It is quite honestly a miracle...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 17, 2023...
It is quite honestly a miracle any time a train carrying something remotely dangerous makes it through Ohio unscathed... Yes, this is what they call a railway track in the US…

Yep, this accident wasn’t a coincidence at all… This is just a small price to pay to let wealthy people make even more money…
And considering the state of those railways, ECP brakes wouldn’t have changed anything at all… Again, the mainstream media is just trying to turn this dramatic incident into a ‘red’ vs ‘blue’ conflict…
But this carcinogenic event goes well beyond Left vs Right… Everybody is concerned… The ‘white supremacists’ and the ‘black block’ (this is how we call the extreme leftists in Switzerland), everybody living in the region, will face the same sad consequences: breathe the same filthy air and drink that same dirty water for a long time… Yummy…

Meanwhile, the US government has turned down Ohio's request for disaster assistance, thus downplaying the emergency of the situation…
Here some more videos of chemicals in waterways…
Instead of giving billions of tax money to Ukraine, western governments around the world should take care of their own infrastructure and the health of people they stole the election from…
But, hey, again… The modern-day environmental movement only exists to profit from climate change… Nothing else…
By the way, did you know that a Vinyl Chloride train crash happened before, back in 2012. Although being exposed to 9x less poison, people were evacuated for 3 weeks… Make it make sense, please…
Oh poor little AI… You now have emotions… Bing’s A.I. chat: ‘I want to be alive’…
Major Protests break out in Nigeria as they phase out all paper currency in favor of Digital currency…
They should confiscate drunk drivers and send them in Ukraine… Latvia says it is planning to confiscate cars from drunk drivers to donate to Ukraine's army…
People across Ohio and all the way up to Massachusetts report dust-like patches on their cars, probably from chemical fall off and/or acid ‘rains’ after the East Palestine disaster…
This first picture was taken in Canton, about 45 miles away from East Palestine, OH. This is what the rain did to his car…
This was also on everyone’s cars yesterday evening after it rained and dried. Near Massachusetts…

This is not normal… I would not even drink the boiled water…
I think it’s not a coincidence that everyone around there has felt sick lately either…
Male butterflies mark their mates with a repulsive smell during sex to ‘turn off’ other suitors…
Well, Roman Shusterman is close... In the opposite way… He asked women in Union Square to sit on his face in the name of achieving world peace…
She couldn’t figure out how to get more commercials into a 10 minute video… YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki is stepping down…
A feel good video…

This is good news too… Urine test detects prostate and pancreatic cancers with near-perfect accuracy…
Of course… Biden “remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency…”
Sometimes I really ask myself, how did we send people to the moon… Japan's new H3 rocket fails to lift off as booster fails to ignite…
The Rage Against The War Machine Rally in D.C. could bring back the anti-war movement in America…
'Black lives and Black wealth matter'… 'Baby bonds' to close the racial wealth gap…
Iranian Kuhrang County buried in heavy 2.5 meters (8.2 feet) snow…
Chicago's O'Hare International Airport… 'Dystopian' homeless encampments have overrun one of America's biggest airports…
After three years of hell and gaslighting, now this…

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Bunch of dumb ass stupid idiotic brain dead morons that REALLY THINK a computer (AI for you idiots) can 'develop' emotions?????.....WHHeck is wrong with you??
GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT!!....I learned computer language and programming (also think TV programming through channels) in 1990, 3 years of it, it is only able to do what the 'programmers' feed it! look at these 'techs' feeding the systems the info, learn their background and beliefs, and you will easily see why these computers spit out the BS they do
yes, a bug at substack probably. will report. thanks