"Federal judge has ordered Texas to remove floating barriers" ~ WHY? Because it actually works?

State law (trumps) Federal b.s. It's WHY we have "states". So tell that liberal-lefty-judge, to go SUCK an EGG!

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Thank you.

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Bill Gates to the rescue - Bud Light's savior to the tune of $100 million bucks - lol! Except that former Bud Light drinkers hate Bill Gates even more than they hate Bud, so this should be interesting. Kind of like when Jeb Bush stepped in to save the DeSantis campaign by endorsing Ron for President.

Funny how politicians know nothing about their voters and woke companies know nothing about their customers. Tone deafness must be going around again.

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But why did Gates buy "Bud Light?" What reason to buy a brand that's going bust...

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Good question! My guess would be that he can buy it cheap right now with the stock price in the tank, and it's worth the gamble that eventually people will forget and go back to believing that "This Bud's for you!" Personally, I don't think it's a good bet.

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Cancer rates among the under-50 demographic started a rapid upswing beginning in 1990. During the same period, obesity rates have doubled, and rates of severe obesity have more than tripled. Type II Diabetes is up by almost 50% in the same period. T2D increases risk of liver, pancreas, endometrium, colon, breast, and bladder cancers. Nearly 3/4 of all cancers are totally preventable.

Fact is, most people now grow up eating nothing but fast-food garbage and lots of it. Super Size Me! It's especially bad where I live in the land of deep-fried everything, bologna biscuits, chocolate gravy, and banana pudding.

So sad that many young people are digging their graves with their forks. Plus, considering the state of the world we're living in, apparently lots of people are drowning their sorrows in alcohol and drugs. With such an unhealthy population, no wonder the U.S. can't afford to provide universal healthcare.

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Floods w/w, not just Brazil....so sad for the people involved!!

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Lord, that last video...right after Sage's stack today about the body aura/network that is being manipulated by targeted electronic interfaces...

Too much. But there are no coincidences.

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AI can now reproduce your face on video in your own voice saying whatever they want you to say and THEN convict you based on that video!!! They can do this to whomever they please but for those with faith in Jesus Christ, they can't touch us right now because He is PROTECTING US! "He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways." Psalm 91:11

If ever anyone needed to finally come to Jesus, it is in this age, right now, TODAY. And He is patiently waiting for as many as are written in His Book of Life to come to Him and THEN He will come for all of those who belong to Him. And although it seems He is taking His Time (which He is, based on His knowledge) He WILL come, VERY SOON!!! I have this truth and I can’t sit by quietly as my fellow human beings ignorantly walk off the cliff of this life into eternal darkness. That’s why I write. And write, and write. I CAN’T be quiet!

He gave us the signs to look for in this world (all happening daily) AND IN THE STARS! In Genesis 1:14, God put "lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS, and for SEASONS, and for days, and years:" (emphasis mine) He is demonstrating the signs He put in the Heavens for us by these lights (stars, comets, planets, asteroids et al.)

If you recall the very real hype about the "Revelation 12 sign" of 2017 when we were all expecting the Rapture, it's back in the spotlight but this time it's showing even more signs. The first time was the wake up call but this time, in the same constellation of Virgo, the woman of Revelation 12 is going to be "with child" THIS MONTH when the comet named "Child" (you can't make this stuff up!) which hasn't moved from its position in the sky since year ONE is going to MOVE DIRECTLY INTO THE WOMAN'S STOMACH after being stationary in the sky for 10,000 years! Info collected by the awesome astronomy program Stellarium. Check out this program.

That's even more proof that God made these signs for a time when we possessed such computing power to have a program like Stellarium, which can show the ENTIRE SKY and the position of every stellar or planetary body from the entire time of creation! It can go back and show (anywhere in) the sky perhaps back to the time of the Birth of Christ and prior! All complete and precisely! Amazing!

These are the kinds of signs we're seeing in the heavens and combined with the many signs in the earth, floods, rumors of wars, earthquakes, destruction of the earth, forced agenda's, alignment of powers in the middle east, setting up great famine by crop destruction, setting up global systems, limit of fertilizer, floods and droughts, too many things to list and THIS MONTH the UN will meet exactly as this asteroid "Child" moves into the stomach of the constellation Virgo to discuss the next 7 years! We can be sure that His coming for His Bride, the church (all saved by faith in His Shed Blood) is now seriously close. After He removes His Bride, that is, all who are begging friends and loved ones to SEEK Him for salvation, there will be no more visible teaching about the Gospel as there is right now.

I am praying that comments which I and others have made and many others who have done videos about the Gospel will remain after we're gone for people to see to but we can't be sure. When we are gone, the antichrist will move quickly to stifle the truth about the Rapture first telling the world we were abducted by aliens and then scrubbing the internet, perhaps SHUTTING IT DOWN COMPLETELY immediately after the Rapture! Don't you see? You may not get another chance. This is the highest Rapture Watch period any of us who have been waiting for Him have ever seen! EVER!

This is REAL. This is NOW. Have we less info now than we had last year about this? NO! We have so much more and it's coming so much FASTER! Please seek Him today for salvation and MISS the most horrific times this world has ever seen as God pours out His WRATH on this world for its rejection of His ONLY Provision for salvation from sin and its wages...DEATH.

Eternal death in a lake that burns with fire and brimstone where, “their worm dieth not” and "hope" is a fleeting memory as there will be NO hope ever again for those who reject Him and THEY KNOW IT!. If you ignore everything you have heard in your life about the Atonement which your Creator God has made for your salvation, He actually won't send you to Hell, YOU will go WILLINGLY! To ETERNAL HOPELESSNESS with no hope of escaping everlasting heat and torment.

The message in the previous paragraph is a very highly unpopular one in this world and that's why most churches now don't even mention it! But I'd rather scare people into Heaven than flatter them into Hell. There's still (a sliver of) time left. What is more important than your eternal soul? Furthermore, WHAT have you got to lose? This world? It's going away FAST anyway!

Come to Him where there is TRUTH AND LIFE. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you as you read His written word, the KJV Bible. Start in the books by Paul, the Epistles. Read Romans and the rest. Learn about the extremes that God went through FOR YOU to be saved! If you truly desire Him in your heart, you will be saved. I may sound desperate at this point. That's because I AM. If you've read this far, please, you see where this world is going and you see where you COULD go and avoid all of it and live with Him in Glory and perfection forever and ever. He is still with His arms outstretched. Will you answer His Call?

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