Looks like a whole bunch of glowies got their talking points for the day...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for November 25, 2023...
There was an awful lot of women there for this to be just a male issue…
And by the way, "White Irish Men"… You can just say Irish men….
Interesting how they all push the same exact message. You would think someone told them to do exactly that… An army of bots… Well yes, just a few weeks ago, the Irish PM said the government is ‘very white’ and ‘this needs to change’…
Yep, an army of governmental bots…
It was all good for the rich… But the bottom 80% has gotten significantly poorer since the pandemic began, and this is creating a "Robin Hood mentality" all over America…
A historic strike of public sector workers has begun in Canada. More than 565 thousand public sector workers in the province of Quebec demand higher wages. More than 65 thousand teachers went on an indefinite strike. Trudeau is too busy providing funds for Ukraine…
In 2013 it was 42%, in 2019 it was 48%, in 2023, it’s now 52%! More than HALF of US households are now armed…
𝕏 Traffic Update! 𝕏 surpasses Instagram and Facebook by a significant margin in driving traffic through Google… It is not dead yet…
Jeffrey Tucker: “There is every reason to believe that Milei is just the beginning of a new trend that could spread all over the world. People are fed up and are ready for a radical new direction. Something has to be done to stop the relentless march of the forces of tyranny in Western nations…”
Doctors warn of increase in heart attacks due to “holiday heart syndrome”
Does the bird flu test work or is it like the Covid testing, where at least 97% doesn’t work and proves false positives? I am just asking… Mass culls on farms in Germany, Japan, as first bird flu outbreaks of the season hit…
Airline serves 'dog food' to business class passengers in translation blunder…

I’d recommend allocating some capital towards hard assets and commodities to preserve purchasing power… US interest payments are projected to be $3 trillion in 2027 which is 75% of the federal budget…
This didn’t take long at all… Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, was stabbed by another inmate and seriously injured Friday at a federal prison in Arizona…
Yep, this goes deeper than just tracking your searches… Tech that aims to read your mind and probe your memories is already here…
A mud volcano in southern Taiwan (Pingtung) has erupted for the third time this year, destroying crops just before the harvest…
If you want to control someone, the best way is to give them what they think they want and make them dependent… It seems that democrats forgot about their own playbook here: How US sanctions turned China's chipmaker Huawei into a success story…
No tsunami threat from shallow magnitude 6.9 quake that shook Marianas Islands…

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Let see how the world reacts. Estonia notifies WHO that it rejects the Pandemic Treaty and amendments to International Health Regulations…
In Iceland, magma is still pooling at the Reykjanes volcano, which may in the next few weeks trigger the formation of another magma dike. This volcanic unrest is only the latest to occur due to the fact that the Reykjanes peninsula has entered a period where a greatly increased rate of volcanic eruptions can be expected across the next few centuries in my opinion. As a result, I personally believe that significant proactive rather than reactive steps need to be taken to reduce the risk of lava flow inundation to several villages, towns, and cities along with crucial Iceland infrastructure…
So is this another story about a man that worked for the government and then the government removed all ties to their puppet to absolve themselves? Wouldn't be the first time government removed evidence to prevent information getting out that they were involved… A Quebec man who repeatedly posted online accusing the government of starting forest fires is facing 16 charges for allegedly setting a series of fires and is expected to plead guilty in January…
US Healthcare System… Actually all of them…
Interesting… Hope this will solve the inflation problems of his ‘new’ country… Argentina President Javier Milei confirms he will shut down the Central Bank…
Male monkeys on tiny island have way more sex with each other than females, scientists discover… The scientists even say: ‘The same-sex behavior observed in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on the island of Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, appears to have an evolutionary benefit…’ They are pushing their agenda with any mens right now…
Pew Research Center is tired of blaming Gen Z and millennials for everything; Now it’s retiring the whole concept of generational framing…
A tornado came for a town in Michoacán yesterday, ruining avocado crops and leaving many wondering, "what just happened?" The tornado formed late Tuesday afternoon in western Michoacán. After passing through a rural area, residents attacked the tornado with hail cannons to try to reduce its size and stop it from reaching the town of Peribán…
Goddess particle! Earth was bombarded by ultra-powerful cosmic ray, and we have no idea where it came from…
Even if I love sports, this guy is not all wrong… Bill Cooper on the real reason they shove sports down our throats…
That's OK… Everyone knows just taking a few million dollars doesn't mean you will sell out your colleagues and the people that depend on you… Human Rights Watch under fire for allegedly accepting millions in Qatar funds…
What are your thoughts on this? This is very similar when people take hallucinating drugs like DMT, where people sometimes see higher dimensional beings like aliens infront of them. Is our 3D reality actually a copy perception from the 5D dimension?
Extinct seamount volcano twice the size of world’s tallest building Burj Khalifa, discovered ‘hidden under the waves’ in the Pacific Ocean
First winter storm paints northern Mexico and volcanoes further south with snow
Fire in the sky! Latest bright fireballs captured by sky cameras around the world…
November 17, 2019: mysterious pneumonia in China right before the following year of 2020 election… November 23, 2023: Mysterious pneumonia in China currently “tearing” through Chinese children and fear-mongering ramping up again, right before the following year of 2024 election… Yes I’m aware viruses always happen but the extreme fear mongering and worldwide lockdown threats from TPTB are fairly common in recent years compared to prior. Is this going to be the case for election years from this point forward, just like how BLM conveniently pops up during every election year? Yep! Is there going to be a new “mysterious virus” before every US presidential election year from 2019 onwards?
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Thank you and have a great Saturday,
Many things I did not know, and a trippy item, too.
I always learn things here. Thanks, Manuel.
OH, man, the Rhesus monkeys piece. It's a piece, alright. I wouldn't believe "Live Science" if they told me that water is wet. What a piece of ignorant propaganda this is. Anything to promote the grotesque and vile deviance of sodomy. And this, if any of it is true, which I doubt highly, just goes to show that animals are acting like animals.
So the sodomite/pedophile movement wants to emulate animals in their behavior? I can't believe people actually spent the time effort and energy to conduct such a "study". I don't believe they did. The ONLY way they could know the things stated in that story (including the alleged increase in population, which I believe, is the main reason for the story; to discount the logical decrease in population due to sodomy) is to research each monkey carefully, their gender, their partners, male and female, their activity, all births and deaths and every other aspect of their lives continuously.
So waiting...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO waiting for Righteousness to come.