Many things I did not know, and a trippy item, too.

I always learn things here. Thanks, Manuel.

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OH, man, the Rhesus monkeys piece. It's a piece, alright. I wouldn't believe "Live Science" if they told me that water is wet. What a piece of ignorant propaganda this is. Anything to promote the grotesque and vile deviance of sodomy. And this, if any of it is true, which I doubt highly, just goes to show that animals are acting like animals.

So the sodomite/pedophile movement wants to emulate animals in their behavior? I can't believe people actually spent the time effort and energy to conduct such a "study". I don't believe they did. The ONLY way they could know the things stated in that story (including the alleged increase in population, which I believe, is the main reason for the story; to discount the logical decrease in population due to sodomy) is to research each monkey carefully, their gender, their partners, male and female, their activity, all births and deaths and every other aspect of their lives continuously.

So waiting...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO waiting for Righteousness to come.

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Yep. Insurance companies want patients to "die as soon as possible" yet the hospitals want them to be sick as long as possible. It's a tug of war with money for our flippin lives in the modern gulags of hospitals! How to best fleece the honest, hard working people of modern society and get ALL of their money. Are we there yet? Please, Lord Jesus, come. Take up your scepter and REIGN.

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I always liked this clip. It's 5 years old already and that was before the big Covid scare. BOO!


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Yep... Great

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Sure sounds like the Irish and Ireland have been culturally appropriated and colonized. I thought those things were taboo in Leftist mentality? But I forgot. It's always okay when "they" do it. 🤦‍♀️

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Screengrabs of the ever present blatancy are always a healthy reminder, thank you.

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Ireland's PM isn't Irish 😒

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Seems the leaders of many countries are not of the same country's birthplace. Imagine that a hundred years ago anywhere on the planet. Naw, would never happen unless the country had been overthrown from within, or without. Imagine that concept for just a minute... strange things, not just strange sounds...

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In Switzerland where I live, a nice big part of the people working for the gov or cantons (states) are not Swiss... And that really pisses me off... Because most of them do not care about the country and just want a confortable working place...

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I think this is common now Manuel. Crazy as it seems. Your "comfortable working place" is right on the money, but does not go far enough. I believe evil people want to control the government's of the world to make their One World Government easier to attain. These are useful idiots of those who are evil, or evil themselves, or both.

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Thank you. It makes me sick that they not only falsely imprisoned Derek Chauvin, but they don't protect him in prison either! Milton William Cooper: It seems anyone who speaks too loudly about what the elite are doing, either get suicided, murdered suspiciously, or killed by law enforcement set up by the elite.__Just like he was. Lastly, the youtube tribute to Heraclitus was amazing.

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The pneumonia without a cough in China is actualy Post Vaccine Syndrome, the lack of an immune system killed by the bioweapon Covid-19 vaxx.

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It's actually methane outgassing from the tectonic plates shifting due to earth changes leading to the eventual pole shift.

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