I used to ponder the which came first, the chicken or the egg question. And after 67 years of pondering it I know the answer. Of course It was the chicken!

I feel so stupid now since the answer has been right in front of my face. On PAGE ONE.

Genesis 21: And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

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Double liked. Mankind rejected the Bible in favor of Darwinism in the late 19th century and threw the Bible, God's written word, into the bin with fairy tales and mythology, but not everyone followed them. Don't feel stupid Janet, feel OVERJOYED that you answered the still small Voice in your being and He allowed you to know the TRUTH. John 15:6

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It is just all so clear to me now. It is ALL in the Good Book. Every. Single. Thing. I have been reading it. If I have questions, I study the answers. I know GOD is everywhere. My husband went home to Him 2 weeks ago. Bill has a beautiful study Bible in which he wrote so many notes. I used to ask Bill, but HOW can God be everywhere???

Bill's response was simple. He would tell me: Because He is GOD.

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By jove I think she's got it!!! 🤠

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Welcome back brother !

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Aug 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Good to have you back, Manuel.

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Aug 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Welcome back M!!

3 children murdered, 10 others in serious condition. Fake info put out saying he was an muslim asylum seeker ( he is 17 and born in wales) so the far right used this as an excuse to riot and target innocent people of colour. Unfortunately it looks like more rioting will be happening over next few days. Shame on them!!

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Aug 1Liked by Strange Sounds



$ -50.00

Purchase of Goods or Services

Hi Manuel, I donated $50 on 6-29 but still show has a free subscription. Can you update me. I love the newsletter!

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Yeah, I am done with Starbucks, waaaayyy too much sugar in their lattes, I don't know what I was thinking. I think I was in denial, but their green tea matcha lattes were soooo good. After quitting, I have noticed my minor health issues like itchy, flaky skin disappear. Welcome back Manuel, hope you are well rested!

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Aug 1Liked by Strange Sounds

Happy for your family’s amazing vacation!

Sorry about the housing prices in Switzerland. Is that for a dream home or a house/shelter/dwelling place? I’ve never had a dream home, but at least 2 nice dwelling places.

The things in the Antarctic ice look like huge claws to me!

Henry Ford would be livid about the snitchmobile.

Congratulations to the lovely young lady that won the Olympic Gold in rowing.

Thank you for all the news items today.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Author

normal home with garden in the city I live

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Aug 1Liked by Strange Sounds

That is just not right - like so many things these days.

The place I have now is what is classified as a tiny home - less than 1000 sq ft. Nearly 72 years old - they didn’t call them tiny homes then! Layout is very different from the - uhm - current tiny homes - bungalow style here in the states. I’m not sure spacious was a word used very often then in general housing! Livable but not spacious, but a nice-size yard - about 1/4 acre. Sort of spacious for one - me, but a family in here - let’s say, it would be very interesting.

Hoping for the good luck money fairy or whatever to head your way. 😉

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Aug 2Liked by Strange Sounds

The controllers don't want people to own their own homes. Nor to eat meat, nor to drive cars, use chainsaws, mow their lawns, raise chickens, procreate, have farms with cows or any methane producing livestock, criticize ANYTHING they say, have substantial riches, homeschool, eat meat, read the Bible, breathe or read any "conspiracy theory" books. They just want us to sit down, shut up, roll up our sleeves and OBEY.

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Aug 2Liked by Strange Sounds


Yup - I don’t own the place I live in - the bank lets me stay there as long as I pay them.

I’m fully aware of all you’ve said and find all of it abhorrent - what the “kumquats” want.

The only place I am really “free” is in my head and heart.

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Aug 2Liked by Strange Sounds

I'm in the same type situation. I don't own my house either. I get to stay here if I pay 1000 dollars to the county my house sits within twice a year. When a mortgage is paid off as is my own, they say the home is now "yours" - FREE and CLEAR. Is that so? If you want to learn the truth about who REALLY owns your home, just try not paying your semi annual property taxes! I have a home, a truck, a car, a motorcycle and a bunch of stuff collected over the years but I own NONE of it. That's okay. I'm just passing through anyway. Not sure if you'll agree or not but my Father owns my house. He even owns the county it sits in. My time here is almost up. He is surely coming to intervene once more in the affairs of men but He will remove those who love Him before doing so. I'm one of those who love Him and I'll be happy to leave this place behind! I told my neighbor, when millions of people suddenly disappear, you can have anything you want but please take care of my pets. He laughed, of course.

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Aug 2Liked by Strange Sounds

I am so sorry seems trite and inconsequential, but it isn’t. We have all been greatly duped by the system. Most of us are, indeed, in the same type situation. I have long said we already own nothing - it just looks like we do. Rhetorical question, but - how much more can they try to take from us? In a sense they already have had our lives - at least those of us whose time is almost up. Agewise, that is.

Try to enjoy those things you’ve accumulated - why not?

My pets? I hope they will be allowed to just expire quietly. I trust no one to take care of them. Well, the one I have left.

Take good care of you, jimd.

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Olympics always have been and continue to be boring. Yawnnnn

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I love sports

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Aug 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Welcome back to the jungle, Manuel. I USED to love team sports, when they were much less about the individual and much more about the TEAM. I grew up playing and sports and watching the Pittsburgh Steelers winning back to back Super Bowls TWICE (when the halftime show was for entertainment, not indoctrination of wickedness) in the 1970s. In 1979, the Pirates won the World Series and the Steelers won the SB (+3 more in the 70s) and my hometown was called "The City of Champions". I have watched the decline of professional sports since the 1980s take the low road with the world's slide to wickedness and lack of morality. It's not about the TEAM anymore, it's about how many millions can "I" get over the next 5 years. And we know that the "LGBTQRSTUV would you like to buy a vowel" agenda being forced on the world, especially the transgender wickedness on full display with the man in the ring with the woman a few days ago at the olympics. The world is toast. Soon to be burnt toast.

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1 John 5:21

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Aug 2Liked by Strange Sounds

I've been a born again Christian since age 16 and I have NEVER come under attack from the enemy as I have been in the last few years. He knows his time is very short and that is why he is working 24/7/365 without rest to DECEIVE (satan's modus operandi) and to drag as many as he can with him to the lake of fire forever. We began the very last days of this age in 2017 when I believe that malevolent evil beings were somehow loosed from their chains (CERN?) to wreak havoc on the world before the Rapture and rise of antichrist. WE are there. I expect to see Jesus coming on the clouds of Heaven any minute now. I am doing what He commanded His children to do when we see "these things" happening, (Luke 21:28) for "your redemption draweth nigh". !!!

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Back up a few verses in 1 John 5 to verse 13, one of my favorites in all of Scripture.

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nice one indeed!

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