Planet X - I suspect there are lots of things we aren’t aware of “hiding” in the solar system.

The Ukraine meeting - was, or is Vicky there?

Problematic language and those pesky nouns - people need to “get right with themselves” rather than expecting the rest of the world’s population to say just the right thing so they feel good about themselves. Huge low self-esteem issues in that expectation.

House of Horrors - is this the same thing I saw awhile ago about many of the girls being “recruited” from Ukraine with the promise of jobs in - well, you know where - only to be prostituted to other rabbis? Sort of a supply for them?

Thanks, Manuel for the great news selections!

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I’m waiting for Planet X too!

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Wow. We must be on the same wavelength here or something. I was just thinking yesterday about how Planet X has not been discussed in the truth circles lately and today, there it is, the first item on your page! I was thinking about how thrilled I was when I first learned about the "conspiracy", that a rogue planet was on an elliptical orbit around our sun which came near earth every 3500 years or so. Back then, circa 2013, I thought how this could be related to Bible prophecy and began to look up, following everything I could find about it including Zechariah Sitchin's half nonsense. (half of it I thought was credible) I surmised how it could fit into Bible prophecy and have a few ideas about that. Now, we're in a completely different age and Planet X has taken a backseat to other news and events. I did see a couple videos recently showing 2 suns which were very credible but if we were careful before as to what we understood as truth, we must be especially careful now with AI being able to dupe us at ANYTHING.

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Right on!! The curtain has been pulled back so we can really see what has been going on Behind the Scenes for centuries.....or eons.....who knows??? Head's up!! Rocket Scientist, David Adair did a 4-part interview which can be viewed on Exopolitics. Talk about an amazing life!!! :-0 At age 17 he was taken to Area 51 while it was still under construction to examine an 'alien' engine they had found while carving out the underground base!!

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On topic of women's low dressing, I think the Baptist preacher is right. If you make one another stumble in sin, the sin is yours, says Jesus.

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So, where's the answer for the three differences between the two pics. Is it these? 1. The color of the tiger; 2. a missing triangle (small) on the far left of bottom pic and 3. top right, missing triangle on top pic? Are those the differences?

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All is good but when you go to the topic of space or quoting NASA, things that can't be proven by us physically or proven biblically, then you've lost me, and my big money. I'm sure I speak for many others. Most people know that solar flares are a long running hoax.

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If you’ve never read any of my comments because they’re too long, PLEASE read this one. I must warn everyone about NDEs or near death experiences. Jim Caviezel said he "died" on the operating table. He did NOT. If he truly died, he could NOT tell us about it because he would not be here. The fact that he was struck by lightning TWICE while hanging on the cross is very telling also but I won't address that at this time except to say, would God strike one of His children with lightning? TWICE??

The Bible warns us that satan can appear as an angel of light and I believe that people who have rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who "die" and come back have not seen God but have seen SATAN.

Think about it. God's rock-solid message in the New Testament is that Jesus is the ONLY Way to the Father. (John 14:6) If He is not, but simply one of many ways, why did He (God in the Flesh) suffer such agony for us? And if there is only One Way, how could someone who is not born again and NOT cleansed of their sins be told by one that many describe as Jesus that they will enter into the Presence of God later but must return for now? In other NDE cases seen in those belonging to different religions, many encounter their own religion’s god, e.g. Allah, Mohammed, Shiva etc. Shouldn’t this contradiction prove who they are really seeing?? The NDE phenomenon is completely opposed to Biblical teaching and should be rejected if for these reasons alone but there is another truth found in Scripture which should stop NDEs in their tracks! "No man can see God and live"! (Exodus 33:20)

Who, then, are these NDE persons seeing? Both Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson are Catholics who deny John 3:3 that we MUST be born again. Catholics believe that their membership in the RCC will save them and the amount of works they had done and prayer cards that were purchased for them, i.e. to get them out of the fictional, non-Biblical "Purgatory" sooner after paying their own sin debts. They also believe that ONLY those active members of the RCC will ever be saved. This is completely contrary to the teaching of the Bible!

The end result is that non-Christians everywhere will believe that everyone goes to Heaven based upon the false information they had gotten from witnessing the accounts of NDEs. Many people today believe that Jesus isn't necessary for salvation believing that even those who have never trusted Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins while living here on earth will go to be with God. EVERYONE gets saved in the end. This is probably one of the most dangerous deceptions that the Christ-rejecting world, including Catholics, could possibly believe in this age and many unfortunately do!

When these people like Jim Caviezel and Mel Gibson finally do stand before the Judgment Seat of God, (if they do not repent and receive the gift of God in Jesus Christ in this lifetime) along their way perhaps they will meet the same one who was pretending to be God who they had first seen in their NDE only this time he may say something like, "gotcha!" and then show his true identity. They will then see the REAL God, fall on their faces and hear Him say, "why didn't you believe the Message of My Son, when He came to die in your place? He offered Salvation for all of your sins FREE OF COST, paying for them all but you didn't believe it and you clung to the Babylonian harlot's (RCC; Revelation 17) teaching which misused My Son's Holy Name, denying the truth of my written word, and worse, using an icon of Him WHO HAD RISEN yet she represents Him to the world as still nailed to the cross! (the blasphemous crucifix)

God allows Satan to work in this world and quite obviously in between here and the next as evidenced by the NDEs so common in this age. (according to those that come back describing peace and light but is Lucifer who is Satan transformed into a spirit of light) The very first words Jesus said to His disciples when asked what His return would be like and when it would be, Jesus said, BE NOT DECEIVED. (Matthew 24:3)

Look around at the world today. What do you see? A world which is DECEIVED in every matter, most importantly disbelieving the Creation Account in the Bible for 'vain imaginations" (Romans 1:21-23; This part of Scripture describes DARWINISM! Read it for yourself in the KJV please) which is everything from nothing; the religion of Darwinism.

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