"YOU MAY KNOW that it's been written that 76% of trans kids are on the spectrum. WHY? Because they are influenced EASILY. ASD kids are concrete in their thinking; they often like SOLUTIONS to be presented to them. So if they are told the SOLUTION is for them to change genders—aha, that MUST be it. Easily LED… (even the smartest ones… they TRUST)." said daisy moses.


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Mar 11, 2023
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a lot of that would be because humans are the ONLY creatures with the capacity for reason and morality. Just because one has the capacity does not mean one always uses it.

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Mar 11, 2023
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Let me guess: you're vegan and can't tell men from women. Animals only have instinct; they don't have critical reasoning skills. But you don't either, so i can see why you think your nonsensical point makes sense.

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Mar 12, 2023Edited
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who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. - Romans 1:25

So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. - Genesis 1:27

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i'm sorry you didn't make it to the top of the food chain with the rest of us. i apologize for assuming you were vegan. Most unreasonable limp-wristed non-binary adderall-infused furries are. Bless your heart, i'm so glad there are student loans, welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, compassion of others, and your mom's basement, because otherwise, your complete lack of survival skills would doom you. Be well and find someone who can take care of you. Besides your mom, of course.

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"We need to go back to JFK’s fitness program… AND NOT shoving processed crap down our citizens throats, . . ."

I agree regarding JFK's fitness program, but when did we start force feeding Americans "processed crap"? Every morning while driving to work and at noon lunchtime, I see long lines in the drive through lanes of McDonald's, Burger King, Jack's, Krispy Kreme, Dunkin', Taco Bell, Bojangles, and other "processed crap" joints, and as far as I can tell, those folks are there of their own free will. I don't see anyone holding a gun on them and forcing Big Macs and fries down their throats.

As for me, I drive right on past, arrive at my office, sit down at my desk and enjoy some sliced apples w/ almond butter and light yogurt for breakfast, and a mixed green salad w/ sliced roasted chicken and balsamic vinaigrette for lunch. If I'm offered some "processed crap" by a coworker, I can say, "No thank you."

I live in the deep south morbidly obese land of deep-fried everything, and somehow, I can still choose to make responsible health-promoting food choices. If I choose to eat "processed crap" I have no one to blame but myself.

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Astute. Sanity and common sense is still a possibility in Amerika....

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I really love all the ideas and thoughts of everyone here. Thanks y'all.

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Racism🤔 colors or the lack thereof. Each to his or her own. Only time racism is anything is if we notice "colors." Who cares. Not everyone has the same favorite colors. And who is anyone to tell me I have to like/love the color green, white, black or red? Make up your own mind for your own reasons. Being racist is a choice not a sin to send you to hell or jail. Be free from the bondage of condemnation of taste.

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Thanks for all your info💜

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Nothing more than on-going distractions, to keep the 'dimwits' looking the other way, as they slowly lose all of their rights and give away their freedoms, all for Fascist "Marxism" to take them over. And if that's not bad enough, that Marxism will then be turned over to the "BEAST and the FALSE PROPHET".


2 Corinthians 4:4

“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

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Why would people with criminal records, related to drug dealing, drive from South Carolina to Mexico, a 20+ hour 1,400+ mile ride, for a tummy tuck? Me thinks something is amiss here ......

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Please issue a correction. Michael Knowles did NOT call for eradication of trans people. He called for the eradication of the mindless trans ideology. Big, big difference. And as far as the WIC program providing soy substitutes, people who depend on handouts to feed their kids while also being irresponsible with their other subsidies get what they get. Beggars should not be choosers, but too often they are.

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That is all I am trying to say.

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"CPAC speaker sparks alarm with call for trans people to be ‘eradicated’…" Although I am a fan of yours, headlines like these keep me from supporting you financially. You lied. He did not call for trans people to be eradicated, he called for Transgenderism to be eradicated. It is a HUGE difference. A material difference. And you lied by omission.

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that's a highly moral reason to be stingy, wish i had thought of it.

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Love your humor...

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I don't support the NY Times for the same reason; for being fast and loose with the facts.

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So how does one go about eradicating transgenderism, exactly? Do you pass laws banning anyone from claiming to be a gender other than what's on their birth certificate? Do you regulate what kinds of clothes men or women are allowed to wear according to their gender, or how they can cut or grow their hair? Even if you outlaw hormone therapy and gender related surgery for adults, which would be unlikely to hold up in court, you still can't eradicate transgender ideology, any more than you can outlaw mental illness. Eradicating transgenderism is not possible in a free society. For anyone to call for that is illogical and pointless.

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Yes, I agree with you that there is a very big and valid discussion necessary on what and how and if transgenderism needs to be eradicated. What I commented on was the misrepresentation on the part of this newsletter's author of what the speaker said. The speaker did not say trans people need to be eradicated, as the author of this newsletter disingenuously claimed, and that is what I point out and with which I disagree, the misrepresentation. My qualm has nothing to do with trans people or transgenderism.

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I understand your point and I agree - my issue is with the CPAC speaker who makes a stupid comment like that without any understanding of how such a thing would or could be accomplished. We need to make realistic goals and develop plans on how to reach those goals instead of wasting time on dumb crap that isn't even doable.

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What exactly was stupid about the comment from the CPAC speaker? I personally loved it. He was talking about eradicating transgendering by stopping organizations from promoting it and doctors from doing it, etc, etc, etc. Actually made sense to me. But hey, for those stupid enough to want to be transgendered, my guess is that Mexico will go along with transgender stupidity. Yep, Mexico should be now known as the Transgender country to get transgendered, whatever that entails. Eradicate in the USA by all means and send it south so the foolish have a place to spend their "stupid money". Are their any outraged liberals out there yet? So freakin funny!!!

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You can't stop organizations from promoting transgenderism unless you're ok with violating their first amendment rights under the Constitution. Some states are acting to protect children by banning the hormone therapy and surgery for minors, but it remains to be seen whether that move will hold up in court, because that's already being challenged. Much more difficult from a legal standpoint to ban doctors from treating their consenting adult patients with hormones and surgery. It will not be possible to eradicate transgenderism by any means, and it's a waste of time and money to try, at least until we have longer term evidence that these treatments dramatically increase the risk of heart disease and cancer. Truth is, it's a regional fad that will fade on its own in time.

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You can stop organizations from promoting something that is ILLEGAL. Make Transgender surgeries ILLEGAL. You do not grasp ILLEGAL??? Just sayin...

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I think Canada is the place to go right now.

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With pitchforks and millions of people to enforce their removal from Canadian government...

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Where they arrest pastors for preaching the Bible? Okay.

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