Just wondering if those dolphin attacks in Japan has anything to do with the yearly not so secret slaughtering of the dolphins in a Japanese secluded cove by the Japanese fishermen because the dolphins were consuming too much fish. I remember watching a secret film by i think Greenpeace that showed the slaughter. It was heartbreaking. Revenge of the Dolphins..

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Could be, but I think that the dolphins are smart enough to realize what mankind has done and is doing to this planet and they're striking back every chance they get. There is a mass increase in wild animals attacking humans these days and it shows the leading up to Revelation 6:8 Every day brings us closer to the times described in the Bible as the very worst days ever seen by the eyes of mankind. Check out this movie I found. It's gripping (for me it was, anyway) and it follows the Bible almost verbatim.


(Rewind to the beginning. Don't know why it's starting 8 minutes in) If you like it, share it with others. The mobile version didn't allow it to be shared but my desktop did have a "share" link. The number of views I believe is VERY skewed, it shows only 29K views. I GUARANTEE that number is FALSE.

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I haven't heard of any other incidents of Dolphins attacking people anywhere else but Japan and coincidentally the Dolphins involved are bottlenose dolphins; the same species being targeted. I think that Japan is the only nation to actively slaughter dolphins. Yes dolphins are intelligent creatures but are also sentient and it seems reasonable that they might respond in an aggressive fashion to a perceived threat. They normally don't attack people and have been known to protect people from sharks. Wouldn't surprise me if this is payback..

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The movie is called The Cove and was made by National Geographic in 2010.

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I just thought of something and I must share it here and now. Anyone who doubts the Bible and our Creator and the Gospel of Jesus Christ - God's Plan for the redemption of mankind, there is obvious proof right before your eyes.

That proof is THE CHRISTIAN her/himself! Take me for example. I have been so berated, scorned, criticized and castigated, having even lost jobs for my faith yet I not only continue, but the sharing of my faith INCREASES rather than decreases. If there wasn't SOMETHING driving me, continuously motivating me to come on threads like this and practically BEG people to seek God I would have stopped decades ago.

I'm not alone. Look at the apostles. Peter was a coward, denying Jesus THREE TIMES with cursing and swearing yet when Jesus rose back into Heaven not only Peter but ALL the apostles were completely emboldened, being put to death for their faith.

The Bible tells us why this sudden transformation happens. When a person who is seeking God suddenly realizes the magnitude of their sinful condition, they REPENT, agreeing with God and asking forgiveness.

The person realizes that God Himself in the flesh of a man left His Throne of the Highest Glory to become one of us and shed His Blood for us that whoever would simply BELIEVE this would be saved. God then comes to LIVE INSIDE that person and His Holy Ghost dwells with and within him.

THAT is why I'm so bold about God and His Plan. He lives in me. I want everyone to know what I do and to come to the same faith that I have and I do this everywhere I go. It is because of HIM and it is ABOUT HIM not myself. Millions of us feel this same way. Could we all be wrong?

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The cameras all over the place isn't only in China. They’re in your face everywhere you go! Just 25 years ago, computer technology was not able to track the movements of 7.5 billion people, in fact in 1994, 30 years ago, we Christians who read Bible prophecy knew that the day was coming when computers would be so advanced that they could keep all info on all people in the world but we saw it as something very far in the future.

In 1994 my desktop computer's power was measured in MHz and I think mine had a 66 MHz processor and that was even fast for the time. Now, computers powerful enough to track all people everywhere are ubiquitous and every city in the world has one or more. We have QUANTUM computers now and AI and only the wicked controlling them (and God, of course) knows what they are doing with them.

Sometimes I sit here in amazement at how far this world has come in the way Bible prophecy said it would. I'm an old guy now, 62, and I can't believe how much this world has changed - JUST in the last 25 years!

A very big jump in that change happened in 2020 when the world was locked down. It's coming again, this time with a REAL disease that WILL kill people, not a common cold/flu which is what they called Covid.

They contaminated the tests just to get people into the hospital where they could kill them by protocol intravenously! It will be much worse next time, in fact, I believe that the next plannedemic will happen after the Christians like me are gone in the Rapture.

These are the END of the end days folks. PLEASE call on your Creator before it's too late. He is waiting.

Here's a link to a movie that will show pretty accurately how that will look. I posted it on another comment on this page also just so that it won't be missed. (Rewind to the beginning. Don't know why it's starting 8 minutes in) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2r_EW2hjA4&t=523s

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When you click on your link t youtube(better NOT to use it...) , that's what you get:

Sign in to confirm your age

This video may be inappropriate for some users.

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Strange I don't get this...

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Of course. It contains too much truth about what is actually coming. It's youtube's way of preventing the video from going viral. I'm going to try to find a way to share it here and everywhere else. I might download it and put it up on Rumble or Bit Chute. Thanks for that info. And there is more "inappropriate" video playing on mainstream and cable television than what is on this video. It talks about the coming of Jesus Christ and the Rapture of the church.

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Incompetence or deep state activity? INCOMPTENCE, EVIL, and or THEY JUST DON"T give a shit. Possibly all three.

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Regarding the first incredible case within 'DIGNITY HEaLth'! Here their 'speciality':


WHen you drive around SAC (The no 1 5G city among just few others in US...) there are COUNTLESS Highway posters informing everyone about PRECISION MED-I-CIN-E within 'dignity hell', which is mostly connected with CRISPING patients individually, depending on their dis-ease status... EVeryone certainly heard about the measured wi-fi signals around the cementeries with newly buried bodies.. Just wonder if the EXPERIMENT on Jessie Peterson’s body were about that... And it wouldn't matter whether covid injected or not, since both cases are of interest for the deep state, alone due to shedding... Just wonder in what STATE was that one year old dead (?) body... And this is the most troublesome message, things which are happening AFTER the official death of the human body with working SYNTHETIC genes inside!

My own family member was affected by those bastards too, and unbelievable things happened, like a TOTAL MEMORY HOLE ONLY about these 3-4 days stay in that facility.... That person became never the same, mentally... Dignity Health 'collaborates' with Kaiser Permanente, the MAJOR participant of the initial covid injections trials, which earned the pharma cartel, 'EMERGENCY use authorization'!!!! They are known for forcing all MD's from that facility to NOT report any side effects (not sure about deaths) to VAERS, during covid times. according to many whistleblowers who testified at CHD (Kennedy's investigation team...) These are crimes BEYOND human imagination ! ANd every single scientist working in that field practicing today, participates in these crimes... ALl for their SATANIC EGO and money.

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"Oregon is offering $30,000 for new home buyers as long as you aren’t an American citizen…"

We might be better off to renounce our US citizenship, move to a Mexico or a south American country for a little while and then come across the border as an illegal immigrant. We are sure to get more benefits and better treatment that way.

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Thanks for the News Roundup, Manuel!! ;-)

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