Looking forward to success with Toyota's water engine. Hoping Big Oil won't end it.

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If they do, it's only because they have gotten enough wealth and subsequent power to make such a move at this time. It reminds me of LED lights. The technology for LED light bulbs and strips (replacing fluorescent tubes) has existed since 1960 and they only came into widespread use in the last decade. Why? Think about how much electricity has been WASTED over the 140 years of using energy inefficient electric incandescent light bulbs. That's a lot of coal fired power plant's energy. It only went into the pockets of those ruling over us now; along with OIL. Energy production has produced the most wealthy men in history and technology is now catching up. The efforts to curtail monopolies at the beginning of the industrial revolution have failed and we now see 90% of the worlds wealth and resources in the hands of 1% of the people. And of those 1%, only 300 individuals and their families control 90 percent of that. The car that ran on WATER in this substack- It just may be time for that, who knows?

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My first exposure to LED was in the 1080's my dad had a good alarm Clock that was LED, as Lighting that was maybe about 2007 when I bought a 60W eqvt. LED from LG....it dimmed to maybe 20 W Eqv. in 3 to 4 years BUT NEVER BROKE ENTIRELY (!)

That being said I miss the light quality from incandescent bulbs...besides Covid I think LED has not been kind to my eyes.

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A month ago I saw that Elon was working on same idea. It has been done before and they were murdered. I guess now if it is government backed,.....you're safe.

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While I do not agree with everything MR SAGAN taught. One thing is for sure he was not a DUDE. Let us give him at least the respect he deserves by addressing him as Dr or Mr.

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We had a very smart dog named "dude" a feral mutt that could open gates by pulling down on the handles with his paws ( in Nea Makri)...of course his end was to be found 1/2 buried and charred in a construction zone a few blocks away...

You could tell the locals had it in for the dog by the fact that he was not eaten.

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Modern day prophet !

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I always loved Roseanne Barr. But I have to say my gut feeling from the first was, she’s controlled opposition.

I really believe she’s put out there to muddy the waters along with other celebrities that “Claim to be breaking with Hollywood” or, Claim to now be a Christian. I would love to believe her, but the more I have seen the less I have believed. There are specific people that have been placed in public view to create more chaos, more confusion, and even some specifically placed to talk about satanic rituals, and horrible child sacrifices. It creates a lot of fear in some individuals… it creates division, and it creates disassociation with some. And it’s in my opinion also, there are people placed there purposefully to make conservatives, and Christians look crazy for repeating it.. to systematically erode our credibility.

I am not saying, that child-sacrifice, trafficking, and unspeakable evil acts are not happening…But I am saying the wicked powers that are trying to destroy this world, love to use these narratives to not only “hide in plain sight“ but to tear down good people’s reputations and cause division & confusion.

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I don’t know about Sagan, but the level of status and popularity he had makes me wonder…

I do know, though, that there are people in this world that God gives particular perception, wisdom, and fore-knowledge of what’s ahead.

I had a friend decades ago in the 80s who was very quirky, eccentric and fascinated with electronics. Definitely a mad-scientist type. Extremely intelligent, loved computers, gadgets and astronomy. Unfortunately, he died very young from an accident swimming. But I remember the things he used to say to me out of the blue. I felt they were prophetic. One of them was,

“I foresee a time in the not too distant future when people will go to coffee shops and they will sit several others at a table, yet no one is speaking to one another. They will all have headphones on or be looking at computer devices. Except the computers will be very, very small. And they may even have something over their eyes so they can see the computers better.

( virtual reality? Smart glasses?)

in essence, people everywhere will be isolated, even in a crowd because they will be completely cut off from everyone else physically in their own little bubbles of technology…. People will feel very lonely and depressed and isolated..”

I remember when he said that I felt chills because I knew he was right.

He told me that in 1986.

There were no earbuds, and the only people with cell phones at that time were the super rich, plus the phones which gigantic. Personal computers were also HUGE and barely worked. There was really no Internet, no MP3 players. CD players had only been out for a couple of years and they were also something only the wealthy could afford at $1000 apiece.

The general public were considered well off if they had a large television and a VCR/DVD player

He died the following .year sadly.

He was very young. Around 27 years old. I always wished I had spent more time talking to him about how he envisioned the future. But it was super hard to get an audience with him. He would rather be in his room, packed full of electronics… Puttering around. A self-fulfilling prophecy perhaps

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"custom-designed mRNA vaccines created by AI…"??? NO, theyy are talking about GENE 'THERAPIES'!! Modifications of the human genome to a level BEYOND human recognition....

at least one good news: WATER CAR:))) thank You.

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Just want to comment on Sagan quote. Time traveler, probably not. Pretty wise guy but very connected like Jules Verne to the elites of their day. Read some Sagan. He knew some things , a little crazy but "he knew," remember 1984 book? They just knew. The devil was certainly in the details which they didn't know. At the end of the day, our day; tech will ultimately destroy us, and the rest, well that book isn't finished; and to most, it's still hidden. Thanks Manuel. Lots a good stuff on this 📄 page

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Yes Fusion and Fission weapons, DNA alteration, and now AI , good luck to humanity.

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About Roseanne Barr...

My Interaction with Roseanne Barr (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/my-interaction-with-roseanne-barr

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Anything specific she said? Your article talked about how you were disparaged, but no real info.

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Ah, dear One, that was... 15+ years ago? No, I do not remember the specifics. Just that She came on with attacks on Me. Take it or leave it. [shrug]

Edit to add: More like 20 years ago. LOL!

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Dang, my BS meter is going crazy. If you were that excited to be there, you would have recorded it for yourself. You obviously didn't, so i can only conclude that it never happened. For some reason, you simply want to disparage Roseanne without any supporting data.

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Well aren't You a dear. I had no equipment 20 years ago that would record it. If I could remember the name of the show, I could likely find the episode, but You know what?

I don't care whether You believe Me or not. You are a waste of My time so I'm not putting forth the effort.

Off Y'go. Have a nice life. Love always.

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Bless your little ol' heart, your sorry grasp for attention wasn't very effective, was it. i'll pray that God will ease your hatred of Roseanne, your weak memory, and your lack of skill in using that Google thingie.

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If You think this was for attention You are utterly clueless. But... Whatever.

Yup. You're right. Off Y'go then. Do have a lovely life.

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Good stuff - be back later for my yaks about some of them. 🙂

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Project Stargate - no golden age just as the golden years thing is just propaganda.

El Capitan - world’s fastest computer. I would luuuuuuv to be there, or here, to see what happens when that thing - uhm, expires.

Carl Sagan - some people just know things, or put things together so that they know. ‘Tis a huge cosmos we inhabit.

The MOVE bombing - so nonsensical like so many other such things. Waco, ruby ridge, etc. A long list. Crunches my gut.

The water engine! People have been killed because they figured it out! Wonder which - maybe every one that was offed and had materials and information taken - well, information was consolidated and now…geez. And it’s presented in the media as something new.

Snow in the southern U.S. Check out grand solar minimum. As well as weather geoengineering.

Thank you, Manuel. Wish I could donate thousands of $.

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Amazing ahead of his time

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Lots of current on point stuff in your great list of topics. As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "we know in part", - that thought for a moment of prophecy by Sagan. And Trump is in and the reno begins. Always lots of mess during a reno. 2025 is going to be wild. So it would be wise to say, 'buckle up."

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Yep, part of the new technology that President Trump wants to bring to the world with the creation of Project Stargate are individual, custom-designed mRNA vaccines created by AI…

See? I told you to watch out…

We are entering the AI HELLtimes, no "golden age" coming…

Here is the ttruth: Social media is ablaze with confronting discussions about Project Stargate, which I believe is part of the intention. How best to get the world to focus on the Transhumanist agenda and its psycho architects than to throw $500 billion at it! Correction: than to get the culprits themselves to throw $500 billion at it!

Like I said, I think this entire Project Stargate is a means to draw people’s attention to the greatest threat faced by humanity…

Trump knows we know better now; he knows we won’t follow any of these psycho Tech guys but he also knows that the masses still need to be educated on such matters. Well now everyone is talking about it!

Red pilling accomplished. More...

What if *a component* of the Stargate announcement is to ultimately reduce OpenAI’s reputation in the AI market? Seems strange that Trump would seemingly overlook Elon and RFK Jr. to collaborate with Sam Altman on AI/ health innovation.

Trump thrust Altman into a whirlwind of negative publicity from both the left (because auto-pushback on anyone working with Trump) and the right (mRNA gene therapy). Now Elon’s spotlighting Altman’s flaws to his 213m followers.

OpenAI (CEO: Altman) is a known competitor to Grok in the AI market.

Seems like a multifaceted 5D chess move to me.

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I love it!!! Snow in New Orleans!!! Thanks for pulling together so many good stories, Manuel!! All I can say regarding the Carl Sagan quote......hopefully this Big Ship is going to be turned around now!! So many people have been jarred awake that I believe the Pendulum is swinging back again!! Think about it...The Naughty Nineties; The Roaring Twenties; The Sexy Sixties....we seem to keep repeating cycles. I would say The Sixties are finally OVER!!!

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Sagan Sagan was not in my 1964 class at Compton CA High School. I was told in 12 grade about all of this plus Country over run in future with people from south America

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Sgan was late to the party. In 1964 at Compton CA High School our guidance counselors told us not to take jobs at our near by auto and aircraft companies. Say said they would be gone and much of what we used would be made in other countries They told my mexican friends Spanish speaking kids to keep their spanish language skills . The in the US they people from South America would become a large part of the population

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Sagan had less understanding on the matter than Ross Perot. If you can watch clips of the blessed Perot, you will see what I am talking about and the level of passion well before 1996.

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will try to find him...

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