I used to say we are living in the Matrix - life imitating art - but it is starting to feel more like the Truman Show which is the imitation of life being used to make money. 🙄
From my perch, it seems like the orwellian pogrom started to become really obvious following 9/11/2001's scripted events, but the ball was started rolling much farther back than that, even, or that is my opinion.
I believe that I can trace this madness back with hard evidence, which leads us back through a few thousand years to the post- flood world, to the architect and builder of the infamous Tower of Babel, Nimrod.
A slow, steady progress has been made over the centuries since his Masonic Temple and Rites were formalized, and were passed along with rigid adherence to the maintaining of secrecy surrounding those principles that are still in use as their 'Guiding Light' to this very day.
The first world war was very similar to world war two, and the novid one-niner operation is similar to the both of them, except that "5th generation warfare" is being used nowadays (moreso than the traditional means) for these modern wars, with the option remaining to use the conventional and non-conventional means of securing their position, if need be, like what is supposed to be occuring in the Ukraine.
The 9/11 and other ops, like the recent Maui, the OKC bombing, the misc. and sundry mass shootings, and school shootings, and bad cops, etc... have all been a part of the new warfare, this so-called 5th generation warfare, that is fought inside of our individual minds, through the use of heavily blasted propaganda and the other means that we are all witnessing, rather than the bloody and much more destructive means of 'traditional' warfare that is mostly being transformed over to the 5th gen for this very reason- to preserve more of the resources and infrastructure intact, while decreasing the strong and the resilient of the populace through the various direct and indirect means that war of every sort provides.
All of this has been stepped up increasingly over the past few millenia, but most will agree that it is the industrial/ technological 'advancements' made since the 19th century that have unleashed the current maelstrom in such subtly sinister ways, as opposed to the more direct and barbaric ways of conducting the culling of man's numbers that were used prior to this modern era.
The malignant spirit behind it all hasn't changed, though, and it won't, seemingly.
Exactly right. And the proof is in the Bible in Genesis 11:5. After God confounded their language and scattered them they did not give up their efforts but continued to pursue immortality and in this, the last days of the Age of Grace, they have bridged the gap of language separation by computer technology and are at it again. They are trying to live forever by mixing man and machine (Daniel 2:43) but we know that God will intervene again with utter chaos falling on the world, VERY SOON, coming to a city near you.
I love that most hated and mocked (and misunderstood) of Books, even (perhaps especially) the tares, which show much in their attempt to deceive.
The inspired Living Word of the Eternal Mysterious Wonder.
Though humanity has tried to deceive itself, there will be those that maintain a love for Truth, and will be preserved and protected by the Shield of Faith.
I am feeling more than blessed to be alive to witness this epic unfolding of the True Meaning of our Lives, which has absolutely nothing to do with the building up of moldy, rust-worn treasures, or with cracking the abusive whip on this earth and its inhabitants, despite all of the wasteful misery that the rebellious spirit of the deceiver has wrought here- these days are numbered, just as are the number of hairs on our heads.
Nothing sinister about this or dangerous....They have done it for many many years now in USA.,.. I was born with MRKH with no chance of having a child, as i am missing uterus. So this is wonderful news in the science of MRKH. I am currently following a girl who had a transplant and now pregnant with her first child. 1 year later.. it's amazing.
Well, if this cracked-pot attorney Lawrence Caplan is going to declare and argue the January 6th was an "Insurrection" I'm going to claim that it was a "misunderstood parade of mainly retired Capitol Hill sightseers who came into contact with some overzealous cops," who were probably more suited to be strip club bouncers than LEO. Or maybe they were just Patriots who wanted their voices heard. In either case no one on the Left cares when a patsy is needed to support a lie.
Everything about that "suicide" murder sounds suspicious to me. "Everyone was found in their own bedrooms" the report says which must mean the parents were ALSO found in their bedrooms. No mention of which parent committed the heinous crime of killing what appears to have been their very beloved children. No mention that there is an investigation ongoing, just calling it a murder/suicide. Hinky. Very hinky.
Of course the investigation is ongoing, but the preliminary finding is murder-suicide, possibly related to a domestic dispute. Examination of the dad indicates his gunshot wound was self-inflicted, so he was the suicide who shot and killed his wife and children before offing himself, because there is no evidence that anyone else was present and forensics will be able to determine that the bullets that killed the wife and kids all came from the same gun the dad used to kill himself. Detectives will interview everyone who knew this family in order to establish a possible motive.
The forensics team will analyze blood spatter, the positioning of the bodies, whether or not they were moved to the bedrooms after they were shot, the angles from which the bullets were fired and much more. The medical examiner will perform the autopsies, including drug testing to see if substances abuse was a factor and the coroner will issue his/her findings, and all of their reports will be put together in a final report. This whole process will take weeks to months.
Nothing suspicious or "very hinky."
Why on Earth would you think there would be no investigation?
What are you getting your silly apron strings all tangled up over? The media of late has given me a reason to QUESTION EVERYTHING they say. I didn't say, "Colleen A Phillips said that there's no ongoing investigation" or "Colleen A Phillips said the forensics team was already done with the investigation", I only pointed out that the story was very brief leaving a lot of loose ends to ponder about, the biggest of them being that the neighbors knew AND LOVED the family for over 17 years connoting stability in the family and thus raising general questions which weren't even hinted at. To me THAT is hinky. It seems that your aggression is displaced on me, Sis and that something completely unrelated may be plucking at your nerve.
Now we're blaming vaccines for parents murdering their children? Wow. Because as we know full well, parents NEVER murdered their children before COVID vaccines hit the scene. Is there any event/illness/death/accident/condition, you-name-it, that isn't caused by COVID vaccines? Surely there must be at least one thing . . .
Right about now, there are very few because the global death rate, (including newborn babies, very young children, adolescents and young adults dying) is up EXPONENTIALLY.
However, nobody is blaming the vaccines for this murder. Someone MIGHT be rightly questioning whether this family may had been shot up with that bioweapon + boosters which was pushed on the world. That should be the FIRST question asked in ANY medical situation today including all murders.
And the death jab is coming BACK again after it was proven (by CDC) to be ineffective in EVERY use for which it was intended the FIRST time. (contracting and preventing the spread) And since we know that people all over the world are dying from the shot, PERHAPS it might fit into these murders in some way.
So, you don't agree that these shots are causing the intended harm that they are causing? Perhaps we shouldn't question the vaccine at all, just roll up our sleeves for the next one and the next and the next, EVEN THOUGH THE FIRST SHOTS DIDN'T DO that which the lying, wicked pushers SAID they would do.
Ah, but they were VERY effective at doing that for which they made no mention - reducing the global population by massive increase in untimely deaths by stroke, heart attack, sterility. (I lost TWO family members to this and neither of them died of Covid!) Neither did they mention any of the vaccine ingredients but asked everyone to TRUST them inserting their BLANK warning leaflets in their products (what kind of fool doesn't perceive something is wrong with this picture?) and in which a host of other PROVEN harmful ingredients (like Graphene Oxide and nano circuitry???) were found in those who did take it.
Your sarcasm and defense of this deadly clot shot, whether you know it or not, suggests that you either are defending it or are feeling guilt FOR having taken it yourself.
The global death rate is not up "EXPONENTIALLY." The global population is increasing at the same rate as in the past. Right now we have 200 million more humans on the planet than we had in 2020.
I agree that the vaccines did not live up to the hype and were not as effective as claimed and did not prevent infection or transmission. Vaccines for respiratory viruses are never great for reasons I don't have time to explain now.
However, although these vaccines did cause harm and did even actually kill some healthy people, billions of people who were vaccinated had no problems whatsoever. I have no guilt or regret over getting the initial two doses of Moderna's vaccine. Why should I? I had no reaction or side effects and remained perfectly healthy throughout the pandemic in spite of living life completely as normal and being exposed to lots of infected people.
Unlike antivaxxers, I have paid attention to and educated myself about the disease, and a massive study of 4 million patients shows that the risk of blood clots leading to heart attacks and strokes is hugely increased following recovery from COVID infections, including young healthy people with mild cases. The COVID infection blood clot risk spares no one. Likewise risk of Alzheimers. People don't need to be blaming the vaccine for effects of the disease.
Go to VAERS.com and check out how many adverse effects are ADMITTED (then multiply by TEN for those unreported and skewed by VAERS custodians) by the very gov't that fomented war against us with this vaccine and the constant spraying of our skies with toxic heavy metals which you and I get to breathe every day. You trust the claims of modern science which has been completely taken over by the wicked cabal destroying the world and setting it up for the reign of antichrist. You probably believe in "millions of years" of the evolution of mankind and that our ancestors are apes (DESPITE the complete lack of transitional skeletons) instead of the Bible. You remind me of my PhD dad, schooled, or more accurately, INDOCTRINATED in the university religion of uniformitarianism and Darwinism. You should really try to look at some REAL truth some time and broaden your horizon. It may lead you to the ULTIMATE Truth which this world hates. (hint: John 14:6) Start HERE: https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html
I have seen "Died Suddenly" and I've heard plenty from Stew Peters. Ever use a reverse image search? I reverse searched the photos and footage of blood clots from this "documentary," - photos that were claimed to be clots taken from deceased vaccine "victims" were really clots surgically extracted from a living patient with DVT in 2019 - I traced those photos to their origin online. That is just one example of the many misrepresentations and lies packed into "Died Suddenly."
Did you believe the vaccines had tracking chips in them? Did you believe they contained tentacled creatures, or that they were 99% poisonous graphene oxide, or that every vaccinated person would be dead within a few months after the vaccines came out? Peters and his kind take these outrageous claims, devoid of hard evidence and milk them for every view they can get, and when none of it pans out, they just move on to the next claim, and the next. Sometimes they reframe their prediction when it fails to come true, kicking the can down the road. When billions didn't drop dead in the streets from the vaccines, they reframed the prophesy to make it 5-10 years before we all die. Convenient!
As for VAERS, you don't understand what VAERS is or how the reports there are to be properly used and interpreted or what the mandates were for medical providers to report deaths in those who had been vaccinated prior, so I'm not even going to go there.
I'm nothing like your dad. All I have is 2-year degree from a community college. And I believe in Biblical creation and have studied that topic extensively and attended in-depth seminars given by the leading creation scientists from ICR in CA, and I've been on fossil hunts on the Peace River in Acadia FL with CSI.
I just love how people who know nothing about me are so confident in making assumptions about who I am and what I believe. It happens so frequently when I comment anywhere online, I stopped being surprised long ago.
Do you think that I WANT to believe that there is a secret, compartmentalized, many faceted program designed to KILL us, the people? Do you think that I tip the scales of truth to believe such things because I want to? I go where the TRUTH leads me WHEREVER IT LEADS.
Do you think I want to believe that the people are lied to by the media and propagandized to believe lies and deception? NO! I sometimes wish I were still ignorant like the rest of the world but when I was prompted by God many years ago to find the truth, after praying that He allow me to know truth, He first led me to learn that this government isn't what it says it is and the whole system of money is a complete FRAUD.
I learned that the Federal Reserve isn't either of its namesakes. From there, the whole world of truth was opened up to me. I began to read books, the more ridiculed by the status quo, the better. I began to learn that even the BIBLE was under attack in this age and I studied that topic learning that the new versions are corrupt and the KJV is the only preserved written word of God. I learned about the ancient Gnostics and the Alexandrian texts that were fraudulent. I learned so much truth in the last 15 years that there are many times I feel like I'm drowning in it.
I don't believe every "conspiracy theorist" or person wagging their tongues about the earth being flat or the Mona Lisa being a copy. I only want the TRUTH and by my love of truth I have learned that MOST of this world doesn't want it. They would rather stay in their ignorance and I can see why after having learned the extent of the truth that is covered up in this world. One's total worldview must be changed to know truth.
I love truth to the extent that if you showed me proof of what you claim, I would examine it carefully as I do every other questionable topic and if I found it to be true by more than 2 sources then I would, I MUST believe it. But so far, all I have seen regarding this shot is that it is BAD. VERY bad and I have seen this attack by vaccine firsthand, proven by the lies told about it by the very ones pushing it.
They have changed the story on this covid scam so many times there is not enough room to mention it all here. The "social distancing", the masks; they're effective, they're not effective. The shot works, they don't work. and on and on.
If you can provide me proof that this shot is NOT a bioweapon, designed to do what Bill Gates promised it would do, i.e. REDUCE population (said at one of his TED talks out of his own mouth) I will believe it. THAT is the mark of an honest truth seeker. I believe the truth WHEREVER it takes me, I only want the truth.
My love of truth is the evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in me. If I am believing lies, I WANT to be corrected! From what I have seen, I cannot agree with your stance and beliefs about it. I need contradictory proof AGAINST what I now believe to be the truth about it.
I'm no fan of Stew Peters. I do not trust him but I do trust some of his associates at SPN. Stew claims to be a Christian yet his language is so disgustingly vulgar and his speech so profane that the Holy Spirit of Almighty, Sovereign God couldn't possibly be living in him. I have pondered that perhaps he is backslidden but he HAS to know that he is offending true Christians with his tongue because he has such a large platform. I digress.
There was ONE old clip in the blood clot footage in Died Suddenly that was from 2019 which SPN and movie producers admitted to but these shots were proven to be causing these clots. Enough about the shot. We are not going to agree on that.
Are you my sister in Christ? Are you? Are you saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ and do you KNOW that you are going to see Him and be with Him inheriting His Kingdom forever and ever in new, immortal bodies like His Own? If you are then we need to STOP and reach a conclusion somehow because your worldview and my own worldview are polar opposites.
I always confirm the truth by as many sources as I possibly can. I do NOTHING but seek truth. I read books, articles, I even WROTE a book about Evolution and it's published, available online wherever books are sold. I LOVE TRUTH.
You are telling me that everything that I have learned about this attack against humanity regarding this shot isn't happening. You're telling me that Remdesivir DIDN'T kill my only brother when I WATCHED what it did to him. I actually have nothing more to say to you unless you are a born again Christian because we are not supposed to STRIVE and THAT is precisely what I'm engaged in with you and it is multifold PROHIBITED if you are my sister in Christ.
And you show your commitment to MS media and "science" falsely so-called and their "studies" by believing that it was COVID (SARS COV-2) which caused the massive and inexplicable clotting when it was the clot SHOT.
My whole family got Covid which appeared as a COLD with a temporary loss of taste and smell but my vaccinated sister in law and my UNvaccinated brother both tested positive taking one of the millions of Klebsiella (and other bacteria, which I learned after the fact) contaminated covid tests.
My brother got Klebsiella pneumonia but my sis in law didn't, I believe because the vaccine (so-called) contained the immediate cure for Klebsiella, a BACTERIAL infection easily treated with antibiotics; she only got the common cold symptoms. Brother went to hospital because he refused the cure, Ivermectin, which the hospitals also denied (and the MSM demonized) by RESTRICTING VISITATION FOR 7 DAYS AFTER ADMISSION, long enough to get the first round of the organ killing Remdesivir into them.
He was admitted to hospital with low O2 levels and a cough which He said felt like "shards of glass" in his lungs when he coughed. I asked sis in law what kind of Pneumonia was it, viral or bacterial and she didn't know BECAUSE THE HOSPITAL DIDN'T KNOW because they didn't test for it!
You seem to have knowledge about these things. Tell me, why wouldn't the hospitals TREAT a bacterial infection causing Pneumonia??? They didn't even test to see what they were dealing with because they were all under protocol which included hospitalization, Remdesivir; (which was pulled from trial Ebola runs in Africa in 2015 due to 50% fatality rate! Fauci: Hey! Let's not waste it, let's bring it back and give it to Covid patients!) intubation, Remdesivir 2, (for the strong who fought the first) massive amounts of Fentanyl and Morphine, hospice, DEATH. It wasn't the COV-2 that killed my brother last year 5 days before his 62nd birthday, it was REMDESIVIR! which killed MILLIONS just like him and the hospitals were PAID by big pharma and the gov't (which is now controlled by big pharma) for every "covid" death certificate and every Remdesivir round. Don't believe me, look it up yourself before you spout of in favor of those killing us!
Nobody has looked into this more than I have and you come here negating everything that I have found and instead believing the lies of the ones KILLING US!
My 84 year old mother who was stricken with Arthritis, foolishly took the first shot and two subsequent "boosters". She ended up in the hospital days after the last booster unable to walk. Prior to the shots, she could get around fine. Suddenly, she couldn't walk herself to the bathroom with a walker yet alone sit herself down on the toilet without help.
Of course they didn't make EVERY shot lethal, they had to roll it out slowly. I'm glad you suffered no side effects. But MILLIONS of others did including death.
I watched the last 10 years as arthritis slowly took over my mother's body. It took years. Less than a week after her last booster she was hospitalized, got a UTI, Sepsis and complete organ failure and died in hospice 34 days before my brother. Arthritis does NOT kill that fast. Now, you tell ME about this "safe and effective vaccine".
The research evidence that COVID causes blood clots leading to heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism up to 2 years after recovering from infection, is massive and irrefutable. The studies I've looked at were done mainly done on unvaccinated people prior to the release of the vaccines, and these results are not fabricated because such a conspiracy would involve the cooperation of tens of thousands of primary and ancillary medical professionals, as well as research scientists from dozens of institutions, both public and private worldwide. Impossible.
I rarely get involved trying to make sense of third- and fourth-hand accounts of the personal medical experiences of others. But I know the medical profession screws up a lot - I could write a book on my experiences dealing with the healthcare of my family members. As for your mom, I agree she didn't die from arthritis, but neither did she die by vaccine. Sounds like she had multiple vaccine doses without a problem but her "last booster" killed her at 84? 84-year-olds die every minute of every day for all sorts of reasons, whether they've had vaccines or not. Immune systems weaken with advanced age - a simple UTI can very well lead to sepsis and death - sometimes antibiotics just can't do enough quickly enough when a localized bacterial infection has spread to the bloodstream, especially when you're 84. Seriously, it wouldn't have mattered what your mom died from - you would have blamed the vaccine regardless.
I also know that every medical intervention is a risk vs. benefit analysis - anything powerful enough to have a therapeutic benefit is also powerful enough to harm, which is why the treatment protocol for Remdesivir is strict and only used for high risk patients. Remdesivir was effective and reduced death rates in many severely ill patients and I've read numerous anecdotal accounts of patients who credit Remdesivir with turning their illness around and saving their lives.
Untreated Ebola infections have infection fatality rates as high as 90%. Remdesivir was dropped after that trial because it didn't make a difference as treatment for Ebola - the monoclonal antibody treatments tested as the same time were more effective. In that trial of Ebola patients, one patient died from side effects of Remdesivir and two died of side effects of the other treatments. Everybody else died from Ebola.
So we have 1.1 million COVID deaths in the U.S. to date, which some claim is a vast overcount, but somehow we have literally "millions" of deaths from Remdesivir? Sorry - the math does not add up. Sounds like something Biden would say.
Although it looks hopeless in your case, as long as you're breathing and you are not AI, there IS hope for you. ONLY ONE HOPE; Jesus Christ. John 14:6 Seek Him NOW, believe the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your heart and you will be saved. The blinders will be removed and you will see that we the people are under attack. Until that time, you'll fall for every deceptive lie and tactic they force on the people through the bought and paid, lying, lapdog, media puppets now owned by big pharma. One more thing: You'd better hurry. Time is quickly running out on you and everyone else that denies the Truth. We are in the very last days of this age and time is running out very quickly.
I used to say we are living in the Matrix - life imitating art - but it is starting to feel more like the Truman Show which is the imitation of life being used to make money. 🙄
... The past seven years?
From my perch, it seems like the orwellian pogrom started to become really obvious following 9/11/2001's scripted events, but the ball was started rolling much farther back than that, even, or that is my opinion.
I believe that I can trace this madness back with hard evidence, which leads us back through a few thousand years to the post- flood world, to the architect and builder of the infamous Tower of Babel, Nimrod.
A slow, steady progress has been made over the centuries since his Masonic Temple and Rites were formalized, and were passed along with rigid adherence to the maintaining of secrecy surrounding those principles that are still in use as their 'Guiding Light' to this very day.
The first world war was very similar to world war two, and the novid one-niner operation is similar to the both of them, except that "5th generation warfare" is being used nowadays (moreso than the traditional means) for these modern wars, with the option remaining to use the conventional and non-conventional means of securing their position, if need be, like what is supposed to be occuring in the Ukraine.
The 9/11 and other ops, like the recent Maui, the OKC bombing, the misc. and sundry mass shootings, and school shootings, and bad cops, etc... have all been a part of the new warfare, this so-called 5th generation warfare, that is fought inside of our individual minds, through the use of heavily blasted propaganda and the other means that we are all witnessing, rather than the bloody and much more destructive means of 'traditional' warfare that is mostly being transformed over to the 5th gen for this very reason- to preserve more of the resources and infrastructure intact, while decreasing the strong and the resilient of the populace through the various direct and indirect means that war of every sort provides.
All of this has been stepped up increasingly over the past few millenia, but most will agree that it is the industrial/ technological 'advancements' made since the 19th century that have unleashed the current maelstrom in such subtly sinister ways, as opposed to the more direct and barbaric ways of conducting the culling of man's numbers that were used prior to this modern era.
The malignant spirit behind it all hasn't changed, though, and it won't, seemingly.
Blessings for courage.
Exactly right. And the proof is in the Bible in Genesis 11:5. After God confounded their language and scattered them they did not give up their efforts but continued to pursue immortality and in this, the last days of the Age of Grace, they have bridged the gap of language separation by computer technology and are at it again. They are trying to live forever by mixing man and machine (Daniel 2:43) but we know that God will intervene again with utter chaos falling on the world, VERY SOON, coming to a city near you.
I love that most hated and mocked (and misunderstood) of Books, even (perhaps especially) the tares, which show much in their attempt to deceive.
The inspired Living Word of the Eternal Mysterious Wonder.
Though humanity has tried to deceive itself, there will be those that maintain a love for Truth, and will be preserved and protected by the Shield of Faith.
I am feeling more than blessed to be alive to witness this epic unfolding of the True Meaning of our Lives, which has absolutely nothing to do with the building up of moldy, rust-worn treasures, or with cracking the abusive whip on this earth and its inhabitants, despite all of the wasteful misery that the rebellious spirit of the deceiver has wrought here- these days are numbered, just as are the number of hairs on our heads.
Onward through the Valley! Psalm 23
A need for chaos? Or just observing what is going on around you and using a bit of critical thought?
Thank you Manuel.
Nothing sinister about this or dangerous....They have done it for many many years now in USA.,.. I was born with MRKH with no chance of having a child, as i am missing uterus. So this is wonderful news in the science of MRKH. I am currently following a girl who had a transplant and now pregnant with her first child. 1 year later.. it's amazing.
Well, if this cracked-pot attorney Lawrence Caplan is going to declare and argue the January 6th was an "Insurrection" I'm going to claim that it was a "misunderstood parade of mainly retired Capitol Hill sightseers who came into contact with some overzealous cops," who were probably more suited to be strip club bouncers than LEO. Or maybe they were just Patriots who wanted their voices heard. In either case no one on the Left cares when a patsy is needed to support a lie.
Is that a photo of an all-seeing Nebuleye?
I can't remember whether those colors we see in photos like this are real or whether they are added for easier visual discrimination -
Need for Chaos? Sounds like some women coworkers I've had in the past - lol. Some people have to gin up drama, no matter what.
Love the cool clouds - those are my favorite species of cloud, but I've never seen them in person.
The honey bear is a cute little guy!
"dead due to no fault of their own other than being born to a shitty parent. So freaking sad… "
Would judge so fast! Did the parents get the covid shots??? Multiple of them????
a parent arranging a veggie garden for own children, then suddenly kill them all??? Do not believe it for a second..
Everything about that "suicide" murder sounds suspicious to me. "Everyone was found in their own bedrooms" the report says which must mean the parents were ALSO found in their bedrooms. No mention of which parent committed the heinous crime of killing what appears to have been their very beloved children. No mention that there is an investigation ongoing, just calling it a murder/suicide. Hinky. Very hinky.
Of course the investigation is ongoing, but the preliminary finding is murder-suicide, possibly related to a domestic dispute. Examination of the dad indicates his gunshot wound was self-inflicted, so he was the suicide who shot and killed his wife and children before offing himself, because there is no evidence that anyone else was present and forensics will be able to determine that the bullets that killed the wife and kids all came from the same gun the dad used to kill himself. Detectives will interview everyone who knew this family in order to establish a possible motive.
The forensics team will analyze blood spatter, the positioning of the bodies, whether or not they were moved to the bedrooms after they were shot, the angles from which the bullets were fired and much more. The medical examiner will perform the autopsies, including drug testing to see if substances abuse was a factor and the coroner will issue his/her findings, and all of their reports will be put together in a final report. This whole process will take weeks to months.
Nothing suspicious or "very hinky."
Why on Earth would you think there would be no investigation?
What are you getting your silly apron strings all tangled up over? The media of late has given me a reason to QUESTION EVERYTHING they say. I didn't say, "Colleen A Phillips said that there's no ongoing investigation" or "Colleen A Phillips said the forensics team was already done with the investigation", I only pointed out that the story was very brief leaving a lot of loose ends to ponder about, the biggest of them being that the neighbors knew AND LOVED the family for over 17 years connoting stability in the family and thus raising general questions which weren't even hinted at. To me THAT is hinky. It seems that your aggression is displaced on me, Sis and that something completely unrelated may be plucking at your nerve.
Now we're blaming vaccines for parents murdering their children? Wow. Because as we know full well, parents NEVER murdered their children before COVID vaccines hit the scene. Is there any event/illness/death/accident/condition, you-name-it, that isn't caused by COVID vaccines? Surely there must be at least one thing . . .
Right about now, there are very few because the global death rate, (including newborn babies, very young children, adolescents and young adults dying) is up EXPONENTIALLY.
However, nobody is blaming the vaccines for this murder. Someone MIGHT be rightly questioning whether this family may had been shot up with that bioweapon + boosters which was pushed on the world. That should be the FIRST question asked in ANY medical situation today including all murders.
And the death jab is coming BACK again after it was proven (by CDC) to be ineffective in EVERY use for which it was intended the FIRST time. (contracting and preventing the spread) And since we know that people all over the world are dying from the shot, PERHAPS it might fit into these murders in some way.
So, you don't agree that these shots are causing the intended harm that they are causing? Perhaps we shouldn't question the vaccine at all, just roll up our sleeves for the next one and the next and the next, EVEN THOUGH THE FIRST SHOTS DIDN'T DO that which the lying, wicked pushers SAID they would do.
Ah, but they were VERY effective at doing that for which they made no mention - reducing the global population by massive increase in untimely deaths by stroke, heart attack, sterility. (I lost TWO family members to this and neither of them died of Covid!) Neither did they mention any of the vaccine ingredients but asked everyone to TRUST them inserting their BLANK warning leaflets in their products (what kind of fool doesn't perceive something is wrong with this picture?) and in which a host of other PROVEN harmful ingredients (like Graphene Oxide and nano circuitry???) were found in those who did take it.
Your sarcasm and defense of this deadly clot shot, whether you know it or not, suggests that you either are defending it or are feeling guilt FOR having taken it yourself.
The global death rate is not up "EXPONENTIALLY." The global population is increasing at the same rate as in the past. Right now we have 200 million more humans on the planet than we had in 2020.
I agree that the vaccines did not live up to the hype and were not as effective as claimed and did not prevent infection or transmission. Vaccines for respiratory viruses are never great for reasons I don't have time to explain now.
However, although these vaccines did cause harm and did even actually kill some healthy people, billions of people who were vaccinated had no problems whatsoever. I have no guilt or regret over getting the initial two doses of Moderna's vaccine. Why should I? I had no reaction or side effects and remained perfectly healthy throughout the pandemic in spite of living life completely as normal and being exposed to lots of infected people.
Unlike antivaxxers, I have paid attention to and educated myself about the disease, and a massive study of 4 million patients shows that the risk of blood clots leading to heart attacks and strokes is hugely increased following recovery from COVID infections, including young healthy people with mild cases. The COVID infection blood clot risk spares no one. Likewise risk of Alzheimers. People don't need to be blaming the vaccine for effects of the disease.
Go to VAERS.com and check out how many adverse effects are ADMITTED (then multiply by TEN for those unreported and skewed by VAERS custodians) by the very gov't that fomented war against us with this vaccine and the constant spraying of our skies with toxic heavy metals which you and I get to breathe every day. You trust the claims of modern science which has been completely taken over by the wicked cabal destroying the world and setting it up for the reign of antichrist. You probably believe in "millions of years" of the evolution of mankind and that our ancestors are apes (DESPITE the complete lack of transitional skeletons) instead of the Bible. You remind me of my PhD dad, schooled, or more accurately, INDOCTRINATED in the university religion of uniformitarianism and Darwinism. You should really try to look at some REAL truth some time and broaden your horizon. It may lead you to the ULTIMATE Truth which this world hates. (hint: John 14:6) Start HERE: https://rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html
and then go HERE: geoengineeringwatch.org
Maybe it's not too late for you to understand truth.
I have seen "Died Suddenly" and I've heard plenty from Stew Peters. Ever use a reverse image search? I reverse searched the photos and footage of blood clots from this "documentary," - photos that were claimed to be clots taken from deceased vaccine "victims" were really clots surgically extracted from a living patient with DVT in 2019 - I traced those photos to their origin online. That is just one example of the many misrepresentations and lies packed into "Died Suddenly."
Did you believe the vaccines had tracking chips in them? Did you believe they contained tentacled creatures, or that they were 99% poisonous graphene oxide, or that every vaccinated person would be dead within a few months after the vaccines came out? Peters and his kind take these outrageous claims, devoid of hard evidence and milk them for every view they can get, and when none of it pans out, they just move on to the next claim, and the next. Sometimes they reframe their prediction when it fails to come true, kicking the can down the road. When billions didn't drop dead in the streets from the vaccines, they reframed the prophesy to make it 5-10 years before we all die. Convenient!
As for VAERS, you don't understand what VAERS is or how the reports there are to be properly used and interpreted or what the mandates were for medical providers to report deaths in those who had been vaccinated prior, so I'm not even going to go there.
I'm nothing like your dad. All I have is 2-year degree from a community college. And I believe in Biblical creation and have studied that topic extensively and attended in-depth seminars given by the leading creation scientists from ICR in CA, and I've been on fossil hunts on the Peace River in Acadia FL with CSI.
I just love how people who know nothing about me are so confident in making assumptions about who I am and what I believe. It happens so frequently when I comment anywhere online, I stopped being surprised long ago.
Do you think that I WANT to believe that there is a secret, compartmentalized, many faceted program designed to KILL us, the people? Do you think that I tip the scales of truth to believe such things because I want to? I go where the TRUTH leads me WHEREVER IT LEADS.
Do you think I want to believe that the people are lied to by the media and propagandized to believe lies and deception? NO! I sometimes wish I were still ignorant like the rest of the world but when I was prompted by God many years ago to find the truth, after praying that He allow me to know truth, He first led me to learn that this government isn't what it says it is and the whole system of money is a complete FRAUD.
I learned that the Federal Reserve isn't either of its namesakes. From there, the whole world of truth was opened up to me. I began to read books, the more ridiculed by the status quo, the better. I began to learn that even the BIBLE was under attack in this age and I studied that topic learning that the new versions are corrupt and the KJV is the only preserved written word of God. I learned about the ancient Gnostics and the Alexandrian texts that were fraudulent. I learned so much truth in the last 15 years that there are many times I feel like I'm drowning in it.
I don't believe every "conspiracy theorist" or person wagging their tongues about the earth being flat or the Mona Lisa being a copy. I only want the TRUTH and by my love of truth I have learned that MOST of this world doesn't want it. They would rather stay in their ignorance and I can see why after having learned the extent of the truth that is covered up in this world. One's total worldview must be changed to know truth.
I love truth to the extent that if you showed me proof of what you claim, I would examine it carefully as I do every other questionable topic and if I found it to be true by more than 2 sources then I would, I MUST believe it. But so far, all I have seen regarding this shot is that it is BAD. VERY bad and I have seen this attack by vaccine firsthand, proven by the lies told about it by the very ones pushing it.
They have changed the story on this covid scam so many times there is not enough room to mention it all here. The "social distancing", the masks; they're effective, they're not effective. The shot works, they don't work. and on and on.
If you can provide me proof that this shot is NOT a bioweapon, designed to do what Bill Gates promised it would do, i.e. REDUCE population (said at one of his TED talks out of his own mouth) I will believe it. THAT is the mark of an honest truth seeker. I believe the truth WHEREVER it takes me, I only want the truth.
My love of truth is the evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in me. If I am believing lies, I WANT to be corrected! From what I have seen, I cannot agree with your stance and beliefs about it. I need contradictory proof AGAINST what I now believe to be the truth about it.
I'm no fan of Stew Peters. I do not trust him but I do trust some of his associates at SPN. Stew claims to be a Christian yet his language is so disgustingly vulgar and his speech so profane that the Holy Spirit of Almighty, Sovereign God couldn't possibly be living in him. I have pondered that perhaps he is backslidden but he HAS to know that he is offending true Christians with his tongue because he has such a large platform. I digress.
There was ONE old clip in the blood clot footage in Died Suddenly that was from 2019 which SPN and movie producers admitted to but these shots were proven to be causing these clots. Enough about the shot. We are not going to agree on that.
Are you my sister in Christ? Are you? Are you saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ and do you KNOW that you are going to see Him and be with Him inheriting His Kingdom forever and ever in new, immortal bodies like His Own? If you are then we need to STOP and reach a conclusion somehow because your worldview and my own worldview are polar opposites.
I always confirm the truth by as many sources as I possibly can. I do NOTHING but seek truth. I read books, articles, I even WROTE a book about Evolution and it's published, available online wherever books are sold. I LOVE TRUTH.
You are telling me that everything that I have learned about this attack against humanity regarding this shot isn't happening. You're telling me that Remdesivir DIDN'T kill my only brother when I WATCHED what it did to him. I actually have nothing more to say to you unless you are a born again Christian because we are not supposed to STRIVE and THAT is precisely what I'm engaged in with you and it is multifold PROHIBITED if you are my sister in Christ.
And you show your commitment to MS media and "science" falsely so-called and their "studies" by believing that it was COVID (SARS COV-2) which caused the massive and inexplicable clotting when it was the clot SHOT.
My whole family got Covid which appeared as a COLD with a temporary loss of taste and smell but my vaccinated sister in law and my UNvaccinated brother both tested positive taking one of the millions of Klebsiella (and other bacteria, which I learned after the fact) contaminated covid tests.
My brother got Klebsiella pneumonia but my sis in law didn't, I believe because the vaccine (so-called) contained the immediate cure for Klebsiella, a BACTERIAL infection easily treated with antibiotics; she only got the common cold symptoms. Brother went to hospital because he refused the cure, Ivermectin, which the hospitals also denied (and the MSM demonized) by RESTRICTING VISITATION FOR 7 DAYS AFTER ADMISSION, long enough to get the first round of the organ killing Remdesivir into them.
He was admitted to hospital with low O2 levels and a cough which He said felt like "shards of glass" in his lungs when he coughed. I asked sis in law what kind of Pneumonia was it, viral or bacterial and she didn't know BECAUSE THE HOSPITAL DIDN'T KNOW because they didn't test for it!
You seem to have knowledge about these things. Tell me, why wouldn't the hospitals TREAT a bacterial infection causing Pneumonia??? They didn't even test to see what they were dealing with because they were all under protocol which included hospitalization, Remdesivir; (which was pulled from trial Ebola runs in Africa in 2015 due to 50% fatality rate! Fauci: Hey! Let's not waste it, let's bring it back and give it to Covid patients!) intubation, Remdesivir 2, (for the strong who fought the first) massive amounts of Fentanyl and Morphine, hospice, DEATH. It wasn't the COV-2 that killed my brother last year 5 days before his 62nd birthday, it was REMDESIVIR! which killed MILLIONS just like him and the hospitals were PAID by big pharma and the gov't (which is now controlled by big pharma) for every "covid" death certificate and every Remdesivir round. Don't believe me, look it up yourself before you spout of in favor of those killing us!
Nobody has looked into this more than I have and you come here negating everything that I have found and instead believing the lies of the ones KILLING US!
My 84 year old mother who was stricken with Arthritis, foolishly took the first shot and two subsequent "boosters". She ended up in the hospital days after the last booster unable to walk. Prior to the shots, she could get around fine. Suddenly, she couldn't walk herself to the bathroom with a walker yet alone sit herself down on the toilet without help.
Of course they didn't make EVERY shot lethal, they had to roll it out slowly. I'm glad you suffered no side effects. But MILLIONS of others did including death.
I watched the last 10 years as arthritis slowly took over my mother's body. It took years. Less than a week after her last booster she was hospitalized, got a UTI, Sepsis and complete organ failure and died in hospice 34 days before my brother. Arthritis does NOT kill that fast. Now, you tell ME about this "safe and effective vaccine".
The research evidence that COVID causes blood clots leading to heart attacks, strokes, and pulmonary embolism up to 2 years after recovering from infection, is massive and irrefutable. The studies I've looked at were done mainly done on unvaccinated people prior to the release of the vaccines, and these results are not fabricated because such a conspiracy would involve the cooperation of tens of thousands of primary and ancillary medical professionals, as well as research scientists from dozens of institutions, both public and private worldwide. Impossible.
I rarely get involved trying to make sense of third- and fourth-hand accounts of the personal medical experiences of others. But I know the medical profession screws up a lot - I could write a book on my experiences dealing with the healthcare of my family members. As for your mom, I agree she didn't die from arthritis, but neither did she die by vaccine. Sounds like she had multiple vaccine doses without a problem but her "last booster" killed her at 84? 84-year-olds die every minute of every day for all sorts of reasons, whether they've had vaccines or not. Immune systems weaken with advanced age - a simple UTI can very well lead to sepsis and death - sometimes antibiotics just can't do enough quickly enough when a localized bacterial infection has spread to the bloodstream, especially when you're 84. Seriously, it wouldn't have mattered what your mom died from - you would have blamed the vaccine regardless.
I also know that every medical intervention is a risk vs. benefit analysis - anything powerful enough to have a therapeutic benefit is also powerful enough to harm, which is why the treatment protocol for Remdesivir is strict and only used for high risk patients. Remdesivir was effective and reduced death rates in many severely ill patients and I've read numerous anecdotal accounts of patients who credit Remdesivir with turning their illness around and saving their lives.
Untreated Ebola infections have infection fatality rates as high as 90%. Remdesivir was dropped after that trial because it didn't make a difference as treatment for Ebola - the monoclonal antibody treatments tested as the same time were more effective. In that trial of Ebola patients, one patient died from side effects of Remdesivir and two died of side effects of the other treatments. Everybody else died from Ebola.
So we have 1.1 million COVID deaths in the U.S. to date, which some claim is a vast overcount, but somehow we have literally "millions" of deaths from Remdesivir? Sorry - the math does not add up. Sounds like something Biden would say.
Although it looks hopeless in your case, as long as you're breathing and you are not AI, there IS hope for you. ONLY ONE HOPE; Jesus Christ. John 14:6 Seek Him NOW, believe the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus Christ in your heart and you will be saved. The blinders will be removed and you will see that we the people are under attack. Until that time, you'll fall for every deceptive lie and tactic they force on the people through the bought and paid, lying, lapdog, media puppets now owned by big pharma. One more thing: You'd better hurry. Time is quickly running out on you and everyone else that denies the Truth. We are in the very last days of this age and time is running out very quickly.