Jul 18, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Well, as to the "dolphin attacks"... I suppose turnabout is fair play. They do some unspeakable things to dolphins in Japan. I think the dolphins have much catch up to do! Thanks Manuel, another interesting read, for sure. Aloha.

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I did send you some money when you started up as I do enjoy your reviews and perspective, I really laughed at this title, great one!

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Thank you.

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Just a comment on Canadian Fires this year and hope all of you are doing well!

Geoengineeringwatch.org just did an interview last week or so with Mike Adams on this. It appears the Military program was implemented in Canada to destroy this vast Bio-sphere (forests) on purpose and it will be kept burning throughout this year. Every country involved with the Globalist Regime has allowed this program to destroy some of the largest Forest areas on the planet as part of the depopulation agenda. The other Bio-sphere regions left are the oceans. They have been maintained at 90 degree temperatures now for months by the HAARP microwave program and our oceans are now dying rapidly. We are a CO2 planet and with all of the destruction of this planet from the HAARP systems (geoengineered weather patterns) we don't have long left here. This is complete lunacy and I can't really grasp how THEY THINK THEY WILL SURVIVE THIS. Earth as we know her, is gone forever and cannot regenerate. We need help to stop the madness or we can all kiss ourselves goodbye. Spread the word! Stay as safe as you can.

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A scientist, full of pride, approached the Mountain of God one day and said, "we don't need you anymore, God, we have learned how to make anything - even a man - out of DIRT." God said, "Oh? Show Me." The scientist bent over to scoop up some dirt but was quickly interrupted; "Ah, ah, ah... Use your OWN dirt" God replied.

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I am a young-earth creationist. I believe (after much study of the subject) that the earth and the universe are about 10,000 years old. In this age of "modern enlightenment" to say such a thing is to open oneself up to ridicule but how many believe the earth is 4.5 billion years old without ever having looked into the subject? Here is an excellent resource with enough info to debunk the most staunch Darwinist! http://evolutionfacts.com/Downloads/Evolution%20CruncherP.pdf

It's a 965 page book which DESTROYS the THEORY of evolution, available at the click of a mouse. Check it out.

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I can't imagine what those days with a broken sailboat mast, in the middle of the Atlantic must have been for you, Manuel. How long did it take you to finally get to land? I'm happy you survived it.

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Aluminum has been proven to be THE cause of Alzheimer's disease. Some are more sensitive to it than others. To whom it may concern; Here's a great way to fight Alzheimer's disease: stop spraying it down on us!!!

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I don't understand why you think the destruction of other people's property is good. I hold vandals in the same regard as antifa, BLM, CIA, and feces.

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On the railroad accident

'To get the line up and running...' that's the whole problem western society faces. Life's not about getting up and running, rather to build stuff. Your railroads America are just GARBAGE. So, please be a real American and start building. Forget every politician and just take matters in your own hands. Just get rid of them.

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