Dave Pallides has a lot to say about the National Parks. Canam Missing 411. Thank you Manuel.

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I wonder how the Inner Earth Tunnels map would overlap with the DUMBS map?

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Thank you!

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Repeat after me, there is no bird flu, they are lying, again.

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In the 1960s they had nuclear (NEW-KLEE-ER) tunnel boring machines. These were said to be able to bore up to 5mph (fast-walking speed) through solid rock, leaving a smooth, glass like finish; a complete, safe and permanent tunnel through the earth. I have a question for anyone who would deny that the powers that (shouldn't) be have VAST underground cities and military bases throughout the world. It's more of a hypothetical question but IF they have this ability WHY WOULDN'T they use it?

We know and have seen tunnel boring machines operate; we know they can and do make tunnels as part of the infrastructure of our highway and rail systems; even if the nuclear version is a stretch (it's not) they still can bore successfully through the earth with conventional boring machines, why would you believe that there WASN'T a system of underground cities and bases?

There most certainly are and it would stagger the imagination of any one of us were it to be revealed the vastness and complexity of these underground facilities. They have technology which they have kept hidden from the population of the world which they have been using to create unimaginable things like the maglev trains connecting these cities and bases. They move through a VACUUM with no resistance at speeds up to Mach 25 (18,500mph) making the trip from Denver to DC in 10 minutes! NY to London in 25 minutes!

This they have achieved using our hard earned TAXES! Harken back to 2001 when Donald Rumsfeld said that more than 2.3 TRILLION dollars were missing from the coffers of the US Treasury! Just do a search on that. The absolute plethora of stories which say he DID NOT say that actually substantiates the truth that he DID say it. I heard him with my own ears say it at the time.

The Bible says that when the antichrist takes power (very soon now) he will convince the people of the world (those left behind) that he has supernatural powers by using "signs and lying wonders". (2 Thessalonians 8-9) It is by utilizing the hidden technology kept back from general knowledge that he will deceive the people. Most will believe he is a god. They will follow him and do whatever he says.

He will cause them all to receive a mark in their right hand or forehead; the mark of the beast. (Revelation 13:16) Those who receive this mark will forfeit all chance of being saved...EVER. They will be sentenced to a lake burning with fire and brimstone, "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:48 KJV

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Thanks for the excellent world news roundup, Manuel!! ;-)

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