Apr 15Liked by Strange Sounds

Baby water with fluoride. Mellowing water. Hey, don’t want your kid to be able to talk back at you, decide things for themselves, learn and grow? Express themselves and their thoughts, emotions, talents creatively? Give them our new baby water with “special nutrients” to keep them mellow.

S i g h. I am just too darned old for all this disgusting beyond foolishness and other words I can’t say.

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Apr 15Liked by Strange Sounds

“Dimensia.” S i g h. All those years of studying spelling, grammar, punctuation to make things understandable. To know how to write in order to be understood. I see things like this all over the place in chats, posts of all kinds. It’s a phonetic type of spelling - I understand that. No such thing as punctuatiion and what it means anymore - or at times it feels like it. No wonder there is so much dissension in social media - people are trying to talk in words on “paper” and don’t know HOW! It’s easy to misunderstand. Then, the errant “writer” gets pi__ed at the one trying to decipher what was trying to be said in the writing. Or at supposedly not understanding them.

I suppose the ones perpetrating the madness are very pleased with all this.

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OMG 😂🤣 Pepsi must have copied the Seinfeld episode where the frozen yogurt shop is touting fat free, and the Seinfeld crew is eating it and eating it, and can’t understand why they are gaining weight😂🤣 anyone else remember this? 😂🤣😂https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbacDsX_8pM

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Apr 16Liked by Strange Sounds

1. Isn't the video of the EU lady explaining the fake pandemic from four years ago?

2. The eclipse picture is pretty. You can do some pretty neat stuff with photoshop.

Another good one, Manuel. Thanks.

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DIMENSIA. Very wise. Avoid any lawsuits if they claim he was accused of dementia. "No he wasn't" Some very bright people behind that board.

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The 80 plus feet high waves story must just be straight up false (released from Antarctic) not even false flag.

I mean at least 1 person in west Africa would have a cell phone to capture the largest tsunami ever, right?

But what I can’t figure is ‘who benefits’ from this ridiculous story.

Let’s laugh at whoever thinks they benefit. Someone tell me who to laugh at, please.

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Nestles is high up in the wicked corporations pyramid. They control much more than the average person realizes. Isn't it bizarre how blinded the people have become that they believe fluoride is actually beneficial for babies?! It's not. IT ROTS TEETH! Probably hiders tooth growth as well. But, then again, we live in the backward, upside down, right is wrong, wrong is right world.

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Apr 16·edited Apr 16

Okay, the video about the Redstone park being "vandalized", here's my thoughts: First, how can one "vandalize" something formed by a CATASTROPHE? The flood of Noah produced all the structures found in the midwest including the Grand Canyon.

I DO have a serious issue with the father of the little girl who placed his daughter in harm's way. But as far as one or two puny men defacing "mother nature", only the false assumption that it took 'MILLIONS OF YEARS' to create such a landscape could ultimately cause someone to be distressed at such "vandalism".

That park, as well as Grand Canyon and every other canyon happened in WEEKS to months, not millions of years. Modern science holds to uniformitarianism - that the earth has been "evolving" at a steady, consistent rate - but the evidence, even to an untrained eye, cannot fit this with what the geologic evidence proves.

But don't believe me, do you own investigation and see what YOU come up with. Begin with some young earth creationist authors. Morris and Whitcomb's 'The Genesis Flood" would be a good place to start.


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The Baltimore bridge debris is purposely being left in the channel to block import and export from continuing. That port is the third largest on the East and Gulf Coasts and is ESSENTIAL for the delicate balance of the world economy, especially food and oil.

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