"Just the richest man in the world downloading every persons information"
Good for him ! Like the ''GOVERNMENT'' has never spied on me..??? What I mean is, I, and "me" and my "wife" have been SPIED ON, (both) ~ Professionally, (and), Semi-professionally. By wankers, Pros, you name it ! Does that bother me / us? ~ NOPE? Ya know why??? JESU…
"Just the richest man in the world downloading every persons information"
Good for him ! Like the ''GOVERNMENT'' has never spied on me..??? What I mean is, I, and "me" and my "wife" have been SPIED ON, (both) ~ Professionally, (and), Semi-professionally. By wankers, Pros, you name it ! Does that bother me / us? ~ NOPE? Ya know why??? JESUS CHRIST Watches over me like an EAGLE. FACT. That IS a FACT ! I worry NOT for anything or about ANYTHING. GOD ALMIGHTY WATCHES OVER ME. Dang STRAIGHT ! ! ! ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ YESHUA, CHRIST ROCKS !!
"Just the richest man in the world downloading every persons information"
Good for him ! Like the ''GOVERNMENT'' has never spied on me..??? What I mean is, I, and "me" and my "wife" have been SPIED ON, (both) ~ Professionally, (and), Semi-professionally. By wankers, Pros, you name it ! Does that bother me / us? ~ NOPE? Ya know why??? JESUS CHRIST Watches over me like an EAGLE. FACT. That IS a FACT ! I worry NOT for anything or about ANYTHING. GOD ALMIGHTY WATCHES OVER ME. Dang STRAIGHT ! ! ! ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ YESHUA, CHRIST ROCKS !!