Mrs. McCain is pathetic.

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100% proof embalming fluid is her beauty secret. Her daughter's secret is inhaling a case of twinkies before noon every day. 🐷

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Rice? No, away back in the 8th grade a normally conservative teacher said humanity became the enemy of nature when we began to farm. Archaeologists now believe farming started in long before humanity settled down. Women would scratch the earth around camping areas and wintering sites, and bury seeds and pits. They might return once every 5 years, but a good supply of grain, vegetables, and fruit would await them. So when we were yet nomadic hunter-gatherers, we became the enemies of nature.

Papua has been at odds with outsiders since forever. Indonesians were kidnapping people for slaves till missionaries began to smuggle weapons in. Not quite certain, but it was the eastern part where the Kennedy was lost and never found. Anyone think to check septic systems and dumps for the remains?

LOL, I never trusted any government. The ancestors were taught well about governments by Messianic Jews who came as colonists. For that matter, in some of his writings Win Worley mentions that the apostles were killed by the government, and it was the government who nailed Jesus to that cross. At my age, I no longer care. But, the kids and grandchildren were taught, use cash not credit.

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If that "amazing blue spiral" is only frozen fuel from a rocket, with so many rockets blasting off constantly, then why are they so rare and why hadn't they been (or reported) since the "Norway Spiral" of 2012 which had everyone wondering what it was? Suddenly they are everywhere being seen 3 times in the last few months. Can you say psyop anyone? Of course. Their explanations for them leave much room to doubt and this also is by design. The Rapture of the church is getting closer everyday and they know it and are preparing those left behind for the great alien abduction story! When it happens, don't believe what they say about it! In fact, don't believe ANYTHING they say about ANYTHING. They have been planning this delusion for decades and they know more about Bible prophecy than most so-called Christians do in this age! All the answers to everything going on in this world right now are in the Bible. (KJV greatly preferred; they got their hands on God's written word like everything else and have changed it into many different versions, each changed subtly like a counterfeiter would change a bill; looks like the real thing until you examine it; only then is its real identity revealed)

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John McCain's widow was just saying what we already knew. The devil is so secure in his control of the world, he doesn't even hide anymore, and people still can't see him.

In re: Debt Jubilee Project, if i lived in Davidson County and paid my own medical bills, i'd be pretty pissed right now. The "poor" have all sorts of government handouts, including medical care.

"Scientists" seriously call it "fossilized lightning", and we're supposed to believe them when they promote the already disproven "global warming" and their claims about imaginary genders?

The pre-Hispanic ceremonial center with unknown characteristics discovered in the Andes was most likely where the child and adult human sacrifices took place, because that's what the dominant pagan pre-Columbian people did in the Americas.

Thanks for the newsletter Manuel. We may not agree on all of our conclusions, but thank you for sharing the information.

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The devil is so secure because nobody in this age believes he exists. It's the greatest lie he ever told, that he doesn't exist! It's genius if you examine it. Who is going to blame someone or something that doesn't exist? The fact is he DOES exist and he is ruling this entire world from behind the scenes utilizing global puppets like Gates, Biden, Soros, Macron, Harari and every leader of every country in the world in this age. Moreover, he knows what is getting ready to happen because he knows Bible prophecy!

Joasis, I write this comment under yours because of your rare mention that satan is alive and real. He is well and living on this earth, planning, directing, fomenting wars and divisions, guiding the wicked and setting up this world for the antichrist. I write wherever I feel led of God to write. This may or may not be for you but it is for someone who will read it.

Satan knows God's Plan to remove those who love Jesus Christ before God pours out His wrath on this world. It's called the Rapture and will happen very soon, any minute in fact. What happens on this earth after we who love the Lord disappear will be horrifying beyond description. See Isaiah 24 and Revelation 8-10 for a taste.

Billions will die and most born again Christians like myself understand (by the prophecy that is in God's written word) this will all happen in the next 7 to 10 years. (I am not naming a day or hour as we will not know however, we are told that we who watch will know the season) Judging by world events told about in the Bible which signify the end times, here is the timeline.

Suppose the Rapture happened today. The antichrist would immediately step from behind the scenes (we will be gone when he reveals himself because we would identify him easily) and lull the world into a false security with his charisma and smooth demeanor. He will explain our sudden disappearance as a great alien abduction. It is logical that he would tell the world that their loved ones who disappeared would be returned at some soon future date because the world will be in chaos and such a statement would calm the world quickly. He will rule for 7 years and during those years, God will pour out His WRATH on this world in the time period called "the time of Jacob's trouble", Jacob being Israel.

After the 7 year tribulation, Jesus will return with all of us who disappeared, the Bible says we'll all be on white horses, prepared to fight the battle of Armeggedon. We will defeat Satan then God will throw him and all his demons in the bottomless pit and return the world to the way it was before sin entered the world. I know this all sounds impossible, even fantastic (that's why so many won't read the Bible; they have believed the common lie that it is a book of fairy tales) but I can tell you, with God The Holy Spirit as my Witness, it's all true. That is why I am so bold in telling as many as will listen to GET SAVED!

Get a copy of the KING JAMES Bible at the Dollar Tree for $1.50 (get a stack of them and give them to loved ones or anybody you believe is willing to learn the truth) and begin reading in the book of Romans. This is the apostle Paul's magnum opus on the Plan of God for the salvation of mankind and describes how the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ saves the believer from every sin past, present and future.

Everyday I awake with more sense of urgency about the closeness of this event! The urgency I feel is for my loved ones who reject the Gospel and my heart aches for those who will have to endure what is coming. We can all see it coming, can't we? Look around at what is going on in this world and you will see, if you compare current world events to Scripture, Bible prophecy is LEAPING from the pages of Holy Writ.

My heart jumps for joy as His coming nears because everyone who truly believes the Gospel (See 1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and has been saved by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ understands that we will soon inhabit brand new bodies, like that of the Risen Jesus Christ Himself and we will see Him as He is because we will be like Him! (1 John 3:2) We will never die nor can our bodies be hurt or destroyed in any way at all. We will have heightened senses, even MORE KINDS of senses that these bodies do not have! We will be IMMORTAL and what mortal hasn't dreamt of having immortality? It can be yours! Anyone in eyeshot of this comment, if they take it to heart can still leave with us. All they must do is BELIEVE. (Romans 10:13)

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You are more than welcome...

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Love the spiral. What has happened to Substack???? It’s awful. So many glitches b

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They want you to download their app.

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There are lies, damn lies, and then the worst; government lies.

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Geez,common !! social media doesn’t have encrypted messages government spy on everyone

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