"How did the FBI catch Arizona man accused of planning mass shooting? Insider job?" No. Fake. More media distraction, as if there isn't enough already.

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"Extreme weather events around the world". The way the weather is weaponized and controlled is part of the "conspiracy theory" of what is known colloquially as "chemtrails" but is lesser (and correctly) known as SRM and SAI (solar radiation management and stratospheric aerosol injection) both PATENTED processes whereby nanoparticles of metals are sprayed from jet aircraft into the atmosphere. The media and internet have taken over the searches on the term "chemtrails" and every search for that term takes the reader to pages and pages about how it is "debunked" and FALSE. When searching for the truth on this topic is is much better to use the term "geoengineering" or SRM and SAI.

But the facts on the entire program are unclear to the average truth seeker. The lines in the sky are most commonly understood as a tactic to reduce global warming but its more nefarious intent is that of weather manipulation, control and warfare.

Sometimes, their activity benefits us as I now report from the mid-Atlantic that the entire northern tier of the US is enjoying very pleasant weather and has been for the better part of the month of June and far into the next ten days the same is forecast. Perfect for working outside. But this also means that somewhere else, they are being inundated with rain and flooding.

The metals spread out into a haze which blurs the sky into grey murkiness and does indeed reduce the radiation from the sun striking the earth but they also use hidden frequency generating stations both land and satellite based to heat up these metals into plasma thus creating high and low pressure weather systems wherever and whenever they please. They can stall these systems as was recently seen in south Florida and inundate chosen areas while completely cutting off rain in others, causing massive drought other areas.

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I haven't looked for it but you'd think something so idiotic would be " out there" In the media. Where's all the women transitioning into men, going into men's sports? Do they them somehow know that's retarded? These ppl need new therapist.

Still waiting for all the miracles to happen......

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Good points. My confusion about this subject which shouldn't be (actually, confusion is the desire of those pushing transgenderism) lies in the fact that when we see a man pretending to be a woman, the "politically correct" definition is a "Transgender woman". Wait, what???

The person was born a male so if he is FAKING by dress, surgery, drugs, whatever, being a woman, that would make him a "transgender MAN", right? He is a man who is attempting to trans into a woman. The logical term would be a transgender man not woman. The same goes for a woman faking being a man. She is called a transgender man.

It's all so confusing which is the goal of every agenda of the globalists today. I am so appalled by all of this. I was watching a documentary series on Discovery called "Mysteries of the Abandoned" and this, ah, thing pops onto my screen which disgusted me immediately. It was so blatantly obviously a man dressed like a woman, heavy makeup and all and it was giving its PhD opinion about some of these abandoned structures.

They have been forcing this insanity into the mainstream as if it's normal! This is plainly and simply an attack against God the Creator and a direct attack against His Creation. Good news: We know it keeps getting worse, right?; and we know that God has a limit to mankind's debauchery and abomination and will allow it only to a certain point, yes? Conclusion: He is coming to stop every bit of it VERY soon. These are the miracles we who love Him are waiting for!

One more thing. Yesterday I was in Aldi's supermarket and the cashier wasn't identifiable to me as to what gender it was! I think it was a man dressed like a woman so, upon handing me my receipt I said, "thank you, sir". (we should all address them as their true gender) If looks could kill. The name of the cashier was "Rey" I suppose it was originally "Ray". What an insane asylum we now live in, I never thought I'd see the day! And it keeps getting WORSE!

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i enjoyed this newsletter, Manuel. Welcome back to the fold.

Of course Hunter's "trial" was as big a sham as President Trump being railroaded. Who didn't already know that? Even the dems know it; the only difference is they just approve of the pre-determined outcomes.

Here's hoping pedo-dad is placed with the general prison population and that Kevin Spacey joins him there. Would be a shame if all the security cameras failed at once.

The J&J settlement is not necessarily an admission of guilt unless that's one of the conditions of the settlement. They could have just calculated the settlement as being cheaper than possibly losing a court trial. The states agreeing to the settlement is an indication that they likely didn't have a strong case and that it was just a tyrannical money grab from the beginning.

Concerning the Utah bus poster, the photos could be captioned:

This is wife material, and THIS is wife material.

What's hotter, pretty girls with sandwiches, or pretty girls with guns?

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Everything the media shows to the world is a sham today. The entire political landscape is a circus. Trump was pres for 4 years. How much info and dirt on others do you suppose he was privy to during that time? So, why doesn't he defend himself by blowing the whistle on some of these wicked b-tards? Because it's all a SHOW. Daily soap opera theater for the sleeping masses to "participate" in. It's a huge joke! And I say "pretty girls with ANYTHING!"

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With the entire establishment against him, do you really think Deep State actually gave President Trump access to the real dirt? It would be delusional to think they did.

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You're missing the big picture. Trump IS the deep state! The media tells the lies that they want the people to believe and the visible "politicians" are the puppets which the deep state manipulates to play out their 99% phony drama. Don't you see it? It's ALL a big LIE. It's a play to keep the people in a constant state of deception and confusion. Get and read the book "The Committee of 300" by John Coleman (if you can find it, get the 4th edition; I compared the free version that's available online and it is COMPLETELY changed) The reality is that we the people are deluded (most of us).

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Yeah for the White Buffalo!! The Red Heifer Thing didn't work out...... Then let's hear 3 Cheers for "Woman"!!!

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The "Women Do" article is excellent. Great post Manuel.

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