Dec 18, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Obama our 1st Asian president gonna make a movie about an abduction? Sounds like a natural, he’s about as alien as one can get. The Hill case was interesting; both were atheists, and demons tend to enjoy harassing atheists.

Poor, poor fish. 1,500 lives lost...And Pakistan, what luck! Fish fry Friday!

New subspecies! Cool. Very cool, to see YE Creationists are correct, that speciation can take place very rapidly.

Merchant of Death no more. When he went to prison, he went as an atheist. Now, he talks Christ.

Grenade launcher? When in Basic, Army (early 70s), we had a Choctaw who, after using one, said, “Gotta git me one of these for deer hunting.” I told him that while deer wreck a lot of crops, I never hated them for it.

Chile and other Andean nations have been taking American Indian farms and pastures to sell to foreigners to plant Radiata pine (Monterey pine, native to kali and Mexico) by the millions. It grows fast and can be harvested in a few decades for paper pulp. Unless of course it burns, and pine burns fast. One good thing, after a few rains, feed comes back fast for lamas and sheep and so on. But, we won’t talk about that…

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Hard to say if we are in the End Times, but it seems likely the satanic abominations are working hard to bring it on, as the first messiah is the false messiah. His reign is short. Praise The Lord!

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

On Trump:

Why in the hell did he endorse McCarthy? (Luntz and McCarthy buttclown each other you know)

That is a bad move in my opinion. The superhero trading cards is a lame idea too. Bad decisions won't help him in 2024.

(((SMH))) Neither party represents my interests anyway. They all suck.

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Ski resort photo is evidence of a dome over flat earth. Flat earth, biblically speaking. That rainbow type phenomena is a revealing, it's showing that the antichrist is on the scene, what colors were the white house lit up? Obama's third term, till God returns. His light he's trying to bring is perverted light spectrum - LGBTQ+

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