John McCain’s widow: 'We all knew what Epstein was doing'...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for April 17, 2023...
John McCain’s widow admits: “It hides in plain sight. Epstein was hiding in plain sight. We all knew about him, we all knew what he was doing, but we had no… legal aspect that would go after him. They were afraid of him for whatever reason…”
And Google is scrambling to control the fire…
Same thing with Weinstein… Everyone in Hollywood knew…
Strange sky phenomenon: Amazing blue spiral appears in the night sky over Alaska…
Your government had full access to your Twitter activity, including spying on your DMs under previous management. How much do you want to bet that all other Social Media are still doing it?
For more weapons? Putin meets with China's defense minister in Moscow…
Anti government protest in Prague, Czech, demands resignation of government in response to rising inflation and deteriorating economic conditions…

90% of people don't know how to make the difference between a reliable source and a bullshit source. Private corporations and foreign states are masters at psychological manipulation and play on that weakness… Dutch intelligence agency warns conspiracy theories pose ‘serious threat’…
Ash particles in the atmosphere from the Shiveluch eruption continue to move further east from the volcano. At the moment, the main concentration is over North America…
Maybe simply a new subcategory of fulgurite? Never-before-seen 'crystal-like matter' hidden in a chunk of fossilized lightning is likely a brand new mineral…
Turkey earthquake update… The Minister of Interior announced that the number of people who lost their lives in the earthquake is 50,399. Reported 1,200 people have yet to be identified 60 days into the disaster. According to the latest official figures, the number of injured stands at 107,204… Somewhere in the Turkish city of Malatya, two and a half months after the cataclysmic earthquake.

Texas senate passes bill to seize control of elections from local authorities…
In 1992, Sandison was given a life sentence without the possibility of parole for murdering his girlfriend in 1991 in Wayne County. In the video below, Steven Sandison calmly and logically explains why he killed his cellmate… I’d be curious to see him talk about the ex-gf he killed, just to see if he’s as calm or if it triggers an emotional response…
Air National Guard are just having the best luck with their recruits lately… Parody hitman website nabs Air National Guardsman after he allegedly applied for murder-for-hire jobs…
This is how rattlesnakes make sound…
Governments and laws move WAY too slowly to tackle AI… Google CEO Sundar Pichai warns society to brace for impact of A.I. acceleration…
Sorvagsvatn, the lake that hangs over the ocean. Faroe islands…
It's a completely made-up bullshit diagnosis to cover the ass of government-backed perpetrators of violence… Canadian coroners starting to reject excited delirium as cause of police-related deaths…
Wouldn't that double their numbers? This ad in the London tube is open to interpret any way you wish…
Germany and Italy are the two G7 countries that aren't part of the agreement, if you're wondering… Five G7 countries agree to squeeze Russia out of international nuclear fuel market…
Japan's mysterious 'Rock Ship of Masuda' monolith…
Banning rice would kill tens of millions of innocent people. I'm starting to think it's never been about saving the planet… Rice is now killing the planet, apparently…
Pre-Hispanic ceremonial center with unknown characteristics discovered in the Andes…

This is a dramatic escalation in a conflict that has been smouldering in the background since West Papua was incorporated into Indonesia in 1969… Six soldiers killed, 30 missing in attempt to rescue kidnapped pilot in West Papua…
Israeli Supreme Court… According to Wikipedia, the building was donated to Israel by the Jewish philanthropist Dorothy de Rothschild… Whoa!
It’s with Goldman Sachs… Apple launches savings account with 4.5% interest rate…
We could straight up be looking at an alien and have no clue because everything under water is weird looking… Newly discovered species of spikey crab (Neolithodes), found in the depths of the Anegada Passage, eastern Caribbean Sea…
This is depressing. I hope that child gets moved into a home that actually cares about its well-being… Virginia toddler found unresponsive had to be revived with Narcan…
More than 3,000 Davidson County residents no longer have to worry about being hassled by debt collectors after a local church recently purchased, and forgave, almost $3 million in their medical bills. This is the second year the members of Trinity Moravian Church in Winston-Salem have taken on the Debt Jubilee Project, which focuses on paying off the past-due medical bills of residents in the Triad. Last year the group purchased $1.65 million worth of debt for 1,356 people in Forsyth and Davidson counties…
Flashback: In 2013, a Florida man, Jeff Bush, was sleeping in his bedroom when a large sinkhole opened up directly underneath his bed, swallowing him and his entire bedroom. His brother heard him scream, but was unable to see or reach him in time. Bush’s body was never recovered…
The majority of people when they get lied to in a relationship will lose trust in their significant other. But when it comes to the government, people somehow forgive and forget quite easily. Manipulation at its finest. It's just mind boggling to me that people don't think about that more…
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Mrs. McCain is pathetic.
Rice? No, away back in the 8th grade a normally conservative teacher said humanity became the enemy of nature when we began to farm. Archaeologists now believe farming started in long before humanity settled down. Women would scratch the earth around camping areas and wintering sites, and bury seeds and pits. They might return once every 5 years, but a good supply of grain, vegetables, and fruit would await them. So when we were yet nomadic hunter-gatherers, we became the enemies of nature.
Papua has been at odds with outsiders since forever. Indonesians were kidnapping people for slaves till missionaries began to smuggle weapons in. Not quite certain, but it was the eastern part where the Kennedy was lost and never found. Anyone think to check septic systems and dumps for the remains?
LOL, I never trusted any government. The ancestors were taught well about governments by Messianic Jews who came as colonists. For that matter, in some of his writings Win Worley mentions that the apostles were killed by the government, and it was the government who nailed Jesus to that cross. At my age, I no longer care. But, the kids and grandchildren were taught, use cash not credit.