May 2Edited

Why do they all have matching tents? Because they were SUPPLIED to them just like the bricks were supplied to ANTIFA riots few years back. All unrest and upheaval is FOMENTED by those uber rich bastards and sons of female dogs who each have enough money to solve world hunger and starvation OVERNIGHT but choose to use their wealth to destroy the present world and set up a world for their leader the ANTICHRIST! Soros, Gates, Buffet, Zuckerberg, EVIL personified. (I name names and not ashamed!) And look how many of them are wearing freaking, life sucking masks!!!!! I never dreamed I would see such insane madness!! You know how to get me going, Manuel! Keep it up!

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Saguaro cactus disguise. Their "towers" (all sorts of them for more purposes than cell phones too) are hidden everywhere including church steeples. I'd like to see some landscaper come along and try to root that one up for someone's expensive landscaping job. They go for big bucks!

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In Colorado they make some cell towers look like trees. There's a lot of odd stuff in that state.

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(edit seems to be not working again) AND THEY'RE ALL wearing freaking Sharia face covering, slime infected MASKS!!!

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That is some cactus!! ;-) Thanks for the world news, Manuel!!

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Thank you!

re the Israeli nukes story: There is reason to believe Israel planned to explode a nuke over Iran to cause a massive EMP strike. However when their F-35 flew out of Israel, it was taken down at the Jordan border by Russia.

If you recall, there was a lot of consternation when the Israeli return strike on Iran was so lame, especially after all the threats the Israeli right wing govt made prior to the attack.


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One more thing. The hail in the pics above. It's completely unnatural and could only be produced by unnatural weather patterns. It's by two geoengineering tactics that these massive hail boulders are produced: Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) and chemical ice nucleation the dispersion of chemicals which raise the freezing temperature of water. Think of those two compartment ice packs. When you broke the seal separating the two chemicals, they mixed together and FROZE. Same principle that gives us these deadly hailstones. AND, they heat up the metals they spray which causes updraft and circulation, much more circulation than what is natural. The water droplets are circulated through the chemicals by the natural updraft of warm air; circulation is created and the drops become stones which continue to circulate through the chemical cloud layer gaining more mass with each circulation until they become to heavy to stay aloft (according to how much energy and how long they continue pumping it) and they fall, destroying whatever they fall on. I wonder now if ANY hail is a natural phenomenon. When I first saw hail as a young child, I thought about how unnatural it was that ICE could be falling from the sky when it was so hot outside!

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