Let's see...FDA, Lab grown meat, California, safe, consumption. All the words you need to "NO!"

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What is wrong now? In ye good olde days, if we had a parasite in livestock, it was treated the same as in a human. 3 days being watered out of copper basins, or copper sulfate in the feed for 3 days. For a severe case, start small and work up dosage. My father bought a truck load of feeder pigs cheap that seemed healthy enough, yet somehow not. They went in the barn, not to pasture. They were watered out of an old copper tub and for several days passed round worms and tape worms. All manure went in a burner and was made ashes. After a week more, this one with regular steel waterer, they were tested again and no tape worms, not even under a microscope.

Speaking of worms, maybe pelosi could use a good one. Given how she ‘earned’ almost 200 million since stealing office, I would say a nice mule whip would set her straight, and confiscation of everything she owns. Except Paul. Him, she can keep. Nasty Nancy called her hubby one evening and said, “Dear, you’re not drinking and driving again, are you?” Paul: “No dear, but I am getting hammered.”

Ah, ya, saw a good article on Wintery Knight about studies on neglected 3-year-old children and those who had plenty of attention. When they did brain scans, they were shocked because the neglected children’s brains were smaller and unhealthy appearing. https://winteryknight.com/2022/11/17/survey-of-scientific-literature-finds-that-children-need-their-mom-for-first-3-years-4/

I can only imagine what the brains of castrated little boys must appear as.

Wow...Deaf child hears. That was beautiful.

Hm, man. Earthquake in Pecos? Oil drilling? What? But, the Rio is a fault line as much as the Colorado. SW New Mexico is the Animas Valley, Valley of Tormented Souls. Spaniards were certain that the steam vents were portals to Hell. Apaches like to cook deer over them, but then, the Spanish believed Apaches were demons. After that first unfortunate encounter, the Spanish were sure of it. Wells west of there (Arizona) are tested for sulfuric acid and heat. Just in case.

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Also in ye good olde days the benefits of another metal were well received - colloidal silver. My grandmother used to put a pure silver 50 cent piece in the milk bottles delivered fresh from the farm to extend its shelf life. I make my own CS for pennies a gallon and have been using it for 14 years. (BTW I haven't turned blue yet) I haven't had a "common cold" or "seasonal influenza" (what is that?) in the whole 14 years neither have I had any other ailments besides the Norovirus that I used to get annually before using the supplements necessary for good immune function (thank you Covid). Haven't gotten that since using those supplements which include Vitamin C, D3, Zinc, and Coral Calcium to carry it all. Also been taking Ivermectin as preventative for two years, yes, the horse paste kind that used to be 12 dollars for three tubes (12 doses, one dollar a dose but mysteriously went up 300% in 2021) and I haven't died from taking "horse paste" either evident by my words here. I have never felt better.

Also forbidden knowledge is hyperbaric oxygen treatment. There was such interest in hyperbaric oxygen treatment early in the twentieth century that about one hundred years ago, a man from Canton Ohio donated over a million dollars to a Dr. Orville Cunningham for the building of the Steel Ball Hospital. A unique hospital shaped like a steel ball which was sealed and atmospheric pressure increased and O2 drastically increased to 14 - 30 psi. It is evident by the fossils of plants and animals which died in the flood of Noah that flora and fauna both were drastically bigger and healthier before the flood and lifespan was dramatically higher. It was studied that the earth before the flood had increased O2 and also increased atmospheric pressure due to the ice canopy surrounding the earth, all biblical knowledge by study of the first book of the bible, Genesis. Noah lived to be 950 years old.

My suspicion is that the Steel Ball Hospital was so successful in treating all of the illnesses from which the budding big pharma companies were beginning to enjoy that the mega powers of that day, Rockefellers, Morgans et al. you know, the same that rule the earth in this day, ensured its demise. The internet is largely scrubbed of any claims of its benefits but ask anyone who has undergone hyperbaric therapy (or go to any website providing such services) and make your own conclusion. It is said to cure every known disease including cancer (which I believe, understanding how lucrative the cancer cash cow industry is) I know that if I ever get "cancered", I'm going to a hyperbaric chamber FIRST.

We have arrived at the time stated by William Casey then CIA director (1981-1987) "we will know that our program of disinformation is complete when everything the people believe is false.

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