John D Rockefeller was the originator of every global problem we as a people have had to endure since the dawn of the industrial age. How, you may ask? I'll tell you: Standard Oil was the biggest money making monopoly of its day, perhaps of all time, from which every modern major financial institution has sprung including the Federal Reserve which is neither of its namesakes.

But it didn't have to be that way. At the time, a man named Nikola Tesla was working on a system of energy utilizing nothing but the electrical properties of the earth in space. He had made a working model of his idea and showed how electricity could be generated from thin air. One of his financers, JP Morgan asked Tesla one world changing question...how can it be metered? The answer was that it CANNOT be metered. Tesla was cut off immediately. Other sources of energy which could be metered and thus SOLD were then put in place and they existed in the burning of fossil fuels for the most part.

The "fossil" fuels are the leftover plants (coal) and animals (crude oil) including people which were buried in the great flood of Noah. The burning or releasing of the carbon energy contained in these ubiquitous underground sources results in pollution of the atmosphere.

God never intended for us to burn these things for fuel but provided a CLEAN and FREE source of energy which existed naturally in the earth and Tesla discovered how to utilize this for the benefit of mankind. He was defunded and cast from the public eye, all of his notes and patents were stolen and he lived in obscurity as a relatively poor man the rest of his life. Rockefeller on the other hand was the main contributor to the companies and men who used this to garner the majority of the money and resources of the world to themselves.

Can you imagine if Tesla's invention would have won over and was used to provide constant, free energy to the entire world? There would be no "third world countries" nor poverty. There would be no starvation because the wealth of the world would have been distributed much more evenly simply by the nature of clean, free energy for the entire world! There would be no fat cat politicians being paid off by pharmaceutical companies because they wouldn't exist! Natural remedies would have proliferated instead of being squelched in favor of the petroleum based big pharma companies!

This world would have been a completely different place however, the greed of mankind with the help of the dark forces of evil, driven by satan and his angels have made this world into a timeline of history demonstrating the corruption of money and the death and destruction associated with the greed of mankind for filthy lucre (money). This substantiates the verse in 1 Timothy 6:10; "The love of money is THE root of ALL evil.

This might be a good place to show one of the reasons that I condemn the new versions of the Bible: every new Bible version changes that verse completely to say that money is merely A root of ALL SORTS of evil and not THE root thus watering down the wickedness of the love of money. There are thousands of examples of these types of changes to God's ONLY preserved written word the 1611 Authorized King James Version, but I digress.

Furthermore, it would be likely that with the world all on the same playing field, the utilization of Zero Point Energy would have been researched, uninhibited by the defending of the oil industry, and a means of extracting it would have benefited the world in ways that we couldn't possibly imagine. Please allow me to explain to the best of my non-physicist understanding.

Most consider that space is nothingness yet we now understand that space is intertwined with time thus we have space/time in which a small amount of space (vacuum) surprisingly contains a staggering amount of potential energy called zero-point energy which by quantum field measurement is 10 to the 98th ergs. /cm cubed. That’s an enormous amount of energy in a tiny amount of space. It is likely that ZPE has been harnessed successfully and is kept secret, guarded by compartmentalization to protect the oil industry because, if either Tesla's method of producing free energy from the earth or ZPE were utilized it would change the entire world economy, politically, economically and substantially in such ways that would be incomprehensible. This is highly unlikely to happen because at this point, big pharma and big oil now hold this world firmly in its greedy, wicked grasp. But just think about it.

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Tesla's genius is only now being realized by the world population. I think he was involved with earth batteries, as well. That takes electricity from the earth. YouTube has videos on how-to.

God provided coal and oil. Oil is made by bacteria out of minerals and not a lot else. It's done in the lab today. Noah's ark was coated with bitumen, a hard type of tar. Coal, which is compressed organic matter mixed with volcanic ash, will be made of trash in the future. Plastics can be converted back to oil. All of it, once burned, changes to ash, CO2, and so on. No CO2, no plants. niio

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I agree with you that God provided coal and oil but not the way modern science (which has proven itself of late to be the massive liars that they are) suggests. Crude oil is almost pure CARBON made from organic, carbon based life forms including people and animals. Coal is made from the decaying plant matter and is also mostly CARBON. Science used to acknowledge this fact and it was well known for many decades that crude oil is what is left of dinosaurs, animals and people. Are you old enough to remember the Sinclair gas stations with the dinosaur logo? There is no organic carbon in rocks and minerals. Explanations from the fake science community that oil and coal was formed by carbon dioxide exposed to certain rocks and minerals is false propaganda. It's is a lie perpetrated by the deep state via NASA and attempts to explain away the Great Flood of Noah because it doesn't fit their Darwinian paradigm. The government STOLE all of Tesla's notes long ago and he lived out his life in obscurity while the deep state began gaining technology from his notes.

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I'm a great-grandfather and was raised in coal and oil country. I remember very well the dinosaur in the tank scam. JD Rockefeller used that scam to get people to buy from his gas stations. Decades ago, the oldest oil wells in the world, NW Penna, ran dry and were capped. Not all that long ago, they checked in the hope that they could get a few barrels from the wells. When opened, oil squirted out. Not dinosaurs, but bacteria, as CRI (Christian research Inst.) stated quite a long time back. Coal is known to be mats of vegetation that were piled in one place during the Flood. Grade A coal (anthracite) will have a lot of slate around it with impressions of plants. Grade B, bituminous, will have branches and mats of leaves turned to coal. YOU are mostly carbon, but so is every living thing, such as those bacteria I discussed.

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I also was raised in Western PA (PGH area) and used to camp in Northwestern PA (Kinzua Dam area; Dewdrop camp was our favorite) and the Sinclair logo was ubiquitous. You're confusing two ad campaigns, I think. The "Esso" (now Exxon) remember them? "put a tiger in your tank" with Sinclair's dinosaur sign. The part I don't understand is, "When opened, oil squirted out. Not dinosaurs, but bacteria, as CRI stated quite a long time back". I used to listen to Hank Hanegraaff on CRI until he proclaimed he was Preterist but I digress. You must school me on what CRI said about the bacteria and oil because I missed that one. Was it Hank who said that or way back before Hank with the late Walter Martin? I agree that the coal was laid down during the flood and that's why it occurs on mostly plain lands such as the Powder River Basin. The oil occurs very often at higher elevations because all of the animals and people ran away UPhill to escape the flood waters. Plants cannot flee to higher ground : )

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It mattered little how high people and animals climbed; they were washed away. Human bones are found mixed with dinosaur bones in phosphorous mines and elsewhere. Ashley Phosphorus beds is probably the best recorded, the study being done before atheists bullied their way into science.


Human bones were found embedded in coal in a number of places, like Hazleton, PA.

I can’t find the research on bacterial production of crude, but did find something by Dr. Snelling.


And how to manufacture crude oil:


Also, you’ll find coal under the sea as well as crude. Most coal is found in mountainous areas. I’m sorry for not finding the article. It wracks me but I er not well. As folks say in Yiddish, sheesh!

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Modern science is completely fabricated today, especially that of our origins. Satan is very intelligent, much more than most believe, he was SECOND in God's creation as Lucifer, before iniquity was found in him, he stood before the Throne of God covering it so we know he was privy to much of the goings on in Heaven (one must assume) That marks him as very smart. When he was cast to earth and became Satan, he didn't lose that intelligence, but it changed its purpose in him. It was now all intended for evil.

He was the genius (fool) behind the Darwinian religion that it is today and I'm convinced he is behind all new technologies such as quantum physics and quantum computing all suspiciously related to CERN a few years back. He is now disguising himself and his workers as aliens from other galaxies and that is how our disappearance will be explained.

I'm very sorry you are not well (is that what you said? "I er not well") I will pray for your comfort and for you to endure to that Blessed Day of our redemption of our bodies coming ever so soon now (it MUST be!) as we now see the ages overlapping. That is, The Time of Jacob's Trouble (Great tribulation) overlapping with the age of Grace we are now in. We see it all unfolding, some of which will expire if Jesus doesn't come for us very soon! And it is impossible for it to expire! That leaves only one choice: He is coming at any minute. Thank you for those website links you provided. Blessings to you Red.

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o petroleo é abiotico, nao é de origem animal nem vegetal, tem compostos incompativeis com a vida organica. como ele é gerado nao sei, mas que ele tem se renovado isso parece.. e a teoria de ser de origem bacteriana nao tinha ouvido, mas pode ser uma possiblidade. ja que tem bacterias que conseguem sobreviver a meio ambiente extremos como vulcoes e no gelo antartico. e tambem pela quantidade teria que ter existido quintilhoes de humanos pairando sobre a terra pra gerar essa energia acumulada em 1mL de petroleo. matematicamente e quimicamente é impossivel ser de origem organica.

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She was on banned.video today for an hour and a half explaining the whole thing

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James, you REALLY think anyone will tell anybody what they are doing?....so I will tell you, like you don't know huh

Drop the EUA to introduce the 'spring booster' as they call it, next, the weekly booster, then the daily booster, till they have achieved their goal of 90% dead

Dr Rima Lebow was aware in 1974 of the WHO wanting to reduce the world population by 80-90%


Where are we at now gang, anyone have a clue????

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Where we are right now is that the global population continues to increase at pretty much the same rate it always does, about 0.8% annually. If the goal of the globalist elites was to purposefully kill off 90% of us with a virus and vaccines, they have failed rather spectacularly.

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At this point yes, but look at the declining birthrates around the world, replacement births are lower than ever, the jabs would take 2-5 years to taking effect, and now with the intro of all the boosters, maybe quicker. Keep in mind this depopulation agenda started in 1974 and the end goal was around 2030, so we have a ways to go yet. Not disputing what you are saying here because I agree that they seem to have failed, but would that not be a good course of action?, to get the public to drop their guard yet again??...Dr Rima pointed out a very good observation yesterday, the video's you see of people dropping over are very likely dying from a 5G pulse, which in conjunction with certain jabs people got at random, would be part of the ultimate experiment to see how the 5G pulse affects certain people.

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You should know that most of the conspiracy theories regarding 5G can be sourced back to Russian disinformation, the purpose of which was to slow down the adoption of 5G to give them time for their tech to catch up so they wouldn't be at a disadvantage. So, we've had 5G for several years now - higher frequency does not mean higher intensity. The 26 GHz 5G radio wave is absorbed in the outer layers of the skin - if there was any sort of overexposure, you would feel it immediately. There is zero evidence that 5G is causing people to drop dead in the streets. Which is not to say that there may be some people who are unusually sensitive to radio waves and feel better when they avoid them altogether, but that's another story.

True that birthrates are declining in some countries, but the global population continues to increase, so that means there are no large numbers of people dropping dead from vaccines or 5G. People are dying at the same rates from the same diseases that have been the leading causes of death for decades. Sudden cardiac death is still the leading cause of death in young athletes, same as always. 350,000 Americans have an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest every year - 7,000 are children. Nothing has changed significantly aside from COVID-19 becoming a leading cause of death for a couple years, and the beat goes on. So now the mass die-off prediction is pushed off another 3 years, and when 2030 comes, then what? If there are mass deaths by 2030, the cause would likely be radiation from a nuclear blast during WWIII, not vaccines or radio waves.

The rising worldwide wave of populism and nationalism along with the obvious truth that all the forced lockdowns and masking were useless, and the knowledge that the experts weren't honest in their messaging means that people have learned a lot and they are not buying into the globalist utopian vision.

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Thank you.

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A lot of WOW articles today. Bravo!!!

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I immediately assumed when I saw the discontinued authorization of the “primary series” and leaving the new one as the only authorized it’d be a push to get more crap into ppl. Last I checked only about 30% had gone for the 3rd booster and the numbers *sharply* decline thereafter (what are they on, 6 now??????)

Just from standing back and watching it seems like they’re going with whatever “science” or method people are more prone to believe/go with.

I greatly appreciate this Substack ❤️ so much in one place - thank you and bless you! 🙏

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Thank you for reporting the truth in an age of great deception!

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I wholeheartedly agree with what DeSantis is doing. Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2008 (Kennedy v Louisiana) that it considered "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" under the 8th Amendment (for the perpetrator, and screw the victim) to give a child sex offender the death penalty in cases where the child does not die. Apparently, the life-long suffering of a child who actually lives through such horrors is no consideration (and was not) in this particularly horrific case of Kennedy's eight year old step-daughter. Kennedy's death sentence was reduced to life in prison instead. So, kudos to DeSantis if he can pull this off, but the issue has already been ruled on.

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Best information ... always! Thank You for your service! Greatly Appreciated! 💕

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Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🐸

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James O'Keefe isn't keeping up. No reason to give the outdated original vaccine to anyone for any reason - the more lethal Alpha version of virus that killed so many in the beginning no longer exists, thank God. We are many mutations and variants beyond that at this point. I'm surprised they didn't de-authorize it sooner.

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o petroleo é abiotico, nao é de origem animal nem vegetal, tem compostos incompativeis com a vida organica. como ele é gerado nao sei, mas que ele tem se renovado isso parece.. e a teoria de ser de origem bacteriana nao tinha ouvido, mas pode ser uma possiblidade. ja que tem bacterias que conseguem sobreviver a meio ambiente extremos como vulcoes e no gelo antartico. e tambem pela quantidade teria que ter existido quintilhoes de humanos pairando sobre a terra pra gerar essa energia acumulada em 1mL de petroleo. matematicamente e quimicamente é impossivel ser de origem organica.

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John D. looks like somebody unwrapped The Mummy and stuck a white toupee on his head.

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I don't think they're trying to pass off the updated COVID vaccines as "something different." Everyone knows what they are. Just like everyone knows that each year's Flu vaccine is still a Flu vaccine - it's just been updated to target the most prevalent strains currently infecting people.

I'm still waiting for this predicted mass die-off of hundreds of millions or billions of vaccinated people. It's been nearly two and a half years ago since they started giving these vaccines, and at this point more and half the people on the planet have gotten at least one, and not only are large numbers of people not dying, the global population continues to increase at the rate of about 0.8% annually, same as every year. It's time for the prophesiers of doom to reframe the prophecy once again. I can remember originally when everyone was supposed to die between Nov 2021 and Feb 2022. Needs to be changed to kick the death can down the road 5-10 years.

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