Jordan Maxwell said in an interview that he spoke with a writer from X-files. This person said they get information from people in the government. They talked about a few specific episodes. They did not happen to say which episodes.

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Yep, just like zombie movies. Got us all prepped for the drug addled homeless mess.

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RFK Jr. is one of them as evidenced in the excellent picture Manuel dug up. He is running for POTUS, I mean, he is being considered for installation. The word "running" intimates that there is an element of control that we the people have over who gets in this office. We know now that this isn't the case, probably NEVER was. Was the very first POTUS elected? George Washington was a 33rd degree Freemason. I wonder if that had anything to do with his occupation of the post.

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A fascinating subject, these Masonic Architects.

But they're just a little ol' secret society with roots back to Nimrod (architect and builder of the Tower of Babel),and are just good, upstanding men that have nothing but our best interests at the core of all that they do for us monsters - as the plebs are referred to by law, in Black's law dictionary.

Yes, fascinating subject...

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The whole Bud Lite fiasco seemed to me like another campaign to cause division. And has it ever worked. Think about it. The ad execs at Budweiser MUST have known that this would happen so that leads me to believe that Soros or someone else with more money than most small countries FUNDED this decline in Bud sales. It's the only logical explanation. The high up execs at Budweiser might be rich and greedy but they're not stupid.

As far as the Trump soap opera goes, it's just THE major distraction for those still hoping for MAGA and people all over the world are watching it. The deceivers know that as long as their minds are caught up in the drama of the totally scripted Trump court case they won't be looking at any hidden truth such as how close we are to the inevitable collapse of the dollar and the next pandemic and every other deception hiding the real truth of what's going on in this world.

We are more divided as a people (globally) than at any other time in human history AND we are more deceived than at any other time, believing many more lies than truth. That fact alone should wake MOST people up but they remain willing to roll up their sleeves for their 25th booster shot and believe every lie rolling off the tongues of the robotic players in the MSM. What is WRONG with people???? It's fun living in this age though, isn't it? But be not deceived. The fun will soon be over. Seek the absolute Truth. John 14:6

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Yes, The way, the truth and the life! God bless.

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Aloha Manuel,

What a tragedy the Lahaina fire is. Loss of life, and loss of incredible history as a whaling port. It happened so fast. What scares me is how did it start? And who is salivating over rebuilding...the Big Island is on fire at the north end. However, we are not very dense there and we have pretty much 0 in the historical category. Sad situation in an ineffectual blue state where the Gov. is "traveling" and the LT Gov cant speak in a full sentence. Ugh. Have a blessed day.

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When a portion of the world's population disappears, Do not believe for a second that aliens or UFOs took us away. The rapture is any moment. Jesus is real. In a world drowning in lies and deception the Bible is becoming more crystal transparent and the spiritual war the world is in is making that horribly and painstakingly clear.

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The SOTT video always gives a gool summary of what has been going on w/w with the weather!! Here in Central NYS we had a tornado in my area the other day!! Thanks, Manuel!!

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The 96 year old woman raped by her own grandson was painful to watch. It's scary to see how evil people can be.

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