May 31Liked by Strange Sounds

"A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine." Revelation 6:6. The Riders of the Apocalypse or the "third seal" of the Book of Revelation is coming to pass before our eyes. The Black Horse is the horse of famine. This verse describes great famine, greater than ever seen by the eyes of mankind. Billions of people will be starving to death because there is not enough food to go around.

Part two of that verse, "see thou hurt not the oil or the wine"; Hurt? Don't hurt the oil or the wine? That must mean that the FOOD HAS BEEN HURT. But oil and wine represent the LUXURY items which the wealthy will hoard to themselves in the time of famine and great tribulation. This we are seeing right now. Farmland being bought by the rich, i.e. Bill Gates of Hell is the biggest farmland owner in the US and the CHINESE are buying farmland as fast as they can do the paperwork!

Also, the oil and the wine happen to be the most costly of the food mentioned in the verse. The world is fed by GRAIN foods, wheat, barley, rice, corn etc. When those become scarce, the world economy will collapse and this is described in the next verse in Revelation 6, the PALE horse; the horse of DEATH.

The Bible has perfectly described so much of what we are seeing in these last days; so much that it absolutely PROVES that it came from outside of this space/time dimension, from God "Who inhabiteth eternity!" Something else supernatural about it is that it is so hated, ridiculed, and ignored. Here we have 66 books which have PROVEN themselves to be from God our Creator and it is most largely IGNORED. Crazy times we live in too. In early days, many people had been hunted down and killed for merely possessing the Bible! Now we have it literally in our POCKETS! I have 3 copies of the King James Bible on my iPhone! It can be had at the click of a mouse or touch of a mousepad and nobody seems interested. THIS FACT is also prophesied in its pages!

Yet, on the front page of every single MSM news publication/outlet is the phony drama of Trump being found guilty. PURE DECEPTION, THEATRICS AND DRAMA FOR THE MASSES to keep their attention away from this message and others like it! WAKE UP PEOPLE! Seek God and forgiveness from your sins by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ, GOD in the Flesh and do it NOW because many will not make it and will die in the soon coming tribulation which is coming like a freight train!

Suddenly, if you are not saved by the ONLY means available (John 14:6) you will learn that millions of people had suddenly disappeared. Those who have read my comments here over the last 2.5 years will remember that I had warned them about this. Do it now for free or do it later at a price (the loss of your head or the death by tribulation events; billions will die) It's your choice for now. Soon that choice will be made for you.

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May 31Liked by Strange Sounds

Another great collection of news items! Thanks, Manuel!! ;-)

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May 31Liked by Strange Sounds

This might be a someone-minor news item, but did you hear anything about the landline phone outages in Clinton and Scott Counties (IA) this morning? Our local KROS AM radio station even had a weather-style alert warning about the outage in Scott County, so you would have to use a cell phone to dial 911. Thanks for all you do, we sure live in interesting times!!

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May 31Liked by Strange Sounds

Brent, Please see my longer comment on this page. These are indeed interesting times!

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May 31·edited May 31Author

According to this piece of news, they are still working on investigating the cause and fixing it... Thank you! https://www.kwqc.com/2024/05/30/iowa-statewide-911-landline-outage-reported-crews-still-work-fix-issue/

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Thanks for the update -- I also heard it was because of that CenturyLink outage as they mentioned, in Des Moines. My friend used to have CenturyLink and always had issues with their voice mail. Just shows how vulnerable the grid can be, or is it AI taking over? Have a jubilant June and thanks again!

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May 30Liked by Strange Sounds

Nikki Haley loves Israel but hates Trump. She is a walking enigma. Therefore she gets a pass to sign 155mm artillery shells in Israel.


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May 30Liked by Strange Sounds

She’s is a WEF alumni puppet.

In short: evil and scum

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"It will all end with starvation, death. Synthetic meat. World governance and United Nations peacekeepers… " Nope, Manuel. That is how it STARTS!

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elon musk, liar, shill, actor on world stage

there is no gain of function, there is no contagion, there are no pathogenic viruses anywhere in this reality

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