Name 1 Democratic administration in the United States in the last 50 years that did all that it said it would do?

"Build Back Better" has ZERO to do with infrastructure improvements. It has everything to do with advancing their dystopian N.W.O. plot. Remember: it's an "election year" as if that matters. We'll be lucky to see an election, let alone an honest one. This REGIME is NOT looking after ANYONE'S interest except their own. It's has ALWAYS been that way since the democratic parties inception. Why does NO ONE see that? WHY does no on REMEMBER this from one political / fiscal quarter to the next? This entire regime, it's goon employees, the house and the senate, the federal court system, ALL needs to be thrown out on their ear, charged with sedition, treason, fraud and theft and we NEED to start CLEAN.

Spoiler alert ~ ~ It'll NEVER happen. Not until JESUS CHRIST RETURNS. Until then - same old song & dance.

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I must contest your outright accusal of our federal governments not working hard enough with regard to we the people. I must say that every administration since FDR's has worked VERY hard. The evidence that they have been working diligently is all about us and in the history books, and now clearly seen by its shining examples of its efforts to serve. It's just that their work has all been AGAINST the people instead of FOR the people! : ) And you're absolutely right: There is only ONE Person who could sort out the mess of this world... Jesus Christ and He will, VERY SOON. I for one, can hardly wait! See you then.

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Jude 1:14-16

And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration because of advantage.

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And you're quoting the KJV. Thank you very much. These new versions change every few years despite the warning from God in Revelation 22:19. Why do so many proclaiming Christians IGNORE this warning??? I don't mean babes and novices but VISIBLE, highly trained Bible teachers ignore them. MOST do!

There are so very few Bible teachers that recognize (or admit) the PROBLEM of the new versions and who use the only preserved written word. The more I study this topic the more it reveals the fact that the new versions are satan's counterfeits.

Anyway, thanks again for using the KJV. We who love the TRUTH must stick together in this age. I'm seeing truth lovers unfortunately growing much smaller in numbers but that's actually good news; it means we are getting CLOSER to that Glorious Day of Jesus Christ! See you then! https://fundamentalfilms.org/kjv/

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Amercian Red Cross vaccine donators states: https://www.redcrossblood.org/faq.html#eligibility “ Immunization, Vaccination

Acceptable if you were vaccinated for influenza, RSV, pneumonia, tetanus or meningitis, providing you are symptom-free and fever-free. Includes the Tdap vaccine.

Acceptable if you received an HPV Vaccine (example, Gardasil).

Acceptable if you were vaccinated with SHINGRIX (shingles vaccine) providing you are symptom-free and fever-free. SHINGRIX vaccine is administered in 2 doses (shots). The second shot is administered 2-6 months after the first shot. This distinguishes it from Zostavax, the live shingles vaccine, which is given as a single dose (shot) and requires a 4-week deferral.

Wait 4 weeks after immunizations for German Measles (Rubella), MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), Chicken Pox and Zostavax, the live shingles vaccine.

Wait 2 weeks after immunizations for Red Measles (Rubeola), Mumps, Polio (by mouth), and Yellow Fever vaccine.

Wait 21 days after immunization for hepatitis B as long as you are not given the immunization for exposure to hepatitis B.

COVID-19 Vaccine and COVID-19 Booster Shot

Acceptable if you were vaccinated with a non-replicating, inactivated, or RNA-based COVID-19 vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca, Janssen/J&J, Moderna, Novavax, or Pfizer providing you are symptom-free and fever-free.

Wait 2 weeks if you were vaccinated with a live attenuated COVID-19 vaccine.

Wait 2 weeks if you were vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine but do not know if it was a non-replicating, inactivated, RNA based vaccine or a live attenuated vaccine.

Smallpox/ Monkeypox vaccine: There are two types of Smallpox/Monkeypox vaccines so you must know the name of the vaccine to determine if you may be eligible to donate. If you do not know the name of the vaccine you received, you must wait 8 weeks to donate as a precaution.

ACAM2000 vaccine: This is an older vaccine which is administered in a single dose by inoculation (pricking the skin surface several times with a needle). If you receive the ACAM2000 smallpox/monkeypox vaccine, which is a live virus vaccine containing infectious agents then the following apply:

Smallpox/Monkeypox vaccination and did not develop complications. Wait 8 weeks (56 days) after receiving the vaccination to donate blood as long as you have no complications. Complications can include skin reactions beyond the vaccination site or general illness related to the vaccination.

Smallpox/Monkeypox vaccination and developed complications. Wait 14 days after all vaccine complications have resolved or 8 weeks (56 days) from the date of having had the smallpox vaccination whichever is the longer period of time. Discuss your particular situation with the health historian at the time of donation. Complications can include skin reactions beyond the vaccination site or general illness related to the vaccination.

Jynneos vaccine: This is a new vaccine that is administered in 2 doses (shots) given 4 weeks apart. If you receive the newer smallpox/monkeypox vaccine called Jynneos, which is a nonreplicating live virus vaccine, which does not contain infectious agents, your eligibility to donate blood is determined based on exposure to Monkeypox.

If you received this vaccine after an exposure to Monkeypox, you cannot donate for 21 days after your last exposure.

If there is no exposure to monkeypox and you received this vaccine, there is no deferral.

Smallpox vaccination – close contact with someone who has had the smallpox vaccine in the last eight weeks and you did not develop any skin lesions or other symptoms. Eligible to donate.

Smallpox vaccination – close contact with someone who has had the vaccine in the last eight weeks and you have since developed skin lesions or symptoms.

Wait 8 weeks (56 days) from the date of the first skin lesion or sore. Discuss your particular situation with the health historian at the time of donation. Complications can include skin reactions or general illness related to the exposure.

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THANK YOU for all these amazing news!!! Just wonder, how/where are you getting all these treasures from??? You must be deep in time/space travel;)

Btw. what about Tucker with all of this "Do not travel to Russia due to the unpredictable consequences"???

And this Mr. Gorgos looked already like 30 years older, when he apparently was 63 in 1991... If not, he must have crossed the Philadephia experiment time-space dimensions;)))

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"finding provides a genetic explanation of tail loss in hominoids..." / Pardon me a moment:


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No substack today (yet) so I have to comment on this one. I was contemplating something yesterday. If we look at the last 20 years of the Western society with all of its changes (to the detriment of the people) something very interesting is revealed. If we plot on a graph those things which the deep state has achieved to forward their agenda of one world government, including geoengineering, artificial intelligence, all wars, mandates, psyops, lies, threats of nuclear war and misinformation including the sodomite agenda and Covid 19, (not to mention all of the Bible Prophecy coming to pass) and extrapolated the graph into the future while maintaining the same amount of radical changes seen which have been forced on society over those 20 years, how many years do you see this present society surviving? I think a conservative estimate (in years) could be counted on one hand with more than one digit to spare.

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The report that a quarter of smokers QUIT smoking during a ban on menthol cigarette production is just nonsense. First of all, the report stated,

"Menthol cigarettes have been targeted by public health officials because studies show the cooling effects of menthol masks the harshness of tobacco, making it easier for young people to start smoking.

I was a heavy smoker in my young adult years, from age 11 to age 29; 18 and when first experimenting with tobacco at a young age, I found no less harsh the menthol cigarettes than the non-menthol, in fact, the non menthol were milder to me. I quit for 6 months at age 20 and when I started back up, I couldn't stand menthol any longer (but which I had smoked since becoming addicted at the first; Newport was my brand) Strike one on this study.

Secondly, it's the nicotine that is addictive and it's a very strong addiction. The hardest thing I ever did in my life was kick the nicotine habit. When I couldn't smoke, I chewed snuff (Skoal) like in school when I couldn't get to the bathroom to sneak a smoke. I have found that the addiction is the same for everyone outside of certain few who mysteriously could take it or leave it. Nobody is going to quit nicotine because they banned menthol cigarettes! IF they were like me, which I suspect most are, they'd do ANYTHING to get the nicotine fix! Strike two.

If stopping the production of menthol cigarettes could get one fourth of the entire population of smokers to quit cold turkey the tobacco companies would never do it unless it was mandated in which case that would be overreach of gov't authority. Strike three (and four)

This makes me consider that there is some quirky purpose behind this "study" which, by the way, they provided no link to but only mentioned who conducted it. Perhaps, if the "public health officials" who are so concerned with the health of the people would address the BIGGER problem of the spraying by jet aircraft of heavy metal nanoparticles of metals, fibers, viruses, GMO mosquitos and new fungi (and only God knows what else) into the stratosphere and thus onto our heads, they may make an impact on public health! Maybe this "study" is just a very weak attempt to show that they are working at anything at all to justify their paychecks and pensions.

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Wow. The Swiss author of this website has become deluded. The anti-Russian rhetoric is off the scale. And the Nazis in Nashville were Feds and he would have realized that it was staged if he had done better research.

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Enjoy it, I'd be willing to give big bucks but with all the space news, NASA CGI being promoted as real, it stops me cold. Otherwise great news!

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The little girl who shot herself: Her dad, Michael Tolbert, should be PUNISHED however, not because of the new Michigan gun law requiring safe storage of guns but for a lack of SENSE. The story didn't say what kind of gun was involved but a related story showed a picture of a 9mm semi auto. If they convict him it should be for three reasons the first being his stupidity at having a gun with a bullet CHAMBERED, ready to fire within the reach of a curious child.

The second should be that he is a convicted felon and can't lawfully own a gun and the third because he was stupid enough to leave a CHAMBERED gun within the reach of a child! A fourth might be because he was dumb enough to leave a loaded, chambered handgun within the reach of a child. We don't need people with that degree of stupidity roaming around freely. That gun law wouldn't even be necessary if irresponsible gun owners wouldn't chamber a round and leave it for anyone to find.

I live alone and NONE of my guns have rounds in the chamber. I leave the loaded magazine in them but no bullets are in the chamber. How long does it take to chamber a bullet? Click, click... about that long. Finally, that law restricts responsible gun owners from properly defending themselves, their families and property. I can picture it now, "oh, it's an intruder! Wait a minute, Mr. intruder while I unlock my gun so I can shoot you with it. Now, where did I put that key?"....

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I sound like a broken record, I know, but I won't be quiet until everyone knows the truth which won't happen until the deceivers are silenced, i.e. not in this lifetime. The New Hampshire bill HB 1700-FN is 1/50th of an [apparent] effort to repair a massive problem but if ever the idiom, "too little, too late" could be applied to anything, it would be to this futile attempt to address a decades-old problem which has already destroyed this earth BEYOND repair.

New Hampshire's bill to address the obvious problems created by the restriction of geoengineering tactics (called solar radiation management (SAR) and stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI)) is laughable to those who know that the reality is, these two programs are being employed and deployed over our heads as we speak and have been for the last 50 years at least! This bill goes hand in hand with the "proposal" to initiate a plan for secret activity (explained away in the media as "contrails") that has already destroyed this earth! Sorry to say, Manuel, coming from the government of your home country, Switzerland.


Asking about or considering studying whether or not such a program could have benefits is simply denial that it's already being done. So, then, what does this reveal about this bill? It connotes that the other 49 states comport to this activity OR they simply deny it. I choose the latter. It simply demonstrates the nefarious nature of the program from the start. The purpose of the bill was to "stop" the proposal of the plan in the first place yet it is already being done. It's two-part confusion for the media to use against the people who are just now awakening to the clandestine activity of the wicked, colluding governments in these last days.

Casually addressed ( but not explained) in the bill is the single largest reason for these programs' existence and that is WEATHER CONTROL or weather WARFARE, having been conducted by the military industrial complex for decades, bringing countries who resist their agenda to their knees without them ever knowing they were under attack!

Not even an apparent supporter of stopping this activity can reveal the extent and their ability to STEER weather systems. This includes hurricanes and the control of flooding, landslides, droughts even earthquakes. Revealing such facts would clearly indict them as the evil, wicked thugs that they are! If they CAN control the weather but they DON'T control it, in fact use it AGAINST the world, that not only reveals their wickedness and evil plans but it makes them MASS MURDERERS by default! However, they blame it on "nature behaving badly" and/or global "climate change".

Moreover, considering this bill is passed, what or who could stop this assault on the earth seeing how it is and has been going on already yet being vastly ignored? It would be just another piece of literature filed away in the tomes of the judiciary of New Hampshire and the Library of Congress having no effect whatsoever on the pernicious programs already being deployed.

Summary: It's just smoke and mirrors for the media; a meaningless, confusing piece of legislation handed down as distractive disinformation by the principalities and powers governing this world and bringing it to their agenda of a one world government for antichrist. Everything is moving toward their pernicious goal now and occurring at lightning speed, increasing in intensity just as Bible prophecy said.

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I wonder what they are putting in the water infrastructure. New water treatment chems? Chinese Equipment? Abilities to stifle flow?

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Once again, you are soooo ready to take peoples' rights away, now you want to go after the right to self-protection. They are suffering enough after losing a child - I'll wager they will be more careful in the future. THIS IS NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S BUSINESS!!!!

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No to the menthol cig ban - people have the freedom to choose - it is NOT the government's business!!!

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Fucking A right, how can someone see what the government does to all of us but yet support them with the banning of products ADULTS can choose to purchase? "oh it will save lives", isn't that what they claimed about the covid vaccines. Beyond sick of people demonizing those of us who choose to use tobacco. Fuck Biden and his bullshit menthol ban, sure all 80% of menthol users, who are black, will surely support this decision; my guess is the menthol riots will make the floyd riots look like a block party. Would also think with the world falling down around us the government would have better priorities at the moment.

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They talk about it as a mechanism to also keep kids from smoking - same idea when they eliminated the flavored vapes - I was working on quitting smoking, actually, and used a flavored vape, gradually moving to lower and lower nicotine...until they banned it because "....the children!" This is on the PARENTS who choose not to supervise their own children!!! Placate them, give them whatever makes them happy and shuts them up!! This is NOT the way to raise a child into a responsible adult! Give 'em a smart phone and turn them loose is NOT "parenting!"

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I vape as well as use tobacco, vaping has helped me decrease a 2 pack a day habit down to 2 packs a week, completely fine with the health risk of 5-6 cigarettes a day and don't need the government to worry about my health, not like they give a shit about any of us. I've never understood the hatred of tobacco, how many cigs a day do you need to smoke to get cancer? My guess is a Fauci type doctor would say only 1 and, if you can see past the propaganda you'll see they have no fucking idea. Seems to me that there is an entire industry, antismoking lobbyists, doctor groups, etc that all depend on the vilification of tobacco for their livelihoods. If I was still smoking 40 a day I'd be concerned, just like if I was drinking 20 beers a day. Also, why is the tobacco industry the only one not allowed to advertise? Tobacco was the first covid type event that has resulted in more and more government control, all under the guise of "won't someone please think of the children!!!" type fear mongering.

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Well, some days, I'm still at the 2-pack a day, altho I'm managing to substitute candy more these days. I've got some health issues (yes, to a certain extent, I have emphysema - anyone who smokes does but it's never interfered with my activities) and, since I've also got a low weight issue, I'm not worried about gaining weight.

In the last 50+ years, I can count only 3 times I have gone more than a day w/o a cigarette. Once in AIT at Ft. Jackson, when I got the measles and had to go into the hospital for 3 days before it spread thru the whole barracks; once at Ft. Myer when a friend and I made a bet as to which of us could go 3 days w/o a cigarette. The 3rd day, our friends BEGGED us to go back to smoking! The last time was when my daughter was born and I was in the hospital for 3 days.

Ah, yes, beer / alcohol! I'm of the opinion beer is THE true gateway drug for young teens! I've seen faaaar more lives destroyed by alcohol than by MJ, I'll tell you that. I lost my daughter partially due to her alcoholism, her Father was an alcoholic, as were his family. Alcohol totally changes my personality - good in some situations, bad in most - I do NOT like who I am when I'm drinking and I ALWAYS do or say things I shouldn't! I enjoy a good beer with pizza now and then, sipping a little RumChata at night, or a Bloody Mary with brunch; maybe some wine. I'm too old for that kind of behavior these days! LOL - ok, I still say things I shouldn't.....I doubt if that will ever change! I'll be spouting shit on my deathbed!

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Red Cross wants to know if you've received a live attenuated COVID virus vaccine. If so, they want you to wait two weeks before donating blood because live virus vaccines have potential to cause infection. This does not apply to the RNA vaccines (Pfizer/Moderna) or viral vector / inactivated virus vaccines (Johnson&Johnson/Astrazeneca/Novavax.)

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