Have a Blessed and Happy New Year y'all, times are troubling, but not to worry, we will be tested but keep the Faith in Him above!

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You too! Thank you! Manuel

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Life was much better before the internet.

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“So, why don’t they go after the Epstein/Maxwell client list for human trafficking? Because who else would run the country then?”


I wanna see the complete list!

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yes sometimes i am funny...

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Flight logs used to be available online. Plenty of famous pedovores.

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I believe that those committing such acts around the world delight in their sinister gloating, rubbing the sickness in our faces, defying a one to do a thing about it, but to watch in horror.

I believe that you answered your own question, with your observation of the tactics used with their "predictive" programming, getting everyone that participates (either passively, or actively) comfortable with it all.

It is very good to develop and apply a set of filters for this garbage, as you are attempting to do with your articles, and to learn how to discern, and be able to read between the lies, with a lucid detachment, and with a love for Truth in our heart's, as genuine motivation.

Gluttons for filth abound, but their days of rampage upon this Earth are strictly numbered, though certainly not by me.

I am mostly a witness, moreso than a participant, and am certainly not the judge of anyone, nor the forsaken hangman, thankfully, but What A Show to behold, I say while shaking my head.

Carry on!

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The older I get the more I shake my head too, so I know how you feel.

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Yup Andrew Tate is not in the big gov club so he must be made an example of!

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I think this story is distraction /smoke and mirrors. There are much more newsworthy topics than a pi$$ing contest between these two internet personas.

Pizzagate vs Pizzatate is kind of a funny notion, which may have an effect on searches.

The bigger stories are the Idaho slasher captured, and FTX pervert released on bail. Both are disgusting slime people.

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Oh I'm sure of it! His arrest was ordered from up top from the elites.

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I find this guy's stuff to be worthy, but overlook a lot of his comments, taking them lucidly.

Still, he provides some pretty decent material, and most pertinent.

I hope that some of you may find value and inspiration, as I have.

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Thanks will look into it…

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I don't think Greta made that comment. Everyone including you has been running with the ball that Greta made those foul remarks. I can't believe that. Even if it came from her email- which I doubt it did- it could have been her guardian of some kind making a sexist remark- but even then I think the people surrounding her are too intelligent. I could be wrong but I think they are trying to sexualize Greta so she doesn't stand a chance of a decent marriage.....

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Indeed, She probably has a big team around…

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A decent marriage? Hahaha, she and the guy from The Leprechaun movies?

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Why is no one addressing the movement of the magnetic north pole in earth's current weather patterns?

Happy New Year, everyone!

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There is beauty even amidst the evil of this present age. The ever-present media has so distracted us from anything other than what they want us to see and think that most of us never look at the things that God has made so beautifully and wondrously. That beetle for example. That thing is more beautiful than any canvas painting man ever produced and God made it out of chitin and ENCODED the information in self-reproducing chemical schematics smaller than molecules!

To know God is to see His creation all around you and to marvel in it. Such care and precision He used in His creation and in this case, He shows it to us in a BUG. All of His creation is like this when we stop to take in its beauty. God can be found in the macro (very large) and the micro (very small).

Moreover, back when a certain man DID stop to think about it, he allowed his imagination and foolish heart to conjure up theories of absurdity which the scientific community quickly gobbled up and foisted upon the world; a theory which has "evolved" into a religion, pun intended.

It's time to stop believing what they have told us all our lives and to open our minds and hearts to the one thing they have tried so hard to keep us from considering...His written word! If this age, and this plandemic has not shown us the blatant evidence of their lies and agenda then we just haven't been paying attention. They have revealed themselves to be the liars that they are so why do we still trust them? Why don't we go back and examine some of their biggest lies for example, Darwinism? Most of us have not even considered the alternative to Darwinism - Special Creation - but have blindly followed what everyone else believes WITHOUT CHECKING IT OUT FOR OURSELVES.

They have given the credit for the creation of that beetle (and everything else) not to some foreign being or false creative god but to the most INSULTING of all (im)possible creators...CHANCE! If we would use the brains that God gave us we would question this premise. Why haven't we?

They lie to our children from the state indoctrination centers which we willingly send them to - the public schools and universities - that we humans, made in the image of God used to be scum in an electrified pool of primordial soup and by many series of accidents, over many millions of years (numbers incomprehensible to our understanding and very necessary for them to use to push the narrative) have "evolved" into mankind.

I will stop here and simply ask the reader, why have we believed them? Why do we continue to believe them? Have they earned our trust? They tell us the world is billions of years old. How do they know? Don't regurgitate their answers about radioactive dating, go examine the scientific impossibility of much of their so-called "dating". (Hint: why do diamonds, which are supposedly millions of years old still contain carbon 14?) Now, go and look at that beetle again and start questioning the "science" of the day instead of blindly accepting their presuppositions. It just may reveal truth like most of us have never before considered.

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