Apr 5, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

That opal is fabulous - it's my birthstone, and I have several pieces of opal jewelry, but I've never seen anything like that!

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yep I have seen a lot... But not this quality

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

That ad from 1996, so accurate. Oh, to go back to the 90's.

The fingerprint island what a neat idea to keep those plants rooted.

Beautiful opal. I remember in 88 or 89 I helped my dad pick out an opal ring for my mom. That's a good memory.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The opal is gorgeous. Very disturbing about the article about Substack. I really appreciate the freedom it allows the authors. Makes me sick all the lies they use to brainwash the masses. Keep up the great work. 💜

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Apr 5, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thank -u for REAL news

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The article put out by the anti defamation league about S.S. is a real transparent piece of classic propaganda.

I defy the writer's to prove that all of the mis- and disinformation is false, and that the conspiracy theories are unfounded, but they cannot and will not in most cases.

In fact, they'll just gloat and brag, and continue to lie, and will continue along with their genocidal rampage if left unchecked.

Some of the writers on here are the classic cia/feddy troublemakers, and are surely on the payroll of some country or another, but let everyone figure things out at a snail's pace, and see where such gets them.

Aye, aye, aye...

Nice opal, though!

It defies my expectations.

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My stepmother, two aunts, and a mother-in-law were all Schutzstaffel in WWII. Haben Sie jemals Hitlers Tischgespräch gelesen? I heard it as a child from a lot of ex-nazis. The ADL can be total asses at times, but then, they all vote for America's nazi party, the dnc.

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More disgraceful news, “Confusion Is The Message” https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/confusion-is-the-message

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R.K.Jrs Commentary, Add these countries to the list, no longer supporting “ NeoCon NATO” monetary, alliance countries. Saudi Arabia Turkey Iraq Iran Africa Russia Japan Brazil France Israel (India also?). Beyond disgraceful…, pitiful, bye bye u$a.

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Very sad about the bees and bugs.

What would we do with out them? Years ago I remember farmers in China using feathers to pollinate pear trees.

What happend to The Great White North? That's a hefty fine.

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Manny strikes again! Good articles. Very good page.

Who is the major investor in Bayer-Monsanto? Soros and his friends. In the early 90s, when Monsanto tested a maize with a trigger (by 3rd generation it would pollinate, but not produce ears) they went to the Raramuri (Tarahumara) in Mexico. A few years later, over 9,000 had starved to death when liberals here refused to publish anything in the news. That includes all liberal-owned American Indian news, like Indian Country Today. Even in Mexico, you didn’t dare speak of it in public. The PRI would arrest you. Foxx won the next election and Monsanto lost a lawsuit for 10 billion USD. The PRI is the DNC’s houseboys and always do as ordered. In 1944, Mexico withdrew from WWII and with the help of Franco of Spain, a nazi, gave refuge to thousands of SS and Gestapo. Mayans, like the Raramuri, do not recognize Mexico as their government, so we should see this as an act of war with help from the company nazis built.

That part about the man who survived two nuke attacks is awesome.

The drag shows were for comic relief, at least on the US’s part.

Panama, howler monkey is saying “Hot damn, Mable, what the hell was that?”

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Keyword in the Peanut allergy/mRNA article: "Appears"

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I was just commenting the other day how mRNA tech is going to have so many exciting medical applications, including cancer treatments, and now they're going to use it to treat peanut allergies? I have a peanut allergic grandchild, so I'll be following the progress of this. If they can cure these dangerous food allergies in kids, that's a huge medical advancement. Much needed -

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Or the mom could have just eaten peanut butter during pregnancy. Too late now. I wouldn't trust any MRNA anything. At all. Ever. Ever. Especially for a child.

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I am puzzled by your response, as it does not seem to jive with the flow of the mutual reluctance here to accept or trust ANY of the mRNA business, as we here are of the very suspicious sorts, in general, it appears to me, and with very good reason.

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There is nothing nefarious about mRNA in and of itself. It exists within every single cell in every human body and can be harnessed by medical science as a natural delivery system for many lifesaving therapeutic purposes that have nothing to do with vaccines.

I researched the mRNA technology extensively when the COVID vaccines were under development, and decided the benefits of the vaccine outweighed the risk for me, since my demographic group had a 12% infection fatality rate from the more lethal original version of the virus, before it evolved the less deadly Omicron variants. Received both doses of Moderna's vaccine in early 2021 w/ zero side effects, and still had high antibody levels two years later - never got a booster, and don't plan to - the virus is less lethal now and we have good treatment options. Remained perfectly healthy throughout the entire pandemic while living life completely as normal, traveling all over, going to crowded indoor venues, staying in hotels, etc., while avoiding face masks as much as possible. No regrets.

Opposed all vaccine mandates and opposed the vaccine for healthy children and young people, for whom the risk does outweigh any potential benefit.

My approach and my views on any given topic don't fit into anyone's convenient box or category. Regarding COVID I am neither a Branch Covidian or a Covidiot - my positions are way more nuanced than that, so I am frequently attacked by simplistic thinkers who have nothing to offer but ugly name-calling which I find predictable and amusing. The beat goes on :-)

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It is not the mRNA that I am concerned with (as long as it is left unmolested), but the "harnessed by medical science" aspects that draw my main concern.

I am not going to try to convince you, but would not advise anyone to accept any alteration to their body's natural born structure, especially not those alterations being pushed by those reaping the financial benefits from such.

I feel really awkward dealing with people that espouse the benefits of any aspect of any of these "vaccines" for these emf driven illnesses/"viruses" that are being manufactured behind closed, government funded laboratories.

I think that you are either too trusting in these wicked people that pretend to bring benefits to mankind, when it's really all about power, and the holding of it- at any cost, up to the destruction of the very Earth and her surroundings, or that you are one of the ones profiting off of the misery that Science has wrought, somehow, and are thinking that it's a-okay to meddle with the things we ought not, such as the genetic code of Any creature, including man.

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And I am So Relieved when I hear how you got to continue to be a jet-setting socialite, while shedding the goodness that you willfully put into your natural body, and are not in the least concerned by any of the surrounding mess that it was all about to begin with - the destruction of the remainder of the free human will.

Why don't you do yourself and us a favor, and go jet-set yourself down over in Davos, with all of your true heroes that are such kind and loving tenders of the human flock, with only our longevity as their concern...

Blah and Blech.

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We should all be so thankful for our government's efforts to keep us from having to think too hard about any of this covid business, and for their protective censorship that will save so many from reaching 2030!!

Yea, Fake Vaccines! Yea, Fake Viruses! Yea for all of the Big Whigs up top that made such a Killing from all of the Fear and Suspicion that was pumped!

I guess that you got a placebo, Coleen, unlike many that were murdered by these death jabs that you uphold here.

I don't wish you ill, but wish that there were none that thought like you- all supportive of this failed system of this Most Nefarious and Rapacious technology that is still being held supreme (by a variety of spiritually/mentally sickened individuals) over The Respect For The Divine and Sacred.

You have lost The Way, evidently, and I hope that you might find It before your journey's end. Rethink!

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Personally, I don't care for these bow-tie wearing pundits, from their armchair pulpits, but this fellow is almost like Vigano with his insider info...

Just conspiratorial bosh, though, eh Coleen?

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What a mishmash of antivaxxer ranting. Where would one even begin and why would one want to? Obviously understands nothing about what VAERS is or how it is designed to be analyzed and used. He is anti- all vaccines, not just the COVID vaccines, and as usual offers no research evidence to support any of his claims. The only point I agree with him about is that the COVID vaccines should not have been approved for or offered to healthy children.

If there is truly a "Depopulation Agenda" that goes beyond efforts to reduce the rate of population growth in developing nations, in other words, if "they" really are out to kill us all, "they" aren't doing a very good job of it. The global population continues to increase every year by about 0.8%, even during the pandemic, and even during the two years since the vaccines were introduced. Over half the global population have received these vaccines and most of us are just fine, thank you.

Of course, since the predictions of large-scale vaccine die-offs haven't come to pass in more than two years now, the prophets of vaccine doom had to reframe their timeline and kick that can down the road. Now they claim the vaccines will cause a prion disease that will kill us all at some indeterminate point in the future. The beat goes on.

BTW, could this be the same Vernon Coleman who believes AIDS and COVID-19 are both hoaxes, that face masks cause cancer, and who wrote that if children diagnosed with autism were "stuck up to their necks in a vat full of warm sewage for 10 hours they would soon learn some manners”? Yes, as a matter of fact it is, but if you want to rely on this wacko-quacko for medical information, be my guest!

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While V. Coleman is a wacko-quacko of sorts, I feel like you are his opposite and minor equal, spewing your pro-vaxx "if"s, and throwing out the 3-, 4-, and 5 -letter agencies' statistics of this and that, and still somehow even able to throw your doubts of the existence of a "they", when a simple look into current disclosed historical documents, not to mention the very words straight from DARPA and DOD's horn, and with the likes of the WEF, the UN, the WHO, and all of their B. Gates' and their K. Schwab's, and the Bilderburgs', and the Rothschilds', and the Carnegies', and the Finks', and the Epsteins', and all of the kings and queens, and bishops and knights, to see how they have long since spilled the beans... and That's what I call 'audacity', Colleen.

I feel to have you pegged as one of their oppositional moles, sitting in the palm of the enemy, here to spread the enemy's thin and watery propaganda.

Remember your words today, still mocking the "wacko-quacko" anti- vaxxers, when this culling is to be unfurled at a deliciously evil and quantum-demoniacally conjured rate, and is to be wrapped up nice and tidy by 2030, dear deceived Colleen- so we are, only about one-third of the way to that point there in The Future, and I don't know where you are at, not to see the dire effects that are culminating from out of this false pandemic, with it's man made, man caused roots (whether or not you care to attempt honest parley over this matter).

I am very glad that I am not in your camp, filled with your harmful delusions of a false grandeur, and a hubris akin to the blind eliterati , and all of their ilk, that would partake of Pandora's vain and thoughtless mistake made So Long Ago.

Blessings to survive your poor blind selves, and yet I also feel like saying Traitors to Life, be gone, one and all!

Enough of your dependence upon your own vain delusions, and just get right with the Truth of which all of these technological "gods and goddesses" are diametrically opposed to, with their fearful clinging to a false and morally compromised existence, which will be the near undoing of all of life here on Earth, as it was foreseen, and as it is all coming to pass as it was foretold (and can't you hear the gnashing of teeth?...).

Are you an admirer of the global elite, and the Lefty- loosy J. Ardern / J. Trudeau types, Colleen?

Somehow your presence here just doesn't add up...

It could sure seem to me that you are you one of "them", here to sow your discord, and encourage our faith in your vaxx-pushing Big Bro, Colleen, because that is what I am left with after removing all other absurdities from the equation.

If so, you are out of your element here, I think, and should go bootlicking the Malones' dirty toes clean for him, over there in that camp of the praisers of the mRNA-gods.

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No, I am not an admirer of the global elite - their arrogance in believing and proclaiming they know what's best for the unwashed masses is where the hubris lies, not with me.

The globalists have an agenda that is failing, as nationalist and populist patriots from many nations continue to rise up in massive numbers and challenge their plans for our future. But you probably haven't noticed since you immerse yourself in future doom and certain gloom.

Y'all conspiracy theory folks need to update your conspiracies a bit. Some of these once extremely powerful families, like the Rothschilds, have failed to reproduce themselves in sufficient numbers to keep their family lines going. Last I checked, there were approx. 16 members of the Rothschild family left on Earth, and only a couple are involved in banking or international finance. The others aren't interested and don't do much of anything.

Freemasons used to figure prominently in all the secret society Illuminati stuff, but nowadays, the Masons are begging for members - they are in steep decline.

One of the great things about the Left is that they tend not to have children. They are too self-absorbed to want that kind of responsibility and besides, how can a woke climate change activist justify adding another evil human to the overburdened planet? The Left is conveniently cancelling itself, which is ironic and hilarious.

Meanwhile, Christians/patriots/conservatives are popping out babies and raising children in traditional nuclear families. I've done my share. All my kids are straight and conservative and my husband is homeschooling a grandson with a classical education.

Sure, there is lots to worry about - China is a much bigger threat than George Soros, IMO, and Epstein is dead. The corrupt Biden admin is wrecking the country and we are more divided than ever before. But we learned a lot from this pandemic and the public will no longer comply with lockdown strategies, and interest in getting booster shots has waned, plus they have learned that it is, as Rand Paul put it, a "fatal conceit" to put all our trust in a mere handful of Fauci types to dictate what we can and cannot do.

Prophets of doom proclaim this or that is going to happen by such and such a date. Now there's some hubris for you - believing you know what the future holds. Good thing we're not living in Bible times where a single failed prophecy would get you buried under a pile of stones.

And please stop trying to label me - I don't fit into anybody's convenient little political/cultural/societal box.

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When it comes right down to it, it just doesn't add up, your seeming intelligent, and yet not batting an eye over being a human guinea pig, and even talking up these death shots as a valuable addition to man's noble quest for power over life and death, and I find it difficult to believe that you have not experienced anything negative as regards the no-vid 19 business, like losing a dopey friend, or acquaintance, or SOMEONE to these culling agents, as I have seen it remove plenty of the breathers from my town of 14K soul's, take away a growing number, and is it being hailed truthfully, as a negative effect of the deathshot?

Hardly, if at all.

I think that it is likely that this business is a front, a cover for something that you are either hiding, or are hiding from, but that is just my opinion, not a judgement... Just my collecting pertinent evidence in order to put together a working theory, but there are some contradictory aspects to you that you seem to be aware of, and even boast of... which is puzzling to me, except in the light of it all being some sort of ruse, which is becoming all too common these darkened and deceptive days, especially here OnLine, under the WWW.

I would have to guess that it is easier to climb down than it is to climb up, after all, and so nothing should come as a shock as regards the depravities of the human condition- this doom and gloom that you and your ilk would see all of life submerged within, and while you falsely claim that I submerse myself within your Pandoran silliness, and that such immersion prevents me from seeing what your Tell-a-Vision shows you, (and would surely show me, should I let it!), or your federally funded statisticians, so ready with whatever batch of numbers should suffice at any given moment, and given the stamp, So It's Official!!... but why should I trust these greedy and fearful men that would chop up our cake, Earth, and serve it up to you and I in tiny, purchased portions fitting to one's social standing, when I can use my own gifted senses, these same senses that smell a confusing essence within the persona that you portray, Colleen.


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Paranoid much, Marcus? I am not a particularly trusting person, but neither do I live in a simple world where I automatically assume I'm being deliberately lied to by everyone who is involved in government at any level, worldwide or any authority figure, while automatically embracing anything that aligns with what I prefer to believe in the absence of hard evidence.

For example, from one of your comments, you seem to believe that vaccinated people shed virus that infects others. The reality of medical science is that viral shedding is only possible with viral vector vaccines that incorporate a live virus, such as the smallpox vaccine and the oral polio vaccine I was given as a child. Not biologically possible with mRNA vaccines or vaccines that use an inactivated form of a virus. Not now, not ever.

Although anecdotes aren't worth anything as a research tool, if you really want to know, I live in a state with one of the lowest vaccination rates in the nation, and one of the higher death rates from COVID. At my workplace, I have been a keen observer of my friends and colleagues experiences during the pandemic. Most of my coworkers and their families refused the vaccines and most were infected, some multiple times with different variants of the virus. I have been surprised that almost all of them had lingering symptoms that continued long after they "recovered" from their infections. One was hospitalized with COVID pneumonia, two got the experimental monoclonal antibody infusions at the ER, two had COVID blood clots - one had a small stroke and one died of a heart attack while recovering at home. A friend's dad died in the hospital. One coworker lost five members of her family to the virus. Fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath, wheezing, recurrent bladder infections, fevers, and stomach issues seem to be the most common long COVID symptoms among my unvaxxed, previously infected coworkers and friends.

As for me and my house, my husband and I were both vaxxed, no boosters, and have had no illnesses since the beginning of the pandemic. All our grandchildren remain unvaccinated and all are healthy. One was infected and had a slight fever for a couple hours one afternoon. Of my adult kids, one got vaxxed, another was infected and recovered, all are currently healthy.

I have to laugh when people accuse me of fabricating my experiences just because it doesn't confirm what they want to believe or think I have some nefarious agenda or that somebody is paying me to say certain things a certain way. No one would ever pay me to lie - I suck at it so badly - lol! I don't "portray" a "persona." This is who I am all day every day. I think my views on the pandemic align pretty closely with Rand Paul's. I have observed that many people were so laser-focused on the vaccines, they neglected to learn a damn thing about the disease. failed to take it seriously and paid for their ignorance with their lives.

I never said these vaccines were 100% safe. Every medical intervention is a risk vs. benefit analysis. I can only do that analysis for myself, not for anyone else, and for me, the benefit outweighed the risk. After watching how people I know have suffered from the disease while I've remained healthy, I know I did the right thing for me.

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"Y'all conspiracy theory folks need to update..."

There's no need, as everything is going exactly as planned.

Sounds like you've got it all worked out for yourself, and are sitting pretty in the catbird seat.

Have yourself a smug and superior trip, Colleen.

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