Jul 5, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

A happy 4th!

KKK came out of the Hellfire Club by way of antebellum wealthy slave owners.

Much of nazism came from the Masons as did the LDS/chrislam.

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Jul 4, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Intervention is always about power, greed, or other self interest. Europeans are meddlers. Europeans think they are better than other humans and this gives them the right to meddle in other peoples' affairs (including exploiting and murdering other people).

Why do Europeans (and Americans are Europeans too) care more about Ukraine than Yemen or Ethiopia or any of the other places people are suffering and dying? Racism. Deep, pervasive, systemic racism that affects everything Europeans do and think. Why have Europeans slaughtered at least a billion other humans? Racism and greed. Europeans are not civilized -- they are the barbarians of the world. (Remember Nazi Germany? Europeans did not even learn from a horror that killed 100 million people! Nazis are still abundant all over Europe and the US also. No society is taking the Nazi threat seriously.)

Inflation has multiple causes, but the roughly $1 trillion distributed to the American people for coronavirus relief is minor. Most of the relief money went to the rich, as it always does. You are also ignoring the roughly $20 trillion created out of electrons and given to the rich since 2008. That money first inflated assets like the market. (I did well, though with tiny amounts at stake, following the rich into the financial markets.) Then the rich began to buy up real estate, creating a housing crisis and a farmland crisis. All this money given to the rich not only created democracy-destroying wide wealth divides, but is now driving inflation too. But the main reason for current inflation is pure greed. Corporations have become too monopolistic and they can raise prices with impunity -- so they are. Our government is wholly owned by the rich and will do nothing to help the people.

If you are concerned about the death of 500K Africans, why do you ignore the death of 1M Americans from coronavirus. At least a third of those people would still be alive today if this society had taken coronavirus seriously and imposed real lock downs, long enough to defeat the virus. But your kind of attitude, that money and property (the economy) is more important than people's lives, is why those million Americans are dead today. Even China, with its hellish fascist government, cares more about the lives of people than stupid economic success. (The US is the wealthiest nation by total wealth, but most Americans are far from wealthy. America is also one of the least happy countries on earth. Finland is the most happy country. In Finland, they take care of their people!)

If you get your news from fascist cultists and traitors like Marjorie Taylor Greene, you are going to be led astray.

Cattle that are free roaming may die from heat as you describe -- the weakest die first. But cattle kept in feed lots, as most cattle are now in the US, have no space to escape the heat so they may all die. This is what happened. I know you prefer to ignore climate change in favor of crazy conspiracy theories, but this is a clear example of how warming kills. People respond the same way. People trapped in hot buildings tend to die from heat faster than more mobile humans (those with more money, generally).

Chip makers show their greed. Capitalists are greedy enemies of genuine society. Capitalists are the real cabal of shadowy world rulers you often bemoan, but never identify.

NATO is an instrument of US imperialism. Yes it is evil The US empire is the worst, most destructive empire in history. The US empire has ruined the lives of billions of people and is threatening the existence of the natural world, on which we all depend for our lives. It is nothing new that US imperialists risk destruction of the world to fulfill their ambitions. Europeans are craven cowards that choose to rely on the US empire for their security. Europeans have lived very well by exploiting the wealth of the world for too long; they deserve the nasty fate that awaits them.

Wish I had better news. But Independence Day is a farce when women are being turned back into chattel property by rogue reactionaries.

It is ironic that we both see Doom ahead, but for wildly different reasons. I suspect we also see possible solutions in very different places. I think the world would do much better if the US-European empire were destroyed tomorrow. (Assuming the violence did not in itself destroy the human and natural worlds.)



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Try my research to find the real enemy. Agenda 2030 is being waged, GENOCIDE to depopulate the world of us usless eaters as they call us. stopworldcontrol.com FACT and only the FACT.

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