Hang in there! Go to bed.

Rest... if you can. Hope the kids are feeling better & you donโ€™t get sick too! ๐Ÿ™

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Do your thing. Take care.

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Take a break.

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Take care of yourself

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Cute doggie.

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Keep Germs Away From Manuel's Home.

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Family first. Feel better soon people.

Thank you for all your efforts. The newsletter begins and ends many questions on my twitter feed.

I look forward to the next instalments of Strange Sounds insights ( ^(oOo)^ )

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May as well make it an open topic night?

Nordstream Pipeline is looking bad for bozobiden. Read a report the motive, means, and opportunity point to bozobiden and his deep state buttclowns.

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May your children and you feel better soon. Love the pictures, especially the one with the cat posing like the little lion that he is.

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Feb 10, 2023ยทedited Feb 10, 2023

CDC now authorizes mRNA fake vaxx for childhood immunization scheduling starting at six months of age through teenage years.

This is horrible news. Headlining at TGP. I think they are trying to make it so it is necessary for children to be jabbed so they can go to indoctrination schools.

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Prayers for a speedy recovery for all

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Thank you Manuel for the gift! Take care of yourself. God bless you.

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Every affliction is a developing strength. As my wife, Shirley, often said, catch it now and you're free of it later. She worked in elder care facilities from her teens and everything that came to town lands there. Of course, the elderly arsonist who tried to burn his narcoleptic roomie was a little much, and the 80+year-ol werewolf. She had to have stitches thanks to whoever forgot to take his false teeth one full moon...At times, life can be a little too interesting. You are meant to be hale and hardy. Walk in beauty

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Blessings, Manuel, to you and your family!

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Hope the kids are getting better!

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Manuel, I am so sorry your children are getting sick...This is a time of extreme toxins in the air and water and food. You can give yourself and your children Quercetin/Bromelain to keep ALL viruses out of your bodies. It is one of the items for the protocol to keep from getting the Self-replicating Spike protein from those that have chosen to get the Death Shot. Vitamin D3 and Zinc are also mandatory. This will help with part of the problems. Bacterial infections can be fought with essential oils and there are many that are Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal and Anti-Viral all in one. They take a bit longer to help the body but used daily on the bottoms of the feet they can keep you from getting bacterial and fungal infections as well. Drinking 1/2 tsp of baking soda in a glass of water daily will raise your PH level in your body to an Alkaline state keeping out about 80% of what we get that is natural. I usually drink 1 tsp daily. Stay safe! Charlotte

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Good point. That is a very good reason to pray to Christ, and his army of angels to protect you and your family. It works for me, and is a daily part of my regimen. My sciatic pain has vanished for over a year now, never get sick, and back spasm pain is way down too.

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That is always beautiful, isn't it? !

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Strong body and strong mind is necessary for these times.

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'Porn' also means slasher flicks, according to library research.

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Feb 9, 2023ยทedited Feb 9, 2023

I think a few of those alleged abductions were c | a-aliens for their mkultra mind control program experiments. Especially those stories about anal probes.

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Interesting news. I had no idea on that one.

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