May 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

George Soros: ‘Those Who Oppose My Agenda Are White Supremacists’; SOROS, YUR A FRIKKIN IDIOT//GO GET A LIFE //

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May 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds


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May 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

SSRI drugs are a scam, as well as alzheimer drugs. "Deceiving nations" the pharma-sorcery way. That story broke months ago too, but was burried immediately. Good job, Manuel.

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Moderna came out with a new mRNA vax for Influenza..And of course the mRNA engineered protein will just stay in the shoulder.No problems with the protein eliciting an inflammatory response in other sites(heart,liver,pancreas,brain,etc)

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May 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Dr. Buttar - no words. 💔

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May 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

This Black cube of Saturn is real, now I don't know if it's from Saturn, but over at Secureteam10 (a UFO channel to be short) has a video of this cube popping out of a cloud, as well as other places. The hair on my arms went up when I saw this post. Dr. Battar will no doubt be one of the riders that come back with Jesus during Judgement day. So the National Post claims 1/3 of Canadians are OK with killing the homeless and impoverished, must have taken the poll in their office. Do you remember that ordeal the Bundy Standoff in Montana?? Pretty sure that was part of the Uranium One deal Hillary had with the Russians, but the money went to the Clinton Foundation. Finally: the well to hell. Now I believe in the supernatural but this still might be explained away as the sound of wind, as they did say they drilled into a void, still, It gives me The Eebie-Geebies.

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May 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Another fascinating offering.

Thanks 🙏👍

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May 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The “Well to Hell” has been debunked quite a few times and actually stems from the local legends. It would be a super place to visit on All Hallows Eve!!

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May 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The Hell recording. I have heard this before, a long time ago in fact. It has never been debunked to my knowledge. God gave us a glimpse into this place by the dialogue found in Luke 16:19 about Lazarus and the rich man. Keep reading; I give a definition of the bottomless pit which you will definitely want to hear!

Lazarus was a beggar and was laid at the gate of the rich man's house begging for a crumb from his plate. The beggar died and was carried by angels into Abraham's bosom but the rich man died and found himself in Hell. He asked Abraham to tell the beggar to dip his finger tip in water and place it on his tongue because he was burning up. That was impossible so the rich man asked Abraham to send Lazarus to his father's house to warn his 5 brothers that Hell was real but Abraham said they wouldn't believe even if Lazarus came back from the dead.

I don't know if this recording is real or not. The Bible does say that Hell is inside the earth and it is called the bottomless pit. I have thought about the bottomless pit carefully. Where would there exist a "bottomless" pit? Let's imagine that there was a hole drilled directly through the earth - through the center, to the other side - large enough to fit a (falling, tumbling) man, all hypothetical of course.

If you fell into that hole, you would fall to the center of the earth but you wouldn't fall through to the other side but would STOP at the center. Why? Because there is no gravity at the center of the earth! The closer you got to the center, you would begin to slow down and stop, otherwise you would be falling "up" after you passed the center. THAT is the bottomless pit. Don't ask me how or where I came up with this, it just dawned on me one day a while back.

Of one thing I am certain: There IS a Hell and the ONLY, the very One and ONLY way out is by being forgiven of our sins. And there is only One place we can go for such forgiveness; we must BELIEVE that the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ who is God in the Flesh - whereby He shed His PERFECT Blood and paid OUR penalty for every sin ever committed by any man in all of history - is sufficient for the payment of our sins. We cannot work our way into Heaven.

When we, as skeptics of this claim, search the Bible for the PROOF of this amazing story, (which no man could ever dream up) and we SEEK to know this by searching for ourselves (not believing someone else's opinion of this most important topic) and we do so with our whole heart, He will meet us at our best understanding of Him and ASSIST us, carrying us through the barrier of unbelief.

He will reveal His Holy Spirit to our own Spirit and we will be SAVED. Our dead spirit within us will come alive and we will be BORN AGAIN. We will understand our sin and separation from Him by it and we will be SORRY for every one of them. This is the born again experience. Many will weep out of great joy (and sorrow for sinning against Him) however, some do not weep but everyone who is saved will experience His great LOVE for us.

We have instant knowledge of the fact that we are now saved from this place called Hell and will now be meeting Jesus Christ and joining Him in His Kingdom when we die. (or are taken out in the Rapture, coming so very soon) Because of this, we no longer fear death. The fear of death is a curse that comes with carrying unforgiven sins around with us. We know instinctively that we are not right with our Creator until we are born again.

We are now in the last days of this age called the age of Grace marked by His Resurrection from death and into Heaven to His coming for His Saints (all born again) The age of Grace is 2000 years and we will soon move into the next age or the "time of Jacob's Trouble". God will pour out His wrath on this world for its rejection of Jesus. Those who love Him will be removed before His WRATH comes because it will be poured out FULL STRENGTH. There's still time to escape this horrible time period AND Hell which is utter and complete HOPELESSNESS in pain and agony forever and ever. I didn't make the rules, I just obey them and warn as many as I can along the way. That's my calling, to warn people that time is short and we MUST be saved.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸

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May 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Redchinesey Shipping Video:

Ok, I am disappointed. I thought they were going to ship the girl for free. ☹️

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