Jun 1, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thank you for keeping us informed on matters we need to know! Great work. Your research is top notch.

You are appreciated. 🙏

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Wow, what a huge peyote button.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thank you Manuel.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Re “specific” products being “promoted” by companies, added to their stock, and investors , others benefitting. Thank you for saying this! Another element - the population stops frequenting these stores, companies, aka boycott. Other folks get laid off work, supply is diminished, etc. The populace tricked into doing the dirty work for those who “manage” them. Get what you need from wherever, just don’t buy the yuck products. Yes, let your thoughts about them be known to the management. It’s a tricky situation, to be sure, but why bite off the nose to spite the face? Balanced response is needed, not angry reaction.

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

In my State, we do not have gun registration. I can buy a gun, and just give it to a friend. It is called freedom. kudos Manny

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Thank you.

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"Until recreational cannabis is federally legalized, pot users cannot own guns…"

"This should also be true even after legalization…" (?)

I don't understand your reasoning concerning this? How are cannabis users less responsible gun owners? Because some federal law say's so? SMH.

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So, do you also propose that those buying alcohol should be prohibited from owning guns? The alcohol is far more dangerous in that context. How about cars? Should people who text and drive, drive drunk OR high, causing all kinds of damage, injury and mayhem - should they also be prohibited from owning guns? Cars perhaps? ANYTHING can be misused and abused and ALCOHOL is #1 on the list, worldwide!!! It kills FAR more people than marijuana every will!

Please - educate yourself with the FACTS. The federal government will not legalize it for medical purposes because the FDA and Big Pharma are slowing getting the medical phase under their complete control!!! MJ has been PROVEN to cure cancer in the lab; CBD is a true miracle drug for children and adults with autism, seizures, Parkinsons, epilepsy and many, many other illnesses that "FDA-approved medicine" don't work on and the medicine alone often kills the patient. Have we learned NOTHING from the COVID debacle and the corrupt top-to-bottom FDA, NIH, CDC, HHS and on and on and on!!??!!

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For the best (true) information on the effects of the sun on our planet go to suspicious Observers.com

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