Monovalent Moderna and Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines no longer authorized for use in the US...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for April 19, 2023...
Why is the FDA saying the monovalent Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the US?
They say the bivalent vaccines, as opposed to the monovalent vaccines, protect you against multiple strains of the virus and are much more effective than the outdated monovalent versions…
THOSE BIVALENT VACCINES WILL BE EQUALLY AS USELESS… I’M SURE. I would be curious to know what % actually bother with them now…
Massive rain clouds hovering over Istanbul turned day into night moments before heavy rainfall poured down on the city.… It must have been totally crazy!
Do you think child rape warrants a death penalty? I do… Florida state is attempting to make child rape punishable by death…
Dominion attorneys after their lawsuit against Fox News was just settled for $787.5 million…
The only important rule in Florida : You don’t f*ck with the Mouse… Disney promotes first-ever ‘Pride Nite’ on Twitter after DeSantis warning…
I don’t know about BO, but I sure smell BS here…

Ah yes now its time to price gouge rice… Global rice shortage is set to be the biggest in 20 years…
Nobody codes movies like Kubrick… ADRENO…

Germany shut down its last nuclear energy plant on Saturday. On the same day, Germans learned their power bills were about to go up 45%…
Who is John D. Rockefeller? Some will say he was a great oil man entrepreneur and represents the soul of America. Others won't know him. He’s more like the Night King from Game of Thrones… You remember?
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This guy was just waiting to murder people… 2 Texas cheerleaders shot after getting into wrong car in parking lot…
So the richest, most powerful guys in the world who opposed creating illegal Federal Reserve money printing bank, were all killed on the Titanic after being invited over by Rockefeller. It was JP Morgan's ship line, and JP Morgan got off the ship last minute. The coup of America was then complete… This and more is explained in this great documentary called: Titanic: The Shocking Truth… For those who have some time…
I hope many more will follow… Elsevier, a Dutch academic publishing company specializing in scientific, technical, and medical content, gets into trouble due to their fees… The whole editorial team of one of their magazines has resigned… Here a small part of their letter:
‘NeuroImage’s editorial team has tried to convince Elsevier to reduce the publication fee from $3,450, as we believe large profit is unethical and unsustainable. Elsevier is unwilling to reduce the fee; therefore, with great regret, all editors (more than 40 academic editors) of NeuroImage and NeuroImage:Reports have resigned. We are starting a new non-profit Open Access journal, Imaging Neuroscience, intended to replace NeuroImage as our field’s leading journal.’
Severe heatwave engulfs Asia causing deaths and forcing schools to close | Extreme temperatures described as ‘worst April heatwave in Asian history’ as records tested in India, China, Thailand and Laos…
A verbal slip by Russia's Vladimir Putin on a rare visit to occupied Ukraine suggested the trip happened days earlier and was kept secret… This is the slip:
The BBC reported that the Kremlin initially released footage in which Putin says that Easter is "coming up," but then edited the video to remove Putin saying those words.
Russian Orthodox Easter was on April 16.
Isaac Kappy exposes Pedophilia in Hollywood then mysteriously commits suicide. He clarified in various videos that he wasn't suicidal and he knew what was coming…
On a completely unrelated note. I honestly do wonder how much money he gets from the cartels… Mexican president accuses Pentagon of spying; vows to restrict military information…
Car loan money drying up. Consumer credit will locked up in 30-60days…

Nowhere is safe as long as that toddler is still on the loose… The White House grounds are safe after a toddler breached the fence…
Funny how they almost always die ‘by suicide’ in the US, and ‘fall out’ of windows or balconies in Russia, when connected to a politician...

Lol, give the government an inch, and they'll take everything… UK may soon seize kitchen knives from suspected criminals’ homes amid dangerous weapons crackdown…
Over the weekend, the Italian police scooped up two tons of cocaine, wrapped in protective plastic and bobbing in the Mediterranean Sea off eastern Sicily. This reminds me of Gary webb. He was an American journalist, he blew the whistle on CIA covert operations involving trafficking crack cocaine into the US during the Nicaraguan war. He was found dead in 2004 with two gunshot wounds to the head. His death was ruled a suicide…
Tomorrow, April 20th, a rare hybrid solar eclipse will sweep across Australia and Indonesia…
A hybrid eclipse is a mixture of two types: an annular eclipse and a total eclipse. The difference is the size of the Moon. During the annular phase, the Moon is slightly too small to cover the entire solar disk, resulting in a "ring of fire." During the total phase, the whole sun is covered, revealing the sun's ghostly corona.

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John D Rockefeller was the originator of every global problem we as a people have had to endure since the dawn of the industrial age. How, you may ask? I'll tell you: Standard Oil was the biggest money making monopoly of its day, perhaps of all time, from which every modern major financial institution has sprung including the Federal Reserve which is neither of its namesakes.
But it didn't have to be that way. At the time, a man named Nikola Tesla was working on a system of energy utilizing nothing but the electrical properties of the earth in space. He had made a working model of his idea and showed how electricity could be generated from thin air. One of his financers, JP Morgan asked Tesla one world changing can it be metered? The answer was that it CANNOT be metered. Tesla was cut off immediately. Other sources of energy which could be metered and thus SOLD were then put in place and they existed in the burning of fossil fuels for the most part.
The "fossil" fuels are the leftover plants (coal) and animals (crude oil) including people which were buried in the great flood of Noah. The burning or releasing of the carbon energy contained in these ubiquitous underground sources results in pollution of the atmosphere.
God never intended for us to burn these things for fuel but provided a CLEAN and FREE source of energy which existed naturally in the earth and Tesla discovered how to utilize this for the benefit of mankind. He was defunded and cast from the public eye, all of his notes and patents were stolen and he lived in obscurity as a relatively poor man the rest of his life. Rockefeller on the other hand was the main contributor to the companies and men who used this to garner the majority of the money and resources of the world to themselves.
Can you imagine if Tesla's invention would have won over and was used to provide constant, free energy to the entire world? There would be no "third world countries" nor poverty. There would be no starvation because the wealth of the world would have been distributed much more evenly simply by the nature of clean, free energy for the entire world! There would be no fat cat politicians being paid off by pharmaceutical companies because they wouldn't exist! Natural remedies would have proliferated instead of being squelched in favor of the petroleum based big pharma companies!
This world would have been a completely different place however, the greed of mankind with the help of the dark forces of evil, driven by satan and his angels have made this world into a timeline of history demonstrating the corruption of money and the death and destruction associated with the greed of mankind for filthy lucre (money). This substantiates the verse in 1 Timothy 6:10; "The love of money is THE root of ALL evil.
This might be a good place to show one of the reasons that I condemn the new versions of the Bible: every new Bible version changes that verse completely to say that money is merely A root of ALL SORTS of evil and not THE root thus watering down the wickedness of the love of money. There are thousands of examples of these types of changes to God's ONLY preserved written word the 1611 Authorized King James Version, but I digress.
Furthermore, it would be likely that with the world all on the same playing field, the utilization of Zero Point Energy would have been researched, uninhibited by the defending of the oil industry, and a means of extracting it would have benefited the world in ways that we couldn't possibly imagine. Please allow me to explain to the best of my non-physicist understanding.
Most consider that space is nothingness yet we now understand that space is intertwined with time thus we have space/time in which a small amount of space (vacuum) surprisingly contains a staggering amount of potential energy called zero-point energy which by quantum field measurement is 10 to the 98th ergs. /cm cubed. That’s an enormous amount of energy in a tiny amount of space. It is likely that ZPE has been harnessed successfully and is kept secret, guarded by compartmentalization to protect the oil industry because, if either Tesla's method of producing free energy from the earth or ZPE were utilized it would change the entire world economy, politically, economically and substantially in such ways that would be incomprehensible. This is highly unlikely to happen because at this point, big pharma and big oil now hold this world firmly in its greedy, wicked grasp. But just think about it.
She was on today for an hour and a half explaining the whole thing