since the depression of 1929

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I think so too...

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🔥Great work as usual❤️

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Good on Mexico for outlawing geoengineering there!!!

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Regarding the "hackable humans at WEF" segment... I believe they have satellite technology at this point that can see through your roof and allow them to read the fine print of the newspaper you're reading as you sit at your kitchen table.

Thanks for the pics of your expedition to Antarctica, that must have been an experience of a lifetime! Have you heard anything about the city beneath the ice there? I know less than nothing about it but I have heard of it and at this point believe it could be true. ANYTHING could be kept from us at this point. If you can imagine it, they probably have done it using our tax dollars.

They have underground cities connected by maglev trains traveling at mach 3 or 4 (DC to Denver in less than one hour) serving opulent underground "neighborhoods" of multimillion dollar mansions full of meat and butter just waiting for them to hunker down in after this world collapses. However, they can't hide from their Creator! They will beg the mountains to collapse and fall on them!

"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?" Revelation 6:16 That listing of those kings and rich men - we could almost name them by this verse!

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Ya know I locked myself up in a van once, farted .. a lot. 🤔 It didn't go up no degrees. Still cold but now I need air freshener 🤮

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that red tail hawk was all business ....

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There was a guy in school, Karl was his name... he was a master of the SBD, silent but deadly... and could bring a busload of us to tears... If he had any children, I'd suggest moving his bloodline to Mars... no need for batteries, self generating and flamable... yup, he was known as the Atomic Hole... Fuzz

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