The increase in turbulence is just another proof that they are geoengineering the weather. They heat up the metal nanoparticles to the plasma state. Anyone with a high school diploma could figure out what would happen to the air around those superheated metals. Cold air would rush in as the super warm air rises quickly. Right? Ok. Increase in turbulence. I show it at my channel via live Doppler Radar. For any who have not seen this, Go here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ntVoF1fIyIE Please pardon the muffled tone, it didn't sound like that until I uploaded it!

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Thanks & God bless you Manuel

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Christians are conspiracy theorists? Ha! Bible literalism is only applicable in parts of the Bible, like dates, places and times. Archaeology has proven characters, buildings, cities and events were true. Roman chariots at the bottom of the Red Sea. Coins minted by King Hezekiah, stones from King Solomon’s Temple, the location of Sodom and Gomorrah complete with sulfur stones embedded in cliffs and soil. Jesus did literally heal the sick. He really did die and resurrect. The Bible teaches by example, by history, by types, figuratively, with allegory, with parables for the understanding of everyone. Since God is the Creator of science, and man’s science is absent of God, how laughable it is to claim a science of religion? Since the Bible cannot be understood by those who do not have the gift of the Holy Spirit, man’s science is hopelessly disadvantaged. A paradox by scientific design. If I may suggest a video which leaves the idea of evolution in the dust, and intelligent design as the irrefutable winner, watch “The Theory of Everything” by Trey Smith on YouTube.

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Sadly, Evolution, so called, looking into it seriously, is a crock of shit.

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thank you

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"Over the North Atlantic, one of the busiest flight paths in the world, the time spent in severely turbulent air has risen from...."

Maybe they should stop punching holes in the atmosphere with their HAARP technology.

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I haven't had time to read the Smedley Butler piece from Rolling Stone. Here is the James Corbett account of Butler to add to the conversation: Corbett report archives and Smedley Butler links and docs


Sometimes I wonder what you think, since you are not an essayist.

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