Here’s an interesting Surprised yet not 🙄with the Corrupt “Sick Care” institution, UPMC, and Fakebook. I wonder how many other institutions use this?


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I feel like I'm living in a horror movie.

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Nuland didn't resign; she was arrested by the white hats... Marines Arrest Victoria Nuland and Husband


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Daily Mail says, "Scientists would use high-altitude planes to inject two tons of particles of ice 11 miles high each week, which would freeze the water that would fall back to Earth." Oh, do tell! I believe they're TAUNTING us -- we who actually KNOW and have researched what they are doing!


Here's something new... How about the THOUSANDS of tons of Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, strange fibers and other particulates they are already "injecting" EVERY DAY into the sky all over the world and which "fall back to earth"? No mention of that. How come?

Might it be that their whole plan, er, I mean murderous LIE to cover up the massive weather modification program already going on over our heads (by which they have PATENTED tech to control and steer ALL weather patterns) would come crashing down on their heads like those particles of "ice" thus making those who control the weather 100% liable for every death and every economic loss from every catastrophic weather related event for the last 50 years? THAT's what they're trying to hide! That's what it boils down to... if they have the technology to steer hurricanes and DON'T but actually STEER THEM INTO populated areas, what does that make them???? HUH???? WHAT???

Just a thought, however 100% TRUTH. Mutter freaking crooks! Blatant, torturous Murderers! The military industrial complex cabal is headed by the spawn of SATAN and they are all murderous liars!!! OH Man! They make me so desirous to spit profanities! But that's not strong enough so I'll just spit on my computer screen!!! These murderers have infiltrated every facet of our modern world, including hospitals! I have never desired anything more than I desire JUSTICE to be delivered into their laps and I will see it! SOON! In fact, I will PARTICIPATE in their judgement! (1 Corinthians 6:2-3)

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